-------- Original-Nachricht --------
** Apologies for cross-posting **
2nd International Workshop on
(Document) Changes: Modeling, Detection, Storage and Visualization
Part of ACM DocEng 2014
September 16th, 2014, Fort Collins, near Denver, Colorado
/*** DEADLINE EXTENDED TO: JUNE 13th (Short Abstracts are due: June 6th) ***/
DChanges 2014 is the second edition of the International Workshop on (Document) Changes: Modeling, Detection, Storage and Visualization in conjunction with the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. This year, the workshop will be held in Fort Collins, near Denver, Colorado in September 2014.
The goal of this series of events is to share ideas, common issues and principles about models and algorithms for change tracking and detection, versioning and collaborative editing. We want to look at these topics from different perspectives and want to identify the most common issues and the peculiarities of each domain and each approach. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia, to discuss these issues in an informal setting and to foster collaboration among them.
The 2014 edition will be focused on the interpretation, visualisation and exploitation of changes. One of last edition's outcomes was that we identified the need for novel interfaces to better understand and exploit detected changes. Several issues were pointed out as still unsolved: interfaces do not scale when dealing with many changes, changes at different levels of abstraction are often not sufficiently taken into account, detection and visualization are often inter-mixed, logs are often detailed but underexploited, and versioning techniques are not very well suited for non-technical people.
Submissions on other topics are also welcome. We also seek contributions on, but not necessarily limited to:
* Diffing and change tracking algorithms
* Detecting changes on complex data structures
* High-level differences
* Change modeling and representation
* Novel approaches to tree-based diff
* Detecting changes on trees, graphs, diagrams and any kind of document
* Edit-distance measures
* Quality of deltas and patches
* Editing patterns
* Semantic diff
* Merging
* Management of update conflicts
* N-way merge algorithms
* Propagation of changes
* Applications
* Applications of diff techniques from and to other domains
* software engineering, ontology management, humanities, law, medicine
* Versioning systems
* Collaborative editors
The workshop will run a full day, and be divided in two parts, in order to emphasize both theoretical/algorithmic aspects and practical applications. Ample space will be given to peer discussions and brainstorming about the results of the presentations and the ideas brought forth by participants.
A detailed schedule will be announced in July.
We are honoured to announce that the keynote will be given by Jean-Yves Vion-Dury.
We will publish workshop post-proceedings via the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.
Authors are required to submit an extended abstract (2-4 pages long) that will undergo a single blind review process. Accepted extended abstracts will be available during the workshop. The best extended abstracts will also be included in the DocEng proceedings.
Full papers (4-8 pages long) are due after the workshop and will be included in the post-proceedings.
Important Dates
Authors are required to submit an extended abstract before the workshop and a full paper after the workshop:
* Short Abstracts are due: June 6th
* Extended Abstracts (2-4 pages) are due: June 13th /*** extended deadline ***/
* Acceptance notice: July 4th
* Camera ready: July 20th
* Workshop: September 16th
* Full papers are due (4-8 pages): October 3rd
* Acceptance notice: October 24th
* Camera ready: November 14th
Paper submission
Papers must be submitted to the EasyChair site (available soon).
Two types of submissions are possible:
* Application/demo notes: showcasing systems or tools
** Extended abstract: 2 pages long
** Full paper: 4 pages long
* Research papers: describing original and unpublished research
** Extended abstract: 4 pages long
** Full paper: 8 pages long
All papers must conform to the ACM SIG Proceedings format. All submissions will undergo a rigorous single blind review process.
* Gioele Barabucci, Universität zu Köln
* Uwe M. Borghoff, Universität der Bundeswehr München
* Angelo Di Iorio, Università di Bologna
* Sonja Maier, Universität der Bundeswehr München
* Ethan Munson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
For any question, please contact <dchanges@lists.cs.unibo.it>.
Program committee
* Serge Autexier, DFKI Bremen
* Boris Konev, University of Liverpool
* John Lumley, PhD
* Pascal Molli, Université de Nantes - LINA
* Sebastian Rönnau, Zalando AG
* Wolfgang Stürzlinger, York University
* Yannis Tzitzikas, University of Crete and FORTH-ICS
* Fabio Vitali, Università di Bologna
* Jean-Yves Vion-Dury, Xerox Research Centre Europe
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