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Special issue call for papers from International Journal of
Operations & Production Management
Emerging Technologies in Emergency Situations
Guest Editors
Prof Samuel Fosso Wamba, Toulouse Business School, France
Prof Maciel M. Queiroz, Universidade Paulista, Brazil
Dr. Samuel Roscoe, University of Sussex Business School, UK
Prof Wendy Phillips, University of the West of England, UK
Dr. Dharm Kapletia, University of the West of England, UK
Prof Arash Azadegan, Rutgers Business School, USA
The world is witnessing an unprecedented upheaval in the global
operations and supply chains of organizations. Due to COVID-19,
companies have been plunged into an emergency situation where they
are fighting for their very survival. To find a way out of today’s
crisis, managers need guidance on how to redeploy operational
resources and build resilience. Industry 4.0 technologies will
play an important role in rebuilding and reconfiguring global
operations and supply chains (Koh, Orzes and Jia, 2019; Queiroz et
al., 2019). Recent scholarly work on emerging technologies such as
Blockchain (Wamba and Queiroz, 2020), Artificial Intelligence (AI)
(Dwivedi et al., 2019), Big Data Analytics (Kache and Seuring,
2017; Matthias et al., 2017), internet of things (Islam et al.,
2018), social media (Ramanathan, Subramanian and Parrott, 2017)
and 3D printing (Kapletia et al., 2019; Roscoe et al. 2019), has
deepened our understanding of Industry 4.0 in a supply chain
context. However, one area that has received limited attention in
the literature is the impact of emerging technologies in emergency
Emergency situations occur due to disease outbreaks (e.g.,
COVID-19, SARS, MERS), climate change, natural disasters, scarcity
of resources (e.g. food, water) and man-made crises such as
conflict, terrorism and mass migration. Situations such as these
require a rapid response from governments, non-governmental
organisations and businesses to mitigate threats to life and
property. Recent advancements in digital technologies can enhance
planning, mobilization and management during emergency situations.
For example, AI and business analytics can quickly identify
populations in distress. Social media can coordinate the relief
efforts of local volunteers during disasters. Distributed
manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing offer organisations
the potential for point-of-care manufacture of life-saving
medicines, implants, equipment and devices within the vicinity of
an outbreak or disaster (Phillips et al.,2019).
Scholars have considered the importance of organisational and
dynamic capabilities in developing industry 4.0 technologies (Li
et al., 2018; Roscoe et al. 2019). Yet, the significance of
fostering capabilities for the deployment of emerging technologies
in emergency situations is under-researched (Sarkis, 2012; De
Giovanni, 2019; Koh, Orzes and Jia, 2019).While scholars have
identified the coordination mechanisms needed to provide a
synchronised response to disasters (Holguín-Veras et al., 2012;
Oloruntoba and Gray, 2006; Van Wassenhove, 2006), the procesess
needed to deploy emerging technologies during crises receives
limited attention (Dwivedi et al., 2019). To address this gap, the
special issue will consider the capabilities and coordination
mechanisms required to deploy and utilize emerging technologies in
emergency situations. The special issue aims to stimulate debate
and discussion with scholars and practitioners on the latest
advances in emerging technologies and their application in the
context of natural and man-made disasters, conflict situations and
disease outbreaks including Covid 19.
Potential topics
This special issue invites scholars and practitioners to provide
insights and contributions to the Operations and Supply Chain
Management (O&SCM) field by considering the integration of
emerging technologies for emergency situations. We expect that
this special issue will bring substantial contributions to the
field by answering the following research question: What are the
challenges facing operations and supply chain managers when
adopting, implementing, and diffusing emerging technologies in
emergency situations?
Contributions will be welcome in the following areas:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): What organisational and supply
chain capabilities are required to effectively utilize Artificial
Intelligence in emergency situations? What coordination mechanisms
are required to utilize AI in a post-disaster or conflict
scenario? What capabilities and skills are needed by managers and
field operatives utilizing this technology? How can Artificial
Intelligence contribute to O&SCM performance improvement and
value creation n emergency situations?
2. Blockchain: What is the role of blockchain in enhancing
visibility and transparency in humanitarian supply chains? Which
are the relevant blockchain applications in humanitarian
operations? How can blockchain be used by operations managers to
combat disease outbreaks during crises?
3. Big Data and Business Analytics: How can business analytics
support humanitarian operations pre-and post-natural and man-made
disasters. How can business analytics minimize human suffering
caused by disease outbreaks? How can business analytics help the
O&SCM field minimize the disturbances produced by supply chain
4. Social Media. Is social media a useful technology in responding
to supply chain disruptions? How can social media support
O&SCM scholars in addressing natural and man made disasters?
How are practitioners using social media to support healthcare
operations in post-disaster situations?
5. 3D printing/Additive Manufacturing. How can 3D printing address
the scarcity of medical supplies in disaster relief operations?
What novel applications of 3D printing can be used to combat
resource scarcity (water, food, etc.)? Is 3D printing a suitable
emerging technology in refugee operations? What systems and
processes are needed to support point-of-care manufacture of
healthcare devices and medicines?
6. Internet of things: How can the internet of things be used to
minimize human suffering during humanitarian operations, disease
outbreaks and mitigation? How can the internet of things be used
to address issues of resources scarcity in emergency situations?
7. Drones - How can drones use the smart cities infrastructure to
respond to post-disaster situations? How can drones can be used in
humanitarian operations? What are the ethical issues related to
the usage of the drones in disaster relief operations?
8. Medical diagnostics, medicines and advanced therapies – How can
advances in diagnostics address the need for rapid and accurate
evaluation and/or monitoring/tracking of patient health? How can
emerging technologies alleviate pressure on the availability of
pharmaceuticals and vaccines in emergency scenarios? How are
leading-edge advanced therapies being pioneered to address a range
of injuries and health conditions associated with humanitarian
Types of papers to be published
In this special issue, we expect influential articles dealing with
a range of emerging technologies for emergency situations using
empirical quantitative and qualitative methodologies including
(but not limited to) case studies, surveys, design science, action
research, mixed-methods, etc. The papers must provide new insights
and theoretical contributions to the O&SCM field and the
sub-discipline of humanitarian and disaster relief operations.
Moreover, we expect papers to utilize novel frameworks and
theories to shed new light on the interplay between capabilities,
coordination mechanisms, emergent technologies and emergency
Submission and review process
Papers must adhere to the normal author guidelines of the
International Journal of Operations and Production Management,
which can be found at
Submission must be made via Manuscript Central
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijopm) with clear selection
indicating that the submission is for this Special Issue. Papers
submitted to the Special Issue will be subjected to the normal
thorough double-blind review process.
Deadline for paper submission: 30/11/2020
First review outcome by: 31/01/2021
Revised manuscript to be submitted by: 31/03/2021
Second review outcome by: 31/04/2021
Expected publication date of this Special Issue: 30/07/2021
Special Issue Editorial Team
Prof Samuel Fosso Wamba
lead guest editor), Ph.D., HDR, is a Professor at Toulouse
Business School. His current research focuses on business value of
IT, inter-organizational systems adoption and use, SCM, electronic
commerce, blockchain, artificial intelligence in business, social
media, business analytics, and big data. He has published papers
in a number of journals including: Academy of Management Journal,
European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of
Production Economics, International Journal of Production
Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of
Business Research, Production Planning & Control, Information
Systems Frontiers, Electronic Markets, Proceedings of the IEEE. He
is an Associate Editor of International Journal of Logistics
Management information and The Electronic Markets. He is the
Coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence & Business
Analytics Cluster of Toulouse Business School, France.
Prof. Maciel M. Queiroz
Ph.D., is a Professor and Researcher of Operations and Supply
Chain Management at Universidade Paulista – UNIP. His current
research focuses on Digital supply chain capabilities, Industry
4.0, AI, blockchain, big data, and IoT. He has published papers in
top-tier international journals and conferences, including IJIM,
IJLM, SCMIJ, BIJ, EQM, among others. Also, his research appeared
in the Proceedings of the IFAC-MIM, IMAM, TMS, ISL. He serves as a
reviewer for top-tier international journals and AOM. Dr. Maciel
has been serving as a Guest Co-Editor for the International
Journal of Information Management, on the topic “Blockchain in the
Operations and Supply Chain Management”, Production Planning and
Control on the topic “Industry experiences of Artificial
Intelligence (AI): benefits and challenges in operations and
supply chain management”. Also, he served as a co-chair in
Artificial Intelligence topics for various conferences, including
itAIS & MCIS 2019 and IFIP WG8.6 2020.
Dr. Samuel Roscoe (
S.Roscoe@sussex.ac.uk) is a Senior Lecturer in
Operations Management and teaches in the areas of Operations and
Supply Chain Management. Sam has published in the Journal of
Operations Management on digital manufacturing in the aerospace
sector. He has also published on dynamic supply chain capabilities
in the International Journal of Operations and Production
Management (IJOPM) and local volunteerism in disaster relief
situations with the International Journal of Production Research
(IJPR). Sam received funding from the EPSRC to investigate how 3D
printing in reconfiguring pharmaceutical supply chains; moving
production closer to patients and consumers. Sam's research
interests are on how emerging technologies (3D printing,
Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence) are reconfiguring global
supply chains. He is the research leader for the Supply Chain 4.0
Hub at the University of Sussex Business School.
Prof Wendy Phillips (
Wendy.Phillips@uwe.ac.uk), Ph.D., is
Professor of Innovation at the University of the West of England.
She has a multi-disciplinary background in science and management
and have spent over 15 years advancing the disciplines of
innovation studies and supply chain management. Her research
impacts policy and practice. Wendy’s experience includes leading
and contributing to large scale collaborative research projects
such as EPSRC funded RiHN (
www.RiHN.org.uk); HEFCE study of
Strategic Sourcing in UK Higher Education Institutions; EPSRC and
ESRC funded research on innovation in supply networks. She has
published papers in a number of journals and conferences
including: Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of
Production Research, Production Planning and Control and the
International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
Dr Dharm Kapletia (
Dharm.Kapletia@uwe.ac.uk) is Senior Research
Fellow at the University of the West of England, specialising in
Technology and Innovation Management. He is also a Fellow of the
Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems in Bristol. Dharm has
worked in various research, analytical and consulting roles, for
organisations such as Jisc, ADS Group, Hewlett–Packard
Laboratories and the UK Ministry of Defence. He has contributed to
UK and European innovation and transformation programmes and
agendas in healthcare, defence and cyber security. He holds an
industry-sponsored PhD from the Engineering Department at the
University of Cambridge and his main research interests include
managing innovation in complex systems, as well as science and
engineering policy and industrial transformation.
Prof Arash Azadegan (
aazadegan@business.rutgers.edu), Ph.D., is a
Professor at Rutgers Business School. Dr. Azadegan focuses on
research related to supply chain disruptions, response and
recovery from disruptions and inter-organizational creativity and
innovation. Dr. Azadegan manages the Supply Chain Disruption
Research Laboratory (SCDrl) at the Center for Supply Chain
Management. Dr. Azadegan's work is published in the Journal of
Operations Management, Production and Operations Management
Journal, Journal of Supply Chain Management, R&D Management
Journal, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management and
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. He
is currently working on several projects related to disruption
recovery and response management practices of supply chains.
For further information or queries regarding the special issue,
please do not hesitate to contact the lead editor via e-mail and
cc the other editors.
Baryannis, G. et al. (2019) ‘Supply chain risk management and
artificial intelligence: state of the art and future research
directions’, International Journal of Production Research, 57(7),
pp. 2179–2202. doi: 10.1080/00207543.2018.1530476.
Dubey, R. et al. (2019) ‘Big data analytics and organizational
culture as complements to swift trust and collaborative
performance in the humanitarian supply chain’, International
Journal of Production Economics. Elsevier B.V., 210(January), pp.
120–136. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.01.023.
Dwivedi, Y. K. et al. (2019) ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI):
Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges,
opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy’,
International Journal of Information Management. Elsevier, (July),
p. 101994. doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.08.002.
De Giovanni, P. (2019) ‘When feature-based production capabilities
challenge operations: Drivers, moderators, and performance’,
International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
doi: 10.1108/IJOPM-04-2019-0309.
Islam, N. et al. (2018) ‘Here there be dragons, a pre-roadmap
construct for IoT service infrastructure’, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, 5(3), p. 119073. doi:
Ivanov, D. (2019) ‘“A blessing in disguise” or “as if it wasn’t
hard enough already”: reciprocal and aggravate vulnerabilities in
the supply chain’, International Journal of Production Research,
pp. 1–11. doi: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1634850.
Kache, F. and Seuring, S. (2017) ‘Challenges and opportunities of
digital information at the intersection of Big Data Analytics and
supply chain management’, International Journal of Operations
& Production Management, 37(1), pp. 10–36. doi:
Kapletia, D. et al. (2019) ‘Redistributed manufacturing –
challenges for operations management’, Production Planning &
Control, 30(7), pp. 493–495. doi: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1540057.
Koh, L., Orzes, G. and Jia, F. (Jeff) (2019) ‘The fourth
industrial revolution (Industry 4.0): technologies disruption on
operations and supply chain management’, International Journal of
Operations & Production Management, 39(6/7/8), pp. 817–828.
doi: 10.1108/IJOPM-08-2019-788.
Lam, H. K. S. et al. (2019) ‘The impact of 3D printing
implementation on stock returns: A contingent dynamic capabilities
perspective’, International Journal of Operations and Production
Management, 39, pp. 935–961. doi: 10.1108/IJOPM-01-2019-0075.
Li Da Xu, Eric L. Xu & Ling Li (2018) Industry 4.0: state of
the art and future trends, International Journal of Production
Research, 56:8, 2941-2962, DOI:
Lima-Junior, F. R. and Carpinetti, L. C. R. (2019) ‘Predicting
supply chain performance based on SCOR ® metrics and multilayer
perceptron neural networks’, International Journal of Production
Economics. Elsevier B.V., 212(January), pp. 19–38. doi:
Matthias, O. et al. (2017) ‘Making sense of Big Data – can it
transform operations management?’, International Journal of
Operations & Production Management, 37(1), pp. 37–55. doi:
Nosek, J. T. and McNeese, M. D. (1997) ‘Augmenting group sense
making in ill‐defined, emerging situations’, Information
Technology & People, 10(3), pp. 241–252. doi:
Phillips, W., Medcalf, N., Dalgarno, K., Makatoris, H., Sharples,
S., Srai, J., Kapletia, D. (2018) White Paper: Redistributed
manufacturing in healthcare: Creating new value through disruptive
innovation. UWE: Bristol, UK
Queiroz, M. M. et al. (2019) ‘Industry 4.0 and digital supply
chain capabilities’, Benchmarking: An International Journal,
ahead-of-p(ahead-of-print). doi: 10.1108/BIJ-12-2018-0435.
Ramanathan, U., Subramanian, N. and Parrott, G. (2017) ‘Role of
social media in retail network operations and marketing to enhance
customer satisfaction’, International Journal of Operations and
Production Management, 37(1), pp. 105–123. doi:
Roscoe S., Cousins, P., Handfield, R. (2019). “The
Microfoundations of an Operational Capability in Digital
Manufacturing “. Journal of Operations Management. 65 (8) pp.
Ryman-tubb, N. F., Krause, P. and Garn, W. (2018) ‘Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence How Artificial
Intelligence and machine learning research impacts payment card
fraud detection : A survey and industry benchmark’, 76(July), pp.
Sarkis, J. (2012) ‘Models for compassionate operations’,
International Journal of Production Economics, 139, pp. 359–365.
doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.06.018.
Syam, N. and Sharma, A. (2018) ‘Waiting for a sales renaissance in
the fourth industrial revolution: Machine learning and artificial
intelligence in sales research and practice’, Industrial Marketing
Management, 69(January), pp. 135–146. doi:
Teece, D. J., Pisano, G. and Shuen, A. M. Y. (1997) ‘Dynamic
Capabilities and Strategic Management’, Strategic Management
Journal, 18(7), pp. 509–533.
Wamba, S. F. and Queiroz, M. M. (2020) ‘Blockchain in the
operations and supply chain management: Benefits, challenges and
future research opportunities’, International Journal of
Information Management, p. 102064. doi:
Zhu, Q., Krikke, H. and Caniëls, M. C. J. (2018) ‘Supply chain
integration: value creation through managing inter-organizational
learning’, International Journal of Operations and Production
Management, 38(1), pp. 211–229. doi: 10.1108/IJOPM-06-2015-0372.
Full Professor, Information Systems and Head of Artificial and
Business Analytics Cluster | Information, Operations and
Management Sciences| TBS
s.fosso-wamba@tbs-education.fr | +33 5 61 29 50 54 |
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