-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Mini-track: Systems Analysis and Design: Modeling Methods, Techniques,
and Languages
Track: Systems Analysis and Design
16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010)
August 12-15 2010, Lima, Peru,
This mini-track recognizes modeling methods and languages’ growing
importance in the systems development process, and highlights the
continued development in this field. Having been a successful AMCIS
and SIGSAND component since 2003, the mini-track provides a forum for
researchers, educators, and practitioners working in the areas of
systems analysis and design, method engineering, and modeling language
development, use, modification, and assessment. This mini-track also
serves as an outlet for studies in theory development, design science,
and behavioral science. An objective is to work toward a more
standardized set of concepts which would in turn benefit researchers,
educators, and practitioners in this field. In that light we welcome
both technical and empirical pieces, and are open to all aspect of
research methods (e.g., survey, experimentation, case studies, action
research, etc.).
Mini-track topics include, but not limit to:
* Advances in ER Modeling
* Advances in Process based modeling
* Database Systems and Technologies
* Enterprise Modeling
* Languages used in Database Modeling
* Modeling Cloud Computing
* Modeling E-Commerce Architectures
* Modeling E-Commerce, M-Commerce, and U-Commerce
* Object-Oriented Modeling (e.g., UML)
Minitrack Chairs:
Xin Tan (xtan@fdu.edu)
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Phone: (201) 692-7283
John Erickson (johnerickson@mail.unomaha.edu)
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Phone: (402) 554-3163
Keng Siau (ksiau@unl.edu)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Phone: (402) 472-3078
Submission Process:
Full paper submissions must be made electronically through Manuscript
Central Submission Site (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2010).
Papers will be peer reviewed using a double-blind system.
Important Dates:
January 4, 2010: Manuscript Central Opens for Paper Submissions
March 1, 2010: Submissions Due
April 12, 2010: Author Notification of Acceptance
April 26, 2010: Camera-Ready Copy Due
More information is available at http://www.amcis2010.org or by
contacting the mini-track chairs.
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