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— [ACM CSCW 2021]
Call for Panels - Deadline June 11 —
— https://cscw.acm.org/2021/panels/ —
CSCW 2021 (held
virtually) invites panel proposals to become part of the
conference between 23rd and 27th October 2021.
Important Dates
Friday, June
11, 2021: Deadline for submissions due 23:59 Anywhere on Earth
(AoE) time.
Friday, July
23, 2021: Notification of acceptance.
Friday, August
6, 2021: Camera-ready submissions due 23:59 AoE
Saturday –
Wednesday, October 23-27, 2021: CSCW Conference
What is a Panel?
A panel is a
collection of people discussing a topic important to our field
with energy, insight, and verve. Great panels are an excellent
way to generate debate, raise new and interesting issues at
CSCW, and hear multiple points of view on a given topic. CSCW
panels are a forum for discussing provocative, controversial,
innovative, emerging, boundary-spanning, and boundary-breaking
While paper
sessions provide detailed discussions of recently completed
work, panels provide an opportunity to hear from researchers
in the field about what is on the horizon—or what is already
here but not yet recognized, acknowledged, or discussed.
Criteria for
Successful Panels
The best panels
provide opportunities for audience participation. We
especially encourage proposals for panels that:
relevant, important, and critical topics
Engage the
audience and provoke discussion
Bring several
disciplines, methods, or approaches into productive
Represent a
diversity of individuals, who can bring multiple perspectives
to the topic
We also invite
submitters to not only form panels with close colleagues who
share similar points of view but also to reach out to
prospective panelists from across the CSCW community and
beyond. Feel free to contact other CSCW scholars, or use media
like the #cscw2021 Twitter hashtag, or CSCW Community, CSCW
Meta Facebook groups to try and find panelists who might want
to discuss a particular topic from various approaches. We are
also interested in panels that include representation from
practitioners, activists, and scholars from other fields that
may provide additional insight into the topic.
Special Topics for
The panels chairs
are especially interested in proposals around the following
inequality and CSCW’s role in countering historical injustice
design and data future(s)
computing and COVID-19
Ways that CSCW
researchers can impact policy and inform policymaking
Potential Formats
for 2021
CSCW 2021 is a
virtual conference. We believe that presents both challenges
and opportunities for panels and we are open to a range of
formats for panels. As a result, we request that anyone
proposing a panel describe the proposed format as well as the
topic or content. We encourage organizers to be both creative
and reasonable in their proposals and to consider the labor
and technology requirements they would need for their panel to
be successful. Here are a couple of ideas for structuring
virtual panels, and we invite organizers to share their own
synchronous panels held virtually using standard video
asynchronous video presentations from each panelist (5 min
max) paired with synchronous component so that participants
and panels can interact
A virtual
conversation between panelists with chat-based audience
Q&A using a podcasting platform.
The panel chairs
are happy to discuss possibilities with proposers ahead of
submission and to stay in touch as details about the
conference become clear.
Submitting a
Panels proposals
must be submitted by the submission deadline and each proposal
should include an Extended Abstract submitted as a PDF.
The extended
abstract should be a maximum of 7 pages (not including
references) in the new single columns ACM Master Article
Submission Templates. This is the same template used for full
papers and not the former landscape template used for extended
abstract submissions at CSCW.
Within the 7-page
constraint, proposals should include:
Overview of
the panel’s topic(s) and its relevance to the CSCW community
structure and format of the panel, including how panel
organizers will:
Encourage interaction with the audience
the panel is accessible to all participants (see ACCESS tips
for ensuring accessibility)
Whether and for how long panelists expect synchronous
biographical sketches of the panelists including names,
affiliations, and describing their expertise
Any technical
Panels Co-Chairs
Erickson (Syracuse University)
Benjamin Mako
Hill (University of Washington)
— https://cscw.acm.org/2021/panels/ —
— Please, excuse
cross posting —
University of Zurich
Dr. Mateusz Dolata
Department of Informatics
Information Management Research Group
Binzmuehlestrasse 14
CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Room BIN 2.C.08
Tel. +41 44 635 71 98
Fax +41 44 635 68 09