-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] The Journal of Strategic Information Systems December 2011 issue contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 11:51:05 -0500
From: Galliers, Robert <rgalliers@bentley.edu>
To: 'aisworld@lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

We are pleased to advise colleagues of the contents of the December issue of JSIS (2010 Impact Factor: 2.900; www.elsevier.com/locate/jsis).


·         Alignment within the software development unit: Assessing structural and relational dimensions between developers and testers

Jasbir Dhaliwal, Colin Gabriel Onita, Robin Poston, Xihui Paul Zhang

Pages 323-342

·         Barriers to knowledge sharing and stakeholder alignment in solar energy clusters: Learning from other sectors and regions

Gudrun Jaegersberg, Jenny Ure

Pages 343-354

·         Inscription of behaviour and flexible interpretation in Information Infrastructures: The case of European e-Customs

Stefan Henningsson, Helle Zinner Henriksen

Pages 355-372

·         Value conflicts for information security management

Karin Hedström, Ella Kolkowska, Fredrik Karlsson, J.P. Allen

Pages 373-384

·         Drivers, barriers and critical success factors for ERPII implementation in supply chains: A critical analysis

S.C.L. Koh, A. Gunasekaran, T. Goodman

Pages 385-402

·         Firm-level benefits of IT-enabled resources: A conceptual extension and an empirical assessment

Saggi Nevo, Michael Wade

Pages 403-418

·         An empirical investigation of the relationship of IS strategy with firm performance

Dorothy E. Leidner, Janice Lo, David Preston

Pages 419-437

·         Intentionality and power interplay in IS implementation: The case of an asset management firm

Gurpreet S. Dhillon, Mário Caldeira, Mitchell R. Wenger

Pages 438-448

·         Computer skills, non-routine tasks, and wage premium: A longitudinal study

Gang Peng, Rangamohan V. Eunni

Pages 449-460

·         Maximizing the positive influence of IT for improving organizational performance

Jacques Bulchand-Gidumal, Santiago Melián-González

Pages 461-478.


Due to an unfortunate publishing error, two issues of the journal have been unexpectedly combined into one. The good news is that the December issue has 10 articles rather than the more usual 5, and that this paves the way for a 20th anniversary Special Issue of JSIS that is due for publication in March 2012. Our apologies to the authors of the papers concerned, who may nonetheless be pleased to see their work published six months earlier than expected! An announcement concerning the 20th anniversary issue of JSIS will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.