-------- Original Message --------
2nd CALL FOR PAPERS -- SCIS 2012 -- Designing the Interactive Society
Submissions are now accepted for the 3rd Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, in conjunction with the 35th IRIS seminar, August 17–20, 2012, Sigtuna, Sweden.
Submit your paper at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=scis2012
We welcome full-paper submissions that clearly contribute to their specific research area. Papers contributing to the conference theme, designing the interactive society, will be prioritized. Proceedings to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series.
Confirmed keynote speakers and panelists include Shirley Gregor, Ola Henfridsson and Alan Hevner.
The conference venue, Sigtunahöjden, is located 15 minutes from Stockholm Arlanda Airport with easy access.
Important Dates
February, 1, 2012: Submissions due
March 15, 2012: Editorial decisions sent to authors
April 15, 2012: Submission of final versions
May 15, 2012: Notification of acceptance
August 17-20, 2012: SCIS/IRIS, Sigtunahöjden, Sigtuna, Sweden
For full CFP and the latest information, please visit http://iris.im.uu.se/
Prof. Pär J. Ågerfalk, Ph.D.
Chair in Computer Science in Intersection with Social Sciences
Dean, Swedish Research School of Management and IT
Uppsala University
Department of Informatics and Media
P.O. Box 513
SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden
E-mail: par.agerfalk@im.uu.se
Best voice choice: +46 70 4250296 (mobile)
Office phone: +46 18 4711064
Fax: +46 18 4717867
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