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2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
December 4-7, 2012, Macau SAR, China
Conference Website: http://www.fst.umac.mo/wic2012
We are pleased to invite you to submit workshop papers to 2012 WI-IAT
workshops, December 4-7, 2012, Macau SAR, China. In recent years,
WI-IAT workshops have played an important role in the development of
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology; and have provided
multidisciplinary forums for researchers and scholars to present and
discuss latest advances, novel techniques and new applications in
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. The workshop
proceedings will be published by IEEE, which will be included in IEEE
digital library and indexed by EI Compendex.
Welcome to submit papers to the16 WI-IAT Workshops:
Workshop 1: Optimization-based Data Mining and Web Intelligence
Workshop (ODMWI'12)
Workshop 2: 2012 International Workshop on Behavior Informatics
Workshop 3: 2012 International Workshop on Intelligent Web
Interaction (IWI'12)
Workshop 4: First International Workshop on Tourism Facilities
Workshop 5: 5thNatural Language Processing and Ontology Engineering
Workshop 6: 2012 International Workshop on Web Personalization and
Recommender Systems (WPRS'12)
Workshop 7: The International Workshop on Nature-Inspired Computing
and Metaheuristics for Web Intelligence (NiCaM-WI'12)
Workshop 8: Fifth InternationalWorkshop on Web Information Retrieval
Support Systems (WIRSS'12)
Workshop 9: the 2nd Workshop on Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic
Semantic Web (C3LSW'12)
Workshop 10: Software Agent Teamwork for the Semantic Web (SATSW'12)
Workshop 11: 2012 International iCampus Symposium (IC'12)
Workshop 12: 3rd International Workshop on Green Computing and
Sustainable Society (GCSS'12)
Workshop 13: First International Workshop on Real-Time Service
Analytics (RTSA'12)
Workshop 14: International Workshop on Machine Reading for Social
Media Content Analytics (IMRSMCA'12)
Workshop 15: International Workshop on Social Networks and Data
Processing (SNDP'12)
Workshop 16: 2nd International Workshop on Web Intelligent Systems
and Services (WISS'12)
The initial deadline is June 25, 2012; however, some workshops have
extended the deadline to July 10, 2012, please see more details at
http://www.fst.umac.mo/wic2012/WI/?category=participants&node=15 .
Please contact the workshop organizers for any questions.
The workshop on-line submission is at
A paper is limited to a maximum of 5 pages in the IEEE 2-column format,
please see the Author Guidelines at
http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting, or
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee of a
workshop on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance,
and clarity.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Macau in 2012.
Best regards,
Yuefeng and Yanqing
Co-Chairs of 2012 WI-IAT Workshops
Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi