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SIG Advances in Sourcing workshop ICIS 2020
Note: Date and time to be confirmed based on the time-zones of
Title: “Emerging Technologies and IS Sourcing” – paper development
workshop aiming at Special Issue of Journal of Information
The workshop will start with a keynote about the impact of
COVID-19 on the sourcing marketplace, followed by the paper
development session (approx. 3 hours) run by the guest editors of
the special issue: Julia Kotlarsky, Ilan Oshri, Oliver Krancher
and Rajiv Sabherwal.
If you are interested in participating in the paper development
workshop and obtaining feedback on your drafts, submit an extended
abstract of the paper that you are planning to develop for this
special issue. Please see below an extract from the CFP, and
guidance on preparing an extended abstract.
This special issue seeks to facilitate an empirical and
theoretical re-examination of “IS sourcing” in the light of the
current wave of emerging technologies.
Areas of interest to the special issue include but are not limited
§ Governance and control structures between
client-supplier-advisory in emerging technology settings;
§ Sourcing decision making in emerging technology settings;
§ Ecosystem and platforms in emerging technology sourcing
§ Contract management in emerging technology sourcing settings;
§ Full data lifecycle in emerging technologies and its
implications for sourcing management;
§ Skills and capability development and retention in emerging
technology sourcing settings;
§ Implications for innovations within the client-supplier-advisory
§ Ethical and societal implications of such sourcing settings;
§ Impact of emerging technologies on client’s, supplier’s and
advisory’s strategies, business models and capabilities (e.g., has
offshoring slowed down/back sourcing accelerated? And what was the
impact on captive centers’ services).
§ Implications of “crowdsourcing”, big data, analytics as well as
machine/deep learning and artificial intelligence for the
contemporary IS outsourcing.
We invite research papers that investigate issues relating to
emerging technologies and IS sourcing. In particular, we take
interest in issues concerning robotic process automation, big
data, machine/deep learning and artificial intelligence and
blockchain. Other technologies are less of interest for this
special issue (contact the special issue editors if in doubt).
Guidelines for Extended Abstract Submission:
Please construct your submission as follows:
1. Introduction and clear motivation
2. Brief literature review and theoretical foundations
3. Empirical base of the study
4. Expected contribution
Length of the extended abstract should not exceed 5 pages (single
Please email your submission to
with email title “Extended abstract for Emerging Technologies and
IS Sourcing”. We will acknowledge your submission.
Submission Timetable
Submission of extended abstract for workshop: 30th October 2020
Feedback on abstract to authors: 15th November 2020
JIT Special Issue Paper Development Workshop – December 2020 as
pre- or post-ICIS Advance IS Sourcing SIG Workshop (to take place
To see full call for papers, follow this link:
(please note that due to ICIS 2020 taking place virtually, we
extended the original deadline mentioned in the CFP).
Professor Julia Kotlarsky PhD
Technology and Global Sourcing
Department of Information Systems & Operations Management
The University of Auckland Business School
Sir Owen G Glenn Building | 12 Grafton Rd | Auckland
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 83305
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