-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] [CFP] The ACM Web Conference 2022 Special Tracks - NEW DEADLINES - History of The Web Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 18:53:35 +0100 (CET) From: Coralie Gregoire coralie.gregoire@insa-lyon.fr To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies for the cross-posting, this call is sent to numerous lists you may have subscribed to] [CFP] The ACM Web Conference 2022 Special Tracks - NEW DEADLINES - History of The Web
We invite contributions to the Special Tracks of The Web Conference 2022 (formerly known as WWW). The conference will take place online, France, on April 25-29, 2022.
*Important dates: NEW* - Abstract: December 2, 2021 - Full paper: December 9, 2021 - Acceptance notification: January 13, 2022 No rebuttal is foreseen. ------------------------------------------------------------ *Special track History of the Web*
Track chairs: Dame Wendy Hall (University of Southampton, UK) and Luc Mariaux (École Centrale de Lyon – France (retired)) You can reach the track chairs at: www2022-history@easychair.org The World Wide Web was invented at CERN by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and in 1993, CERN put the World Wide Web software in the public domain. In May 1994 Robert Cailliau organized the First International WWW Conference in Geneva and following that event in August 1994 he launched with Joseph Hardin the IW3C2 formally incorporated in May 1996 as a non-profit Association under Swiss law. In 2022 this conference will become The ACM Web Conference. The 2022 edition of this conference is therefore the 31st in the series and takes place on the 32nd anniversary of the Web. During this period, the Web and its applications have become widely available around the world and many new technologies have emerged. The evolution of the Web has been made of great scientific advances, but also of anecdotal events that have contributed to build the Web as we know it today. After more than thirty years, it is time to keep track of all these events, so we invite all those who participated in this collective adventure to share the information they have. We also invite those whose field of technical, sociological, or philosophical research concerns the evolution or the impact of the Web to submit their work.
Three kinds of contributions are expected: - Research papers focussing on the history of the Web, - Papers explaining how the evolution of the Web has impacted our professional or private life, - Papers describing some anecdotic events related to the evolution of the Web.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated on the basis of originality, relevance, quality, and technical, sociological, or historical contribution.
*Submission guidelines* For the special tracks, submissions are limited to 8 content pages, which should include all figures and tables, but excluding supplementary material and references. In addition, you can include 2 additional pages of supplementary material. The total number of pages with supplementary material and references must not exceed 12 pages. The papers must be formatted according to the instructions below. Submissions will be handled via Easychair, at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=thewebconf2022.
*Formatting the submissions* Submissions must adhere to the ACM template and format published in the ACM guidelines at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. Please remember to add Concepts and Keywords. Please use the template in traditional double-column format to prepare your submissions. For example, word users may use Word Interim Template, and latex users may use sample-sigconf template. For overleaf users, you may want to use https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/association-for-computing-machinery.... Submissions for review must be in PDF format. They must be self-contained and written in English.
*Author identity* The review process will be double-blind. The submitted document should not include any author names, affiliations, or other identifying information. This may include, but is not restricted to: acknowledgements, self-citations, references to prior work by the author(s) etc. You may explicitly refer in the paper to organisations that provided datasets, hosted experiments, or deployed solutions and tools. In other words, instead of saying that “we analysed the logs of a major search engine”, the authors may name the search engine in question. The reviewers will be informed that naming organisations in papers does not necessarily imply that the authors are currently affiliated with said organisation.
*Publication policy* Accepted papers will require a further revision in order to meet the requirements and page limits of the camera-ready format required by ACM. Instructions for the preparation of the camera-ready versions of the papers will be provided after acceptance. All accepted papers will be published by ACM and will be available via the ACM Digital Library. To be included in the Proceedings, at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there.
============================================================ Contact us: contact@thewebconf.org - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWebConf - Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheWebConf - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/18819430/admin/ - Website: https://www2022.thewebconf.org/ ==============================================
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