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Subject: [WI] CfP: Society 5.0 conference in Pretoria
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2023 10:05:20 +0000
From: Knut Hinkelmann <knut.hinkelmann@fhnw.ch>
Reply-To: Knut Hinkelmann <knut.hinkelmann@fhnw.ch>
To: wi@lists.kit.edu <wi@lists.kit.edu>

Next June, two conferences of interest to information systems will take place in Pretoria.


Please find attached the first CFP for the Society 5.0 Conference 2023. The conference will be held just after DESRIST 2023 from 5-7 June 2023 at Future Africa in Pretoria, South Africa. For more information, please visit the Society 5.0 website at https://www.conference-society5.org/


Society 5.0

Human centeredness in a cyber-physical society

3rd Conference - 5th to 7th June 2023
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Conference Center Future Africa




Following an era of fast-paced evolution of digital technologies, digital disruption and digital transformation, Society 5.0 refers to “A human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space”. As Society 5.0 aims to tackle social challenges and achieve a sustainable, inclusive, people-oriented society, it also contributes to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Society 5.0 advocates the adoption of digital technologies to increase global prosperity. The cyber-physical space consists of interconnected systems and devices, collecting and sending data. A human-centred society demands the inclusion of the human when considering applications and interactions in the cyber-physical space. This special issue focuses on aspects of interconnectedness and interaction – where the human in this potentially complex interaction is investigated and considered through the application of different lenses and interdisciplinary fields. The aim of this enquiry is to design and develop technological products and services that not only meet human needs, but that also consider the human experience when engaging in the cyber-physical space and that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.


All research submissions will go through a double-blind review process conducted by an international review panel. Your submission will be assessed anonymously by at least two reviewers and managed by the track chairs and program committee. Practice track submissions will be handled by the conference chairs.


The accepted full research papers will be included in a volume of EPiC Computing as the Society 5.0 proceedings – see https://easychair.org/publications/EPiC/Computing. The Society 5.0 2022 proceedings are available at https://easychair.org/publications/volume/Society_5.0-2022.


We look forward to receiving your full papers documenting original research aligned with the Society 5.0 themes in the research track, or practice submissions for the practice track. Submissions should not be submitted or published elsewhere, should adhere to the EPiC format and not exceed 12 pages. Instructions for EPiC authors are available at https://easychair.org/publications/for_authors.


The Society 5.0 conference includes a research and a practice track.


Research track


The research track solicit submissions documenting original research covering themes across all Society 5.0 research fields:


Society 5.0

·       Society 5.0 research agenda

·       Society 5.0 challenges and opportunities

·       Human-centred society

·       Drivers and enablers for transformation

·       Human skills in Society 5.0

·       New Leadership


Business Information Systems

·       Cyber-Physical Systems

·       Internet of Things

·       Digital Twins

·       Digitalization of Business Processes

·       Conceptual Modelling


Business &  Entrepreneurship

·       Business integration strategy

·       Digitalization of Products

·       Emerging markets

·       Human capital

·       Business agility

·       Digital transformation

·       Circular economy



·       Gendering of skills

·       Stereotypes (age, gender, (dis)abilities)

·       Accessibility of technologies across borders (countries, societal levels, disciplines)

·       Inequality in software development

·       Democratization in technological development



·       Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

·       Creative teaching


·       Cross-cultural teaching and learning

·       Institutional structures for education

·       New learning methods


Innovation in the Digital Age

·       Open innovation

·       Big Data analysis

·       Innovation development

·       Online collaboration for design and innovation

·       Knowledge visualization


Healthcare and Care Systems

·       AI for drug development

·       Personalized medicine

·       Electronic patient records

·       Care robots, therapy robots


Information Security

·       Cyber security and resilience

·       Data privacy

·       Risk management

·       Business continuity management

·       Whistleblowing



·       Autonomous driving

·       Mobility as a Service

·       Smart City


Human-System Interaction Scenarios

·       Collaboration between human and AI

·       Automating knowledge work

·       Conversational AI

·       Resilient socio-technical systems

·       Social robots

·       Human-interpretable and machine-interpretable modelling



·       Future banking

·       Sustainable finance

·       Digital financial management

·       Cryptocurrency


International Collaboration

·       Cultural differences in business

·       Cross-cultural communication and trust

·       Collaboration across borders, cultures, and languages

·       Digital Supply Chain



Practice track


The Practice Track of the Society 5.0 conference provides an opportunity to share a practical experience through a paper and an accompanying talk.  Submissions can be Practice Reports or Case Descriptions. A Practice Report is a reflection of industry experiences including challenges seen, approaches taken – and what worked or didn’t. Cases describe problems or challenges of organizations (private or public), relate them to the wider domain of Society 5.0, and provide useful insights to practitioners and scholars. Submissions to the Practice Track will be peer-reviewed.


Society 5.0 2023 Important Dates:


·       Deadline for  Full ABSTRACT submissions: 13 February 2023

o   Abstract submissions are not compulsory, however, we want to strongly encourage you to submit an abstract so that the paper bidding process can commence.

·       Deadline for Full paper submissions - 20 February 2023

o   Please note that Society 5.0 is not an abstract conference and we require a full submission for the review process.

·       Notification of paper acceptances: 17 March 2023

·       Camera-ready paper submissions: 27 March 2023

·       Society 5.0 2023 Conference: 5 to 7  June 2023


For more information, please visit the Society 5.0 website at https://www.conference-society5.org/home.




FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann
Head of MSc in Business Information Systems
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten, Switzerland
T +41 62 957 23 01
M +41 78 896 84 24



Innovation comes only from readily and seamlessly sharing information rather than hoarding it. (Tom Peters)


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