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Subject: [AISWorld] December 12 ICIS SIG SVC Workshop
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:25:27 -0500
From: Sue Conger <sue.conger@gmail.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

                                 The Association of Information Systems Special Interest Group on Services
                                                       Pre-ICIS 2010 SIGSVC Workshop on Services

                                                           CALL FOR PAPERS
                                               Sunday, December 12 2010, 8:30-5 PM
                                                          Hyatt, St Louis Arch

The economy may be soft but that is a boon for services spending which is expected to grow from $870 billion this year to over $1 trillion in 2011 according to one forecast (Gartner, 2010).  These investments innovate the management of IT infrastructures, application and system portfolios, data and information provision and use, and business services using new IT-based opportunities. These opportunities play globally with strong services improvements across the globe.  Thus, service-oriented thinking is one of the fastest growing paradigms.  Yet for the public successes of companies such as BMW, Queensland Health, and Proctor & Gamble, there are as many failures.  Thus, research on management, context, service innovation, design, quality, architecture, delivery, execution, and outcomes are all needed. The goal of this workshop is to explore the challenges of services orientation in IT.  You are invited to contribute research paper abstracts and panel presentations according to the following deadlines:

Key Dates for SIGSVC Workshop
• Submissions due to Workshop Chairs:     October 30, 2010
• Acceptance Notification:                November 3, 2010
• Final Changes Due:                      November 6, 2010
• Workshop:                               December 12, 2010

We still have openings for abstracts (10 minute presentation; posters optional) to highlight work in progress.

Possible topics of applied, field and empirical research include, but are not limited to:
• Theories and approaches for integrating and/or sourcing services computing and automated BPM
• Theories, challenges and impacts of service-orientation
• Theories and approaches to services innovation & management, design & engineering, modeling & simulation, and standardization
• Business process integration and management (BPM) of services
• Servitizing IT.organizations
• Service Oriented Information Technology, Systems and Management
• Commoditization of hardware, software, business processes (e.g. out-tasking, ITIL, SCORE)
• Service systems, components, platforms, technologies, architectures
• Customer Integration in service design, delivery and operation
• Services innovation & management
• Service business models ; issues of excellence and productivity
• Services governance and organizational transformation, operation and service offshoring
• Risk management or legal aspects of services
• Other services related topics

Workshop Committee
Workshop Co-Chairs: Stuart Galup, Fons Wijnhoven, and Sue Conger
Registration: $50 paid with ICIS registration, $75 at the conference

Submission Instructions
Send your paper as an attachment in AIS Sprouts-format with a maximum length of 6 pages (12 Pt, excluding references) or 1-page abstract to SIGSVCworkshop@gmail.com before October 30.
Final papers will be uploaded directly to Sprouts.

Sue Conger
University of Dallas
President, SIG SVC with
Stuart Galup and Fons Wijnhoven