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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Talks: 2nd Workshop on Teaching and Learning Conceptual Modeling (TLCM 2019)
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 15:13:52 +0000
From: Rosenthal, Kristina <kristina.rosenthal@fernuni-hagen.de>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Call for Talks for the 2nd Workshop on Teaching and Learning Conceptual Modeling in Luxembourg (TLCM 2019)

Workshop Date: 27 November 2019


In conjunction with the 12th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM 2019)

27 – 29 November, 2019, Luxembourg


Viewed as an activity, conceptual modeling involves an intricate array of cognitive processes and performed actions including: abstracting, conceptualizing, associating, contextualizing, interpreting & sense-making, judging & evaluating, drawing & visualizing; and, in group settings: communicating, discussing and agreeing.

Learning conceptual modeling is, hence, a complex and challenging task for learners: It requires rigorous analytical skills, mastering theoretical foundations & modeling languages and experience in applying them to practical problems, resulting in high-quality representations – conceptual models.

Teaching conceptual modeling is a likewise challenging task faced by didactic and practical challenges as it requires the use of theories and methods of teaching that build upon fundamental assumptions about learning and the learning process (often discussed in reference to the broad classification of behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism).

The 2nd Workshop on Teaching and Learning Conceptual Modeling at PoEM series provides a forum to exchange experiences and novel ideas for teaching and learning conceptual modeling.

Following the success of the 1st workshop in Vienna in 2018, we again plan it as a full day workshop with a highly interactive atmosphere, we seek to initiate constructive discussions and to foster in-workshop and post-workshop collaboration among participants.

The workshop entails invited talks / keynote presentations and is open for participation and contributed short talks, e.g., on teaching innovations, teaching experiences, and teaching tool presentations.

Call for short talks:
If you are interested in contributing a short talk of roughly 10 minutes up to a maximum of 20 minutes to this workshop, please contact us at kristina.rosenthal@fernuni-hagen.de<mailto:kristina.rosenthal@fernuni-hagen.de> and estefania.serralasensio@kuleuven.be<mailto:estefania.serralasensio@kuleuven.be>.
You may present existing work that you would like to draw attention to, or prospective work you seek feedback on. There are no proceedings, so presentations to TLCM can be used for further publication. Slides or papers will be published on the website if copyrights allow to do so.

Please note that contributing to the workshop implies registering for PoEM 2019.

Workshop Organization:

* Kristina Rosenthal, University of Hagen, Germany
* Estefanía Serral, KU Leuven, Belgium
* Monique Snoeck, KU Leuven, Belgium
* Stefan Strecker, University of Hagen, Germany

Dr. Kristina Rosenthal

Enterprise Modelling Research Group
Chair of Information Systems Development (Prof. Dr. S. Strecker)
University of Hagen

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