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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Workshop on Trust, Ethics, and Information Quality in Smart Environments (IW-TEIQ 2020) @IEEE CBI 2020
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 13:16:17 +0200
From: Lisa Ehrlinger <lisa.ehrlinger@jku.at>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

======================CALL FOR PAPERS==============================
International Workshop on Trust, Ethics, and Information Quality in Smart Environments (IW-TEIQ 2020)

http://cbi.ivi.ie/ <http://cbi.ivi.ie/>

In conjunction with the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics - CBI 2020, Antwerp June 22-24, 2020

COV19-INFO: In alignment with the organizers of CBI 2020, the IW-TEIQ 2020 workshop will be organized in an online format without physical presence. We will keep you informed about the organizational details as new information arises.

With this workshop we aim to discuss information aspects in Smart Environments from a Trust, Ethics and Quality Perspective. Smart Environments are characterized by complex information exchanges between many intelligent devices, often based on IoT technology. Since Trust, Ethics and Information Quality have a high impact on the way data is exchanged, integrated, and shared, it creates new challenges and opportunities to explore how Trust, Ethics and Information Quality are interacted, measured and managed to create values to Smart Environments. As critical research aspects in Business Informatics, it can be detailed as how users perceive the information, how to handle the information, and how fitting the information for usage.

Trust, Ethics and Quality of information are emerging issues in many scientific areas as well as in the industrial and the governmental areas. Information Trust, Ethics and Quality are gaining increasing relevance in the era of data analytics, as it is for example the case in IoT infrastructures where a large number of heterogeneous data sources needs to be considered.
However, which data source can be trusted is related to the research of information provenance. Sometimes, the data source is deliberately edited such as fake news. Also, which data source can be used and how to use the information in an ethical way can be relevant to the invasion of personal information privacy. Further, Quality of information is not simply “correctness”, but covers dimensions like completeness, currency, interpretability, consistency, and many others, depending on the data consumers and the context where data is used. Following, the measurement and maintenance of Trust, Ethics and Quality of information is a non-trivial task, which needs to be tackled in order to guarantee qualitative data integration and analytics in smart environments.

In this workshop, we aim to provide a platform for discussing approaches, models, results and case studies or experience reports addressing a broad range of issues related to Trust, Ethics and Quality of information. Research challenges include how to determine the Trust, Ethics and Quality of information and their impacts on business performance, capturing and maintaining Information Assets, and designing and improving Smart Environments. Papers can include and discuss various research methods and can be based on case studies, quantitative and quantitative methods, design science as well as experimental and simulation. In addition, practical oriented research and experience reports are encouraged.

Paper Submission Due: April 17th, 2020
Authors Notification: April 27nd, 2020
Camera-ready Submission: May 8th, 2020

Trust and reputation in business informatics
Information provenance
Ethics in business informatics
Ethical issues in information systems
Information quality assessment
Data quality assessment
Information quality improvement
Information quality algebra
Information quality models
Data cleaning
Information quality on the Web
Quality of scientific information
Quality of geographical information
Information quality & trust

All papers should be submitted via Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwteiq2020

Submissions must be in English and should not exceed 6 pages for regular papers and 4 pages for research-in-progress papers in the IEEE 2-column template (http://ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-article/use-authoring-tools-and-ieee-article-templates/ieee-article-templates/templates-for-computer-society-journals/). Accepted papers will be published as IEEE proceedings and submitted for integration into the IEEE Digital Library.

To ensure a double-blind review process make sure that your names and affiliations are NOT listed in the manuscript submitted for review. However, you should include ALL cited references in the submission’s references section to allow reviewers for cross-checking references (including your self-cited own prior work).

Markus Helfert, Maynooth University, Ireland.

Lisa Ehrlinger, Johannes Kepler University Linz and Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria.

Mouzhi Ge, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.

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