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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Special Sessions and Workshop proposals - please circulate this call to your colleagues and networks
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 07:00:16 -0700
From: Anu Bajaj <er.anubajaj@gmail.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

** First Call for Special Sessions - please circulate this CFP to your
colleagues and networks ***

We invite you to submit special session proposals on any topic related to
the broad areas of interest of one of the following seven conferences.

- ISDA 2022: http://www.mirlabs.net/isda22/
- HIS 2022: http://www.mirlabs.net/his22/
- SoCPaR 2022: http://www.mirlabs.net/socpar22
- NaBIC 2022: http://www.mirlabs.net/nabic22/
- IAS 2022: http://www.mirlabs.net/ias22/
- IBICA 2022: http://www.mirlabs.net/ibica22/
- WICT 2022: http://www.mirlabs.net/wict22/

The special session should cover a topic that is contemporary, novel, hot,
and complementary to the regular sessions. The special session should be
able to generate enthusiasm among the conference participants.

Researchers interested in organizing Special Sessions/Workshops are invited
to submit a formal proposal to the special session chair Dr. Gabriella
Casalino (gabriella.casalino@uniba.it)

Required information:

- Conference name (Refer list above)
- Special Session/Workshop Title
- Objectives and Scope of the Special Session/Workshop (~half a page)
- A list of main topics of the Special Session/Workshop
- Special Session/Workshop Lead Organizer email address, affiliation,
country, and mini-bio.
- Co-Organizer(s) details (email address, affiliation, country) (max 2
- A list of potential/expected contributors (optional)

Please note that in case of acceptance of the Special Session proposal, you
will be asked to disseminate your call for paper in order to attract
submissions. A minimum number of 5 accepted and registered papers is needed
for the Session (10 for the Workshops). Special session organizers will be
required to review the papers belonging to their session (to this aim
sub-reviewers are allowed). These two requirements are mandatory for a
Special Session/Workshop to be active.

Proposals must be submitted before the deadline of August 31, 2022. Special
Sessions/Workshops calls will be on the conference's websites as soon as
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