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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: NLDB 2017 - Abstract Submission Deadline 29 January 2017
Datum: Sun, 15 Jan 2017 22:39:43 +0100
Von: Flavius Frasincar <frasincar@ese.eur.nl>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


22nd International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems

Liège, Belgium | June 21-23, 2017

*** NLDB Conference Publications ***

As a continuation of the NLDB tradition, all accepted papers will be 
published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of 

We are also planning a special issue in Data & Knowledge Engineering, an 
ISI-indexed prestigious journal of Elsevier. Authors of the best 
conference papers, to be selected at the end of the conference, will be 
invited to submit an extended version of their work to the previously 
mentioned journal.

Submission information can be found towards the end of this page.

More information on NLDB 2017 can be found at 

*** Important Dates ***

Abstract submission: January 29, 2017 (23h59 Hawaii Time)
Full paper submission: February 5, 2017 (23h59 Hawaii Time)
Paper notification: March 13, 2017 (23h59 Hawaii Time)
Camera-ready deadline: April 3, 2017 (23h59 Hawaii Time)

*** Conference at a Glance ***

NLDB 2017 invites researchers from academia and industry to submit their 
papers on recent, unpublished research that addresses theoretical 
aspects, algorithms and architectures of NLP applications in Information 
Systems (IS). Papers describing creation of resources, as well as survey 
and discussion papers, are also welcomed.

For its 22nd edition, we explicitly solicit submissions on recent 
advances in NLP, including trendsetting and relevant topics as neural 
language models and argumentation mining. Specifically, we encourage 
submissions dealing with the following topics:

Argumentation Mining and Applications
- Automatic detection of argumentation components and relationships
- Creation of resources, e.g., annotated corpora, treebanks and parsers
- Integration of NLP techniques with formal, abstract argumentation 
structures, e.g., Toulmin model
- Argumentation mining from legal texts and scientific articles
- Applications, e.g., in opinion mining/sentiment analysis
- Neural language models

Deep Learning and Word2Vec
- Deep learning and Word2Vec applications, e.g., opinion mining, text 
summarization, machine translation
- Development of novel deep learning architectures and algorithms
- Parallel computation techniques and GPU programming for neural 
language models

NLP Applications in IS and in Social Media and Web Analytics
- Machine translation
- Plagiarism detection
- Opinion mining/sentiment analysis, detection of fake reviews
- Information extraction: NER, event detection, term and semantic 
relationship extraction
- Text summarization
- Text classification and clustering
- Corpus analysis
- Language detection
- Robust NLP methods for sparse, ill-formed texts

Question Answering (QA)
- Natural language interfaces to databases
- QA using web data
- Multi-lingual QA
- Non-factoid QA (how/why/opinion questions, lists)
- Geographical QA
- QA corpora and training sets
- QA over Linked Data (QALD)

Semantic Web, Open Linked Data, and Ontologies
- Ontology learning and alignment
- Ontology population
- Ontology evaluation
- Querying ontologies and Linked Data
- Semantic tagging and classification
- Ontology-driven NLP

Natural Language in Conceptual Modeling
- Analysis of natural language descriptions
- Terminological ontologies
- Consistency checking
- Metadata creation and harvesting
- Ontology-driven systems integration
- Natural language and ubiquitous Computing

Pervasive computing, embedded, robotic and mobile applications
- NLP techniques for Internet of Things (IoT)
- NLP techniques for ambient intelligence

*** Submission Information ***

All accepted papers will be included in Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science (LNCS) Springer proceedings of the conference, and, therefore, 
must comply with the LNCS format 

Submitted papers can be of 4 types:
- Long papers (max. 12 pages, including references)
- Short papers (max. 6 pages, including references)
- Poster papers (max. 4 pages, including references)
- Demo papers (max. 4 pages, including references)

Please note that the program committee may decide to accept some long 
papers as short papers or poster/demo papers, depending on the content 
quality. The same applies to short papers, which can be accepted as 
poster/demo contributions.

Manuscripts not submitted in the LNCS style or having more than the max. 
number of pages will not be reviewed and thus automatically rejected. 
The papers need to be original and not submitted or accepted for 
publication in any other workshop, conference, or journal. Authors must 
submit their manuscripts (in PDF) via EasyChair 
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nldb2017). Submission via 
other means (e.g., emails) will be rejected.

Important: We plan to publish extended versions of a selection of the 
best papers after the conference in the Data & Knowledge Engineering 
journal as a special issue.

*** Organization ***

Program Chairs
- Flavius Frasincar, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the 
- Nguyen Le Minh, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

General Chairs
- Ashwin Ittoo, University of Liège, Belgium
- Elisabeth Métais, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), 

Other members of the organization, including the Program Committee, can 
be found at http://nldb2017.conferences.hec.ulg.ac.be/organization/.

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