-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] PNSE'13: Call for Contributions
Datum: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 18:48:17 +0100
Von: PNSE13 <pnse13@informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
An: PNSE13@informatik.uni-hamburg.de


        International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering

                       Milano, Italy, June 24/25, 2013

                    a satellite event of Petri Nets 2013
                               AND CONCURRENCY

                              More information:
              Contact e-mail: pnse13@informatik.uni-hamburg.de

                               Important Dates

                 Deadline for full papers: April 10th, 2013
                 Deadline for short papers: April 12th, 2013
               Notification of paper acceptance: May 2nd, 2013
                    Deadline for posters: May 6th, 2013
              Notification of poster acceptance: May 10th, 2013
                Deadline for final revisions: May 21st, 2013
                 Workshop: Monday/Tuesday, June 24/25, 2013


   For the successful realisation of complex systems of interacting and
   reactive software and hardware components the use of a precise language
   at different stages of the development process is of crucial
   importance. Petri nets are becoming increasingly popular in this area,
   as they provide a uniform language supporting the tasks of modelling,
   validation, and verification. Their popularity is due to the fact that
   Petri nets capture fundamental aspects of causality, concurrency and
   choice in a natural and mathematically precise way without compromising

   The workshop PNSE'13 (Petri nets and Software Engineering) will take
   place as a satellite event of Petri Nets 2013.

   The use of Petri nets (P/T-nets, coloured Petri nets and extensions) in
   the formal process of software engineering, covering modelling,
   validation, and verification, will be presented as well as their
   application and tools supporting the disciplines mentioned above.


   We welcome contributions describing original research in topics related
   to Petri nets in combination with software engineering, addressing open
   problems or presenting new ideas regarding the relation of Petri nets
   and software engineering. Furthermore we look for surveys addressing
   open problems and new applications of Petri nets. Topics of interest
   include but are not limited to:

     *  representation of formal models by intuitive modelling concepts
     *  guidelines for the construction of system models
     *  representative examples
     *  process-, service-, state-, event-, object- and agent-oriented
     *  adaption, integration, and enhancement of concepts from other
     *  views and abstractions of systems
     *  model-driven architecture
     *  modelling software landscapes
     *  web service-based software development

     Validation and Execution
     *  prototyping
     *  simulation, observation, animation
     *  code generation and execution
     *  testing and debugging
     *  process mining
     *  efficient implementation

     *  structural methods (e.g. place invariants, reduction rules)
     *  results for structural subclasses of nets
     *  relations between structure and behaviour
     *  state space based approaches
     *  efficient model checking
     *  assertional and deductive methods (e.g. temporal logics)
     *  process algebraic methods
     *  applications of category theory and linear logic
     *  general analysis for software engineering contexts

     Application of Petri nets in Software Engineering, in particular the
     use of Petri nets in the domains of
     *  flexible manufacturing,
     *  logistics,
     *  telecommunication,
     *  workflow management and
     *  embedded systems.

     Tools in the fields mentioned above


   The programme committee invites submissions of full contributions
   (up to 20 pages) or short contributions (up to 5 pages). Ongoing work
   (up to 2 pages) can also be presented in a special poster session.

   Please note that for full contributions up to 15 pages are recommended.

   Papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF) using the Springer
   LNCS-format (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
   Submissions should include title, authors' addresses, E-mail addresses,
   keywords and an abstract. For your submission in PDF format please use
   the online conference management system at


   Just login or create a new account and then upload your paper.
   (Later you will be able to see your reviews there.)

   The papers will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the PC.
   Accepted contributions will be included in the workshop proceedings,
   which will be published online at CEUR-WS.org as one volume.

   Some of the best papers from the workshop will be invited for
   publication in a volume of the journal sub line of Lecture Notes in
   Computer Science entitled "Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models
   of Concurrency" (ToPNoC). The papers are expected to be thoroughly
   revised and they will go through a totally new round of reviewing as is
   standard practice for journal papers. Papers from previous instances
   of this workshop (PNSE'07, PNDS'08, PNSE'09, PNSE'10, PNSE'11, and
   PNSE'12) made it into ToPNoC volumes in the Springer LNCS series
   (volumes 5100, 5460, 5800, 6550, 6900 and 7400).


     * Daniel Moldt (University of Hamburg, Germany)
     * Heiko Rölke (DIPF, Germany)

Please use mailto:pnse13@informatik.uni-hamburg.de   or
to contact us with respect to PNSE13
PNSE13 PC-Chairs:  Daniel Moldt and Heiko Rölke

*** Event: Petri Nets and Software Engineering, June 24/25, 2013  ***
*** visit: http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/events/pnse13 ***
please visit also:
*** Event: Modeling and Business Environments, June 24/25, 2013  ***

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