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Dear colleague,
we would like to invite you to submit your paper to the 2020 IEEE
International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020)
that will be held in Beijing, China, on July 7-11, 2020. We
apology if you got multiple copies of it.
Best regards,
Shangguang Wang and Claudio Ardagna
on behalf of CLOUD 2020 Organizing Committee
2020 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020)
July 7-11, 2020 - Beijing, China
Important Dates
* Early paper submissions due: December 2, 2019
* Review comments to authors of early submission papers: January
17, 2020
* Normal paper submission due: February 13, 2020 (5:00 am, UTC)
* Final notification to authors: April 6, 2020
* Camera ready manuscripts due: April 20, 2020S
Context and Scope
IEEE CLOUD is a flagship conference focusing on innovative cloud
computing across all "as a service" categories, including Network,
Infrastructure, Platform, Software, and Function. IEEE CLOUD 2020
invites original papers addressing all aspects of cloud computing
technology, systems, applications, and business innovations.
Technical topics of interest include but are not limited to the
Cloud as a Service
* IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS
* Function as a Service
* Network as a Service
* Storage as a Service
* Everything as a Service
Cloud Infrastructure
* Cloud Computing System & Architectures
* Edge Computing System & Architectures
* Cloud-centric Network Architectures
* Storage & Data Architectures
* Hybrid-clouds & Multi-clouds Integration
Cloud Applications
* Large Scale Cloud Applications
* Terminal-Edge-Cloud Applications
* 5G/6G Enhanced Edge/Cloud Applications
* Social & Mobile Cloud Applications
* Innovative Cloud Applications
Cloud Management and Operations
* Distributed & Parallel Query Processing
* Resource, Energy & Data Management
* Cloud Metering & Monitoring
* Containers & Serverless Computing
* SDN, NFV, & Data Center Network
* Cloud Service Adaptation & Automation
* Cloud Federation & Service Composition
Cloud Trustworthiness
* Access Control, Authorization, & Authentication
* Assurance, Audit, Certification, Compliance
* Fault Tolerance, High Availability, & Reliability
* Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols
* Cloud Security and Privacy
* Trusted Cloud Environments
Manuscript Guidelines and Submission
Language: English
Paper size and format: US Letter; Two-column format in the IEEE
Page limit: Up to eight pages for peer review for regular papers;
Up to three pages for a "work in progress" paper
Abstract Length: 1500 characters for a regular paper, and 500
characters for "work in progress" papers
Number of Keywords: between five to eight keywords for each paper
File format: Limit the size of a single PDF file to be 6MB
Note: Authors of the accepted regular papers will have available
up to 10 pages for the final version of papers.
Anonymous Submissions: All conferences implement a double-blind
reviewing process. Author names and affiliations should not appear
in the paper. The authors should make a reasonable effort not to
reveal their identities of institutional affiliations in the text,
figures, photos, links, or other data that is contained in the
paper. Authors' prior work should be preferably referred to in the
third person; if this is not feasible, the references should be
blinded. Submissions that violate these requirements will be
rejected without review. The list of authors cannot be changed
after the acceptance decision is made unless approved by the
Program Chairs.
All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by the program
committee. Accepted papers with confirmed registration and
committed presentation will appear in the conference proceedings
published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Each
conference/congress will publicly announce the winners of its Best
Paper Award, and Best Student Paper Award. The authors of selected
papers will be encouraged to submit extended and enhanced versions
of their papers to the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
(TSC) and other suitable journals.
Submitted Regular and Workshop Papers will be limited to 8 (IEEE
Proceedings style) pages and REQUIRED to be formatted using the
IEEE Proceedings template. Submitted Work-In-Progress Papers will
be limited to 3 (IEEE Proceedings style) pages. Unformatted papers
and papers beyond the page limit may not be reviewed.
Please submit your paper at EasyChair.org:
Please visit website at
https://conferences.computer.org/cloud/2020/cfp/ for more
General Chairs:
Latifur Khan, University of Texas at Dallas
Gang Huang, Peking University
Program Chairs:
Claudio Ardagna, University of Milan
Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Posts &
Technical Program Committee
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