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Subject: [WI] Call for Videos - Video Competition at ICCBR 2019
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2019 12:11:28 +0100
From: Pascal Reuss - Universität Hildesheim <reusspa@uni-hildesheim.de>
Reply-To: Pascal Reuss - Universität Hildesheim <reusspa@uni-hildesheim.de>
To: wi@lists.kit.edu <wi@lists.kit.edu>

ICCBR 2019 Video Competition

September 8-12 in Otzenhausen, Germany



We are pleased to announce the Third ICCBR Video Competition to take place at ICCBR 2019 in Otzenhausen, Germany (September 8-12, 2019). The competition, inspired by the successful series of AAAI Video Competitions, has the goal of promoting exciting case-based reasoning research, education, and applications. We hope that the accepted videos will provide outreach to the general public, introduce students and experts from other fields to CBR, highlight new research, and serve as educational tools for professors to use in the classroom.


Video Submission Deadline:

July 3, 2019



We seek submissions that are a maximum of five minutes in length and include case-based reasoning as a central focus. Topics for submitted videos include (but are not limited to):

·  Educational videos

o Providing an introduction to central topics in case-based reasoning (e.g., similarity, retrieval, adaptation, reuse, important algorithms)

o Tutorials and historical summaries (e.g., the CBR cycle, the evolution of CBR systems, successfully applied CBR systems)

o Presenting the state-of-the-art in CBR subfields (e.g., CBR agents, time-series CBR, CBR in education)

·  Research videos

o Paper companions (i.e., videos related to one or more publications)

o Research lab overviews (i.e., a video highlighting the CBR research done by your research group)

·  Demonstration videos

o Demonstrating an application of CBR (e.g., cooking, robotics, games, recommender systems, deployed software, healthcare)

o Demonstrating a larger AI system with a focus on the CBR subsystems

o Success stories (e.g., CBR in business, CBR in healthcare)

·  Entertaining videos

o Any of the above topics, but with the primary focus on entertaining the audience (e.g., describing your research as part of a story, teaching about an algorithm through song)

All submissions will be peer-reviewed, and the Awards Committee will nominate a subset of accepted videos for awards, with the winners being announced during the awards ceremony held at ICCBR 2019. We plan to award a Best Video Award and Best Student Video Award, with the possibility of additional awards based on the number (and quality) of submissions. All accepted videos will be published online, promoted to the CBR community and external groups (e.g.,

websites, mailing lists, and social media), and screened during ICCBR 2019.


Submissions by students are strongly encouraged!


Participation in the Video Competition:

The video competition awards ceremony will be held at ICCBR 2019 in Otzenhausen, Germany. Although we encourage authors of accepted videos to attend the awards ceremony and the conference, entrants are not required to attend ICCBR 2019 or the awards ceremony.


Video Competition Chairs:

Brian Schack, Indiana University Bloomington, United States

Devi Ganesan, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India


(347) 443-6334


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