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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for mini-track proposals - AMCIS 2012 Track on Decision Support, Data Management Systems, Knowledge Management, and Business Intelligence (sponsored by AIS SIGDSS)
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 20:12:27 -0500
From: Lakshmi Iyer <lsiyer@uncg.edu>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Dear Colleagues:

We are soliciting mini-track proposals for the AMCIS 2012 track
sponsored by AIS SIGDSS. The details are as follows:

Track Name: Decision Support, Data Management Systems, Knowledge
Management, and Business Intelligence (SIGDSS)

Track Co-Chairs:        Lakshmi Iyer, The University of North Carolina
at Greensboro, Lsiyer@uncg.edu
                                Ozgur Turetken, Ryerson University,

Deadline for proposal submissions: November 16, 2011 (12 midnight EST)

Submit your mini-track proposal using the manuscript central system at

Guidelines: The Proposals should be a maximum of 2 pages long.
Proposals should provide a brief one- or two-paragraph description of
the main theme, its importance and relevance to information systems
research and practice, and its relevance to the track. You should also
list some potential topics for your mini-track. Please see detailed
track description and some suggested topics. Each proposal must list
names and contact information of mini-track chair(s).

Track Description:

The abundance of information available to today's managers makes it
essential to efficiently represent, filter, and present information
effective decision making. This track aims to attract novel research
on technologies, applications, and processes for gathering, storing,
accessing, and analyzing data, information and knowledge for informed
managerial decisions and improved organizational performance. In
addition to the plethora of applications that are already available
for data mining and business intelligence, newer technologies such as
web 2.0 and social networking environments bring in novel managerial
and technical challenges related to analyzing large volumes of data.
Knowledge management also encompasses knowledge that exists in
unstructured forms and that
intersects with technology, processes and people. The result is not
only technical, but also business and management challenges that
include economic, strategic, and behavioral issues. This research
track aims to promote forward- thinking research in theoretical,
design science, and behavioral aspects of BI/KM/DSS/Analytics.

This track has consistently taken place in the AMCIS program with
varying combinations of BI/KM related topics such as data warehousing,
text mining and data visualization. The track has evolved over time as
there are changes in the available technologies and related issues in
the domain.
The AMCIS 2011 track included the following mini-tracks:
. Web Intelligence
. Harnessing Social Media for Business Intelligence
. Business Intelligence for Organizational Performance Measurement and
. Master Data Management: Strategies, Concepts and Cases
. Building Intelligent IT Processes: Definition, Development and Control
. Web, Text, and Data mining
. Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements
. Design, operations, and consolidation of BI applications
. Spatial Business Intelligence, Decision Support, and Knowledge Management
. Next Generation Data Warehousing: Transitioning to the Era of Advanced
. Knowledge Management (KM) and Work Group Collaboration

In addition, we are soliciting mini-tracks in topics including, but not
limited to:
. DSS Design Methodologies and Approaches
. Specifications for Detail and Precision in DSS Models
. Decision Support Model Formulation
. DSS Model Management in Web and Distributed Computing Environments
. Evaluation of DSS Designs
. Technical Antecedents of DSS Acceptance and Use
. Role and Effects of User Involvement in DSS Design and Development
. Comparative Effectiveness of Different Interactive Structures for DSS
. Emerging Technologies for DSS Development and Delivery
. Online analytical processing (modeling)
. Data integration management (such as ETL, EAI, EII, SOA)
. Social media and Web 2.0 analytics
. Pervasive and real-time BI
. Data warehouse or data mart design (conceptual, logical, physical)
. BI for customer relationship management
. Data and information visualization
. Business performance management (BPM) and optimization
. Data Security
. Information privacy
. Behavioral Economics and BI
. BI strategies
. BI performance metrics
. BI governance, implementation, management and metrics
. Management of knowledge and business process improvement
. Measurement of organizational knowledge
. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)
. Social and behavioral issues in KM
. KM and Web 2.0.

Best regards,

Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Information Systems Graduate Programs Director
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Email: Lsiyer@uncg.edu; Phone: 336/334-4984; Fax: 336/334-5580
URL: http://www.uncg.edu/bae/people/lsiyer
Women in IT - http://wiit.uncg.edu, www.facebook.com/wemakeIT
Global IT conference: www.gitma.org

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