-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call For Papers - IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 17:00:00 -0400
From: conference-services@ieee.org
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To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at

The IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 
invites abstract submissions in a wide area of topics 
related to the theory and practice of engineering 
education. This annual conference rotates between the 
major geographical areas of IEEE Region 8: Europe, Middle 
East, and Africa. The third annual EDUCON conference will 
be held April 17 - April 20, 2012 in Marrakech, Morocco. 
Please refer to the attached call-for-papers for the 
topics and peer-reviewed paper timeline. We look forward 
to receiving your abstract!

Rachida Ajhoun, ENSIAS, University Mohammed V Souissi, Morocco
Michael E. Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute Villach, Austria
Martin Llamas, University of Vigo, Spain

Call for Papers 
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference - EDUCON2012 
Marrakesh, Morocco, 17-20 April 2012 

The IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference is the 
third of a series of conferences that rotates among 
central locations in IEEE Region 8, Europe, Middle East 
and North Africa. The theme of this third EDUCON2012 
conference will be “Collaborative Learning & New Pedagogic 
Approaches in Engineering Education”.

It will be hosted by University Mohammed V Souissi, 
Morocco in the period 17-20 April 2012.

General Chairs 
 *  Rachida Ajhoun, ENSIAS, University Mohammed V Souissi, Morocco 
 *  Michael E. Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute Villach, Austria 
 *  Martin Llamas, University of Vigo, Spain 

Honorary Chair 
 *  Radouane Mrabet, President of University Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Morocco 

Main Conference Topics 
We invite submissions of papers in the categories of: 
research, development, evaluation and best practices that 
deal with Engineering Education in academic, 
organizational, and life-long learning settings including, 
but not limited to the following areas.

  Area 1: Educational Methods and Learning Mechanisms in Engineering Education 
Rethinking Pedagogy in Engineering Education * 
E-Assessment and new Assessment Theories and Methodologies 
* Active Learning * Learning Models * Pedagogies * 
Lifelong Learning and Non-traditional Students * 
E-learning in the Workplace * Study Abroad Programs * 
Attracting and retaining practices in Engineering 
Education * Technology Enhanced Learning for students with 
special needs * Accessibility in On-Line and Technology 
Enhanced Learning

  Area 2: Infrastructure and Technologies for Engineering Education 
Learning Systems Platforms and Architectures * Intelligent 
Learning Systems * Computer Supported Collaborative 
Learning * Open Source, Open Standards, and Federated 
Systems * Standardization, Reusability and 
Interoperability Issues * Learning Objects reusability and 
digital repositories * Experiences in OpenCourseWare 
Engineering Education * Computer and Web based Software * 
Uses of Technology in the Classroom * Semantic Web and 
Ontologies for Learning Systems * Web 2.0 and Social 
Computing for Learning and Knowledge Sharing * Data Mining 
and Web Mining in Education * Synchronous and Asynchronous 
Technologies * Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous 
Technologies for Learning * Standardization, Reusability 
and Interoperability Issues

  Area 3: Innovative Materials, Teaching and Learning Experiences in Engineering Education 
Laboratory Experiences: on-site and remote environments * 
Undergraduate Research Experiences Design Experiences * 
Innovative Engineering Courses and Labs * Digital Game and 
Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning * Human-Centered Web 
Science and its Applications to Technology-enhanced 
Learning * E-Assessment * Virtual Worlds for Academic, 
Organizational, Life-long Learning and training * 
Innovative Competitions and Laboratories

  Area 4: Excellence in Engineering Education 
Models of Excellence in Education * Attracting, Engaging 
and Retaining Human Talent to Engineering * Gifted 
Education * Competencies, Individual Differences, 
Intervention and Development * Building Creative Climates

  Area 5: Knowledge and Competencies in Engineering Education 
Knowledge and Competencies Management * Accreditation 
Issues * Assessment and Feedback * Degree Programs and 
Curricula * First Year Courses and Programs * General 
Issues in Engineering Education * Specific Engineering 
Disciplines * Faculty Development * Globalization: 
Preparing Faculty and Students * Graduate Curricula and 
Programs * New Frameworks for Engineering Education * 
Skills Development: Technical Writing, Presentation, 

Program Committee Chairs 
 *  Local Arrangements Chair & Treasurer: Amine Berqia, IEEE, ENSIAS, LeRMA, E-NGN, Morroco 
 *  Technical Program Chair: Danilo Garbi Zutin, IEEE, CUAS Villach, Austria 
 *  Special Sessions and Panels Chair: Ahlame Begdouri, IEEE, FSTF, E-NGN, Morocco 
 *  Special Activities Chair: Abdelkrim Haqiq, IEEE, FSTS, E-NGN , Morocco 
 *  Awards Chair: Russ Meier, IEEE, Milwaukee School of Engineering, USA 
 *  Web, Publication and Electronic Media Chair: Sebastian Schreiter, IAOE, Vallon Pont d'Arc, France 
 *  Financial Chairs: Manuel Castro, UNED, Sapin and Edmundo Tovar, UPM, Spain 
 *  Workshops and Exhibit Chair: Hamadou Saliah-Hassane, Télé-Université/UQAM, Canada 
 *  Region 8 - Europe Chair: Arnold Pears, Uppsala University, Sweden 
 *  Region 8 - Middle East Chair: Amr Ibrahim, American University-Cairo, Egypt 
 *  Region 8 - Africa Chair: Mona Laroussi, Centre Urbain Tunis, Tunisia 
 *  International - North America Chair: Dan Moore, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA 
 *  International - South America Chair: Rosa M. Vicari, UFGRS, Brazil 
 *  International - Asia Chair: Diane Salter, University of Hong Kong, China 
 *  International - Australia Chair: Vanessa Chang, Curtin University of Technology, Australia 
 *  IEEE Morocco Section Chair: Essaidi Mohamed, IEEE, Univ. Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Morocco 

International Advisory Board 
Rob Reilly, Chair, President IEEE Education Society, MIT 
CECI, USA * Nicolas Beute, Cape Peninsula University of 
Technology, South Africa * Rafael Calvo, The University of 
Sydney, Australia * Melany Ciampi, Council of Researchers 
in Education and Sciences, Brazil * Trond Clausen, IEEE 
EdSoc, Norway * Paloma Diaz, University Carlos III of 
Madrid, Spain * Charles B. Fleddermann, Editor-in-Chief of 
the IEEE Transactions on Education, University of New 
Mexico, USA * Regina Hannemann, University of Kentucky, 
USA * Sabina Jeschke, ZLW/IMA der RWTH Aachen, Germany * 
Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada * Susan Lord, 
University of San Diego, USA * Akinori Nishihara, Tokyo 
Institute of Technology, Japan * Cornel Samoila, 
Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania * Howie 
Southworth, The George Washington University, USA * 
Aleksandar Szabo, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Important Dates 
30 September 2011 Abstract Submission 

19 October 2011 Notification of Acceptance 
21 November 2011 Complete paper Submission 
19 December 2011 Notification of Acceptance 
23 January 2012 Author Registration Deadline 
13 February 2012 Final Paper Due 
17-20 April 2012 EDUCON 2012

Download the CFP at http://www.educon-conference.org/educon2012/documents/EDUCON2012_CFP.pdf

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