-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP 9th International Workshop on SERVICE-ORIENTED COMPUTING: AGENTS, SEMANTICS, AND ENGINEERING (SOCASE) Szczecin, Poland, 18-21 September, 2011 Deadline: June 19, 2011
Datum: Wed, 25 May 2011 20:56:30 +0200
Von: Rainer Unland <rainer.unland@icb.uni-due.de>
Organisation: University Duisburg-Essen
An: undisclosed-recipients:;

The 9th International Workshop on
as part of the Joint Agent-oriented Workshops in Synergy (JAWS) events at
Szczecin, Poland, 18-21 September, 2011

Important Dates

Paper Submissions: June 19, 2011
Authors Notifications: July 16, 2011
Final Submissions and Registrations: August 7, 2011
The Conference Dates: September 18 - 21, 2011

The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the recent 
significant developments at the intersections of Multi-agent Systems, 
Semantic Technology, and Service-oriented Computing, and to promote 
cross-fertilization of techniques. In particular, the workshop aims at 
identifying techniques from Multi-agent System and Semantic Technology 
research that will have the greatest impact on automating 
service-oriented application construction and management, focusing on 
critical challenges such as service quality assurance, reliability, and 
The Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics, and Engineering 
(SOCASE) workshop continues the theme of the previous SOCASE workshops 
successfully held at AAMAS’10, AAMAS’09, AAMAS’08 and AAMAS’07, the 
SOCABE workshops held at AAMAS’06, AAMAS’05 and the WSABE workshops held 
at AAMAS’04 and AAMAS’03, with an expanded theme reflecting the wide 
spectrum of issues of the cross section between agent-based and 
service-oriented paradigms.

We invite papers on all aspects relating to the overlap of Agent 
Technology, Semantic Web Services, and Service-oriented Computing. 
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Agent-oriented architectures, frameworks, and infrastructures for 
distributed service-oriented software and Semantic Web systems
* Agent-oriented modeling and design methods and tools for 
service-oriented software and
Semantic Web development
* Web services and Semantic Web technologies and standards for 
multi-agent system design, development, and integration
* Agent-enabled adaptation, evolution, and optimization of services and 
* Agent-based service description, advertisement, matchmaking, 
discovery, and brokering
* Agent-based service composition, orchestration, and choreography
* Agent-based monitoring and exception-handling for service execution 
and delivery
* Agent-based negotiation and management of Quality of Service and 
Service Level Agreements
* Deployment and distribution of agent-based service systems and 
service-oriented agent systems
* Agent-based service business models, application scenarios and demos 
(e.g. in e-Business, e-Science, Enterprise, Telecom, etc.), and lessons 
* Ontology matching for service discovery, negotiation, orchestration, 
composition, and execution
* Ontology generation, hearing and reasoning, and ontology-oriented 
dynamic mediation among agents

Please add this information from FedCSIS.
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers per paper. 
Selection criteria will include:
Relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, 
quality of presentation. Some preference may also be given to papers 
which address emergent trends or important common themes, or which 
enhance balance of workshop topics. Accepted papers will be published in 
the workshop proceedings which will be published as IEEE digital library 
papers. A selection of best papers will also be invited to submit 
extended and enhanced versions of the papers to a special issue of a 
major international journal.

Please add this information from FedCSIS.

* Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
(point of contact: rainer.unland@icb.uni-due.de)
* Ryszard Kowalczyk, Swinburne University, Australia
* Michael Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA
* Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
* Taleb Bendiad, Curtin University, Australia
* Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Swinburne University, Australia

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (not yet confirmed)
* Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
* Taleb Bendiab, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
* Cherif Branki, University of West Scotland - Paisley, UK
* Frances Brazier, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
* Owen Cliffe, University of Bath, UK
* Christian Derksen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
* Antonio Garcia Dominguez, University of Cadiz,
* Torsten Eymann, University of Bayreuth, Germany
* Christian Guttmann, Monash University, Australia
* Benjamin Hirsch, Berlin University of Technology, Germany
* Matthias Klusch, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, 
* Tim Lessner, University of Scotland - Paisley, UK
* Wathiq Mansoor, American University of Dubai, Dubai
* Lars Moench, University of Hagen, Germany
* Ganna Monakova, SAP, Germany
* Andreas Oberweis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
* Guadalupe Ortiz-Bellot, University of Cadiz, Spain
* Sascha Ossowski, University Rey Juan Carlos, Span
* Marcin Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of 
Sciences, Poland
* Dana Petcu, Western University of Timisoara, Romania
* Sebastian Stein, University of Southampton, UK
* Huaglory Tianfield, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
* Ingo Timm, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
* Danny Weyns, K.U. Lueven, Belgium
* Franco Zambonelli, Universita' di Modena e Reggiio Emilia, Italy


“Experience is this valuable asset which allows us to identify the
mistake immediately when we are doing it again and again!”

“Erfahrung ist jener kostbare Besitz, der uns befähigt, einen Fehler
sofort zu erkennen, wenn wir ihn immer wieder machen.”

Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Practical Computer Science, especially Data Management Systems and
Knowledge Representation
Schuetzenbahn 70
45117 Essen, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421
IP-Tel. Skype: unlandr Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460
Email: Rainer.Unland at icb.uni-due.de
WWW: http://www.dawis.wiwi.uni-due.de/

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