Due to many requests, the new and firm deadline for submitting papers is April 5, 2002
8th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information SystemsSeptember 2-5, 2002
Conference Theme
The quantity of information available on the Web is rocketing. However,
this information is not easilyaccessible. Indeed, query and retrieval
as well as Web information
management become extremely difficult. Also, data on the Web
is placed independently by different
organization; thus, documents containing related data may appear at
different Web-sites and in
different format. New object-oriented technologies have been conceived
and implemented over the past decade in order to manage complexity inherent
in the new information systems development. Research has
spanned from information systems modeling (UML and OPEN) to databases
(ODMG), from programming languages (Java) to middleware technology (CORBA).
However, developing the new
information systems whose platforms are based on Internet brings developers
considerations of new issues such as providing flexible mechanisms to provide
integrated views over multiple heterogeneous information sources. The main
theme of OOIS'2002 is
"Object-Technology and Integration of heterogeneous Information
Systems" and the conference program will address both technologies
and methodologies for building them.
Relevant Topics
The topics of OOIS'2002 will include, but are not limited to
- OO frameworks
- OO components/COTS
- OO business models
- OO patterns
- Mobile Web Information Systems,
- OO middle-ware
- Reuse processes
- Web based Information Systems
- e-business/e-commerce
- Web-based Applications
- Query Languages for Web data
- System modelling processes
- OO distributed systems
- OO built-in tests
- Design and Maintenance of XML Warehouses
- Managing Semi-structured data and XML
- Web Query Processing and Optimization
- Integration of Structured and Semi-structured Data
- Mechanisms for handling data and knowledge
- Web Mining
- Mobile information systems
- Web-based Publishing and Digital Libraries,
- Requirement elicitation processes
- Testing processes
March 18 2002 Abstract submission
March 25 2002 Paper submission
May 20 2002 Notification of acceptance
June 15 2002 final contributions
Conference Proceedings will be published by the Springer-Verlag (in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series). All submissions should follow
the Springer-Verlag guidelines and be no more than 5000 words.
(Formatting information for authors is available from the
Springer-Verlag Web site at
General Chair
Colette Rolland (France)
Programme Co-Chair
Zohra Bellahsene (France)
Dilip Patel (UK)
Programme Committee
Motoei Azuma (Japan, azuma@azume.mgmt.waseda.ac.jp)
Franck Barbier (France, Franck.Barbier@univ-pau.fr)
Zohra Bellahsene (France, bella@lirmm.fr)
Elisa Bertino (Italy, bertino@dsi.unimi.it)
Jean-Louis Cavarero (France, JLCavarero@unice.fr)
Sergio de Cesare (UK, sdecesare@ic24.net)
Christine W. Chan (Canada, chan@uregina.ca)
Claude Chrisment (France, chrisme@irit.fr)
Christine Collet (France, Christine.Collet@imag.fr)
Robert B. France (USA, france@CS.ColoState.edu)
Jane Grimson (Ireland, janr.grimson@tcd.ie)
Brian Henderson-Sellers (Australia, brian@it.uts.edu.au)
Danièle Hérin (France, dh@lirmm.fr)
Keith Jeffrey (UK, K.G.Jeffery@rl.ac.uk)
Donald Kossmann (Germany, kossmann@informatik.tu-muenchen.de)
Zoe Lacroix (USA, zlacroi@imap1.asu.edu)
Pece Mitrevski (Macedonia, pece.mitrevski@uklo.edu.mk)
Noureddine Mouaddib (France, Noureddine.Mouaddib@irin.univ-nantes.fr)
Moira Norrie (Switzerland, norrie@inf.ethz.ch)
Alan O'Callaghan (UK, aoc@dmu.ac.uk)
Maria Orlowska (Australia, maria@it.uq.edu.au)
Mike Papazoglou (Netherlands, mikep@kub.nl)
Dilip Patel (UK, dilip@sbu.ac.uk)
Shushma Patel (UK, shushma@sbu.ac.uk)
D Janaki Ram (India, djram@lotus.iitm.ernet.in)
Colette Rolland (France, Colette.Rolland@univ-paris1.fr)
Michael Rys (USA, mrys@microsoft.com)
José Samos (Spain, jsamos@ugr.es)
Jeff Sutherland (USA, jeff.Sutherland@computer.org)
Zahir Tari (Australia, zahirtari@yahoo.com)
Anne-Marie Vercoustre (Australia, Anne-Marie.Vercoustre@csiro.au)
Yingxu Wang (Canada, wangyx@enel.ucalgary.ca)
Roberto Zicari (Germany, zicari@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de)
Best regards,
Zohra Bellahsène
LIRMM – Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique
de Montpellier
UMR 5506 CNRS/Université Montpellier II
161 Rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier- France
email: bella@lirmm.fr
Tel: +33 (04) 67 41 85 35
Fax: +33 (04) 67 41 85 00