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Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS2019 SIGSEC Track - Minitrack 6: Social Engineering, Human Security, and their Organizational Impact
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 23:41:39 +0000
From: Yair Levy <levyy@nova.edu>
To: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org>

25TH Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019
***Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC) Track***
Minitrack “Social Engineering, Human Security, and their Organizational Impact”

***Fee free to share in your personal networks with interested individuals!

Cancún, México
August 15-17 2019

Minitrack description also available via:


See Under: Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC) Track

—> Minitrack 6: Social Engineering, Human Security, and their Organizational Impact



Minitrack 6: Social Engineering, Human Security, and their Organizational Impact

Data breaches and cybersecurity incidents are repeatedly in the news on a daily basis. While there has been massive advancement in information systems security over the last four decades in the development of very sophisticated detection/prevention systems, unfortunately, systems continue to be breached. It is well known that humans can represent a weak link in cybersecurity. Thus, the aim of this mini-track is to investigate the aspects related to research in social engineering, human security, human error in cybersecurity, and their impact on organizations.

This mini-track provides an opportunity for researchers in the area of social engineering and human security to share their insights with others who have similar interests. A particular focus will be placed on research investigating the aspects of social engineering, human security, human error in cybersecurity, phishing/whaling, business e-mail compromise, and their impact on organizations.

This mini-track calls for both fully developed, high-quality research, or work-in-progress research papers with promising perspectives on social engineering, human security, and their impact on organizations. Research studies are utilizing a wide variety of theoretical foundations, study designs, and research approaches are welcome.

Topics of interest to this minitrack include but are not limited to:

* Social engineering
* Human security
* Human error in cybersecurity
* Phishing/Spear-Phishing/Whaling
* Vishing and impersonation for social engineering attacks
* Human aspects of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
* Business e-mail compromise
* Organizational losses due to social engineering attacks
* Human security penetration testing
* Organizational impacts of cyber-attacks and human compromise
* Human-centric security safeguards
* Ethical aspects in cybersecurity





Important Dates:

January 7th (Monday), 2019: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2019 begin

March 1st (Friday), 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at 10:00am PST

Please contact co-chairs with any questions you have regarding this mini-track.


Mini-Track Co-Chairs

Yair Levy, levyy@nova.edu, Nova Southeastern University, Florida USA

Steven Furnell, S.Furnell@plymouth.ac.uk, University of Plymouth, UK

Karin Hedstrom, Karin.Hedstrom@oru.se, Örebro University, Sweden


Yair Levy, Ph.D.

Professor of IS and Cybersecurity
Director, Center for Information Protection, Education, and Research (CIPhER) (http://infosec.nova.edu/)

Head, Levy CyLab (http://CyLab.nova.edu/<http://cylab.nova.edu/>)

The DeSantis Building - Room 4058
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33314
Website: http://www.nova.edu/~levyy/




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