-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] BSI2013: Extended Call for Papers (Now Due on January 26, 2013)
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 11:52:30 +0800
From: tulip li <lab@tulip.org.au>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

BSI2013: Extended Call for Papers (Now Due on January 26, 2013)

Selected quality papers from the workshop will be recommended for publication in World Wide Web Journal

The 2013 International Workshop on Behavior and Social Informatics (BSI2013)
URL: bsi2013.behaviorinformatics.org   
Submission System:  https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bsi2013

Selected quality papers from the workshop will be recommended for publication in World Wide Web Journal (SCI-Indexed) and other top international journals after substantial extension (to be confirmed).

Held in conjunction with 
The 2013 Pacific-Asia Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PAKDD2013)
URL: http://pakdd2013.pakdd.org/

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: January  26,2013
Author Notification: February 12, 2013
Camera-Ready Deadline: February 28, 2013 

Workshop Scope

Behavior and social science are increasingly recognized as a key component in business intelligence and problem-solving. Behavior and Social Informatics (BSI) has been emerged as a new scientific field that studies effective methodologies, techniques and technical tools for representing, modeling, analyzing, understanding and managing human behaviors and social characteristics. Unlike traditional behavior and social science, which mainly focuses on qualitative and explicit behavior and social appearance and drivers, BSI intends to support explicit behavioral and societal involvement through a conversion from transactional entity spaces to behavior/social feature spaces, through a better understanding of interactions between users and computing systems and better modeling of social concepts like trust, credibility, privacy, and, and influence, further genuine analysis of native behavior/social patterns and impacts, and the facilitation of deployment of information technologies in various socially-centric 
application domains. A typical BSI process consists of key components including behavior/social modeling and representation, behavior/social data construction, behavior/social impact modeling, behavior/social pattern analysis and utilization, and behavior/social interplay with information technologies. Some popular examples of BSI include web usage and user preference analysis, collective intelligence and crowd behavior, credit evaluation, exceptional behavior analysis of terrorist and criminals, and trading pattern analysis of investors in capital markets.

Recent years have witnessed increasing research attention on behavior/social-oriented analyses including behavioral and social interaction and network, behavioral/social patterns, behavioral/social impacts, the formation of behavioral/social-oriented groups and collective intelligence, and behavioral/social intelligence emergence. This trend raises the need for launching the International Workshop on Behavior and Social Informatics (BSI).BSI’2013 aims to increase potential collaborations and partnerships by bringing together academic researchers and industry practitioners from data mining, statistics and analytics, business and marketing, finance and politics, and behavioral, social and psychological sciences with the objectives to present updated research efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BSI, exchange new ideas and identify future research directions. 

Topics of Interest

(1) Foundational Methods
Complex sequence analysis
Temporal-sequential pattern mining
Impact-oriented behavior and social mining
Event/activity/action mining
Agent-based data mining
Frequent pattern mining
Domain-driven behavior mining
Behavior data visualization
Algorithms and protocols inspired by societies

(2) Behavior/Social Modeling and Representation
Computational models of behavior and social informatics
Behavior and social informatics theories
Abstract behavior model
Behavior life cycles
Behavior structure understanding
Behavior detection and extraction 
Sequential behavior modeling
Parallel/concurrent behavior modeling
Distributed behavior modeling
Behavior and social dynamics 
Temporal-spatial relationship modeling 
Behavior and social privacy processing
Modeling social conventions and context

(3) Behavior/Social Pattern Analysis
Frequent behavior/social pattern 
Behavior/social classification
Behavior/social clustering
Demographic-behavioral combined pattern 
Interaction pattern analysis
Stream behavior/social pattern
Cultural patterns and representation
Social media mining and intelligence
Trust, privacy, risk and credibility in social contexts
Social behavior analysis and synthesis

(4) Behavior/Social Impact Analysis
Positive/negative impact modeling
Risk, benefit, cost and trust of behavior 
High-impact behavior identification
Impact-transferred behavior pattern
Cause-effect analysis 
Exceptional/outlier behavior 
Critical event detection and prediction
Critical group detection and prediction
Social influence analysis and ranking
Social cognition and social intelligence
Impact on people activities in complex and dynamic environments
Impact of technology on socio-economic
Social influence and diffusion models of social influence
Social choice mechanism in e-society

(5) Behavior /Social Emergence
Behavior/social self-organization
Behavior/social evolution 
Behavior/social impact emergence
Behavior/social group emergence
Behavior/social mobility
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining and representation
Emotional intelligence and  influence process
Social blog, micro-blog, Internet forum
Collaborative filtering, mining and prediction

(6) Behavior/Social Network
Intrinsic mechanisms inside a network
Convergence and divergence of associated behavior 
Hidden group and community formation and identification
Behavior/social network topological structures 
Linkage formation and identification 
Group formation and evolution
Community detection
Community behavior analysis

(7) Behavior/Social Simulation
Behavior convergence and divergence
Behavior learning and adaptation
Group behavior formation and evolution
Social simulation
Behavior/social interaction and linkage
Behavior/social impact emergence
Critical event replay
Emergent event detection and signaling
Handheld/mobile social computing

(8) Behavior/Social Presentation
Rule-based behavior presentation
Flow visualization
Graph-based behavior/social modeling
Sequence presentation and visualization
Dynamic/hidden group presentation
Visual behavior/social network
Social system design and architecture
Group interaction, collaboration, representation and profiling
Opinion dynamics, human and social dynamics
Markey dynamics and crowd behavior

(9) Application-Oriented Behavior/Social Analysis and Mining
Web usage mining and interpretation
Customer analytics
Recommender system and personalization
Fraud detection
Misuse and anomaly detection
Human-computer interactions
AI games
Facial expression and human gesture analysis
Computational linguistics
Intelligent decision support system
Student learning behaviors in intelligent tutoring system
Criminal behavior analysis 
Social networking behavior analysis
Behavior analysis in video data.
Enterprise process and workflow analysis 
Design and analysis of social/collaborative Web applications
Human-Computer interaction and interface design
Socio-economic systems and applications
Social computing applications and case studies

Paper Submissions

Submitted papers will have a peer review by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, relevance to the conference topics, originality, significance, and clarity.

The proceedings in Springers LNAI series will be post conference, and it will be published in the second half of 2013.

All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only, through the following paper submission system: 

Submitting a paper to the workshop means that if the paper is accepted, at least one author should attend the workshop to present the paper.

Organization Committee

General Chair
Philip S Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
Longbing Cao, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University and AFOSR/AOARD, Japan 
Irwin King, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Organizing Chair:
Gang Li, Deakin University, Australia
Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Supported by
IEEE Task Force on Behavior and Social Informatics (http://www.behaviorinformatics.org/)