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Subject: [WI] EKAW 2018 : call for participation
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2018 09:21:44 +0200
From: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn@irit.fr>
Reply-To: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn@irit.fr>
To: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn@irit.fr>

EKAW 2018 - Call for participation

The 21st International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2018), will be held during November 12-16, 2018 in Nancy, France, at Inria Nancy – Grand-Est. Complete information is available at https://project.inria.fr/ekaw2018/

EKAW 2018 concerns all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, modeling and managing knowledge, and the role of knowledge in the construction of systems and services for the semantic web, knowledge management, e-business, natural language processing, intelligent information integration, and so on.

The special theme of EKAW 2018 is "Knowledge and AI". We have papers describing algorithms, tools, methodologies, and applications that exploit the interplay between knowledge and Artificial Intelligence techniques, with a special emphasis on knowledge discovery. EKAW 2018 puts a special emphasis on the importance of Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management with the help of AI as well as for AI.

The conference program is available at https://project.inria.fr/ekaw2018/conference-program/

Come in Nancy and enjoy EKAW 2018!

Amedeo Napoli (CNRS, France) and Yannick Toussaint (Université de Lorraine, France)
General chairs

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