4. Call for Doctoral Consortium papers
1. Call for Research papers
In this track of ISWC 2021, we are looking for novel and
significant research contributions addressing
theoretical, analytical and empirical aspects of the
Semantic Web. While we welcome work that relates to the
W3C Semantic Web recommendations (e.g., RDF, OWL,
SPARQL, etc.), we also encourage contributions to
research at the intersection of the Semantic Web and
other scientific disciplines. Submissions to the
research track should describe original, significant,
and replicable research on the Semantic Web. All papers
must include method evaluations that are rigorous,
repeatable and reproducible. This will be one of the key
reviewing criteria. We also strongly encourage papers
that provide links to the data sets, source code and
queries used to evaluate their approach, and/or live
Topics of interest and further details:
Track Chairs:
- Eva Blomqvist (University of Linköping, Sweden)
- Andreas Hotho (University of Würzburg, Germany)
2. Call for In-Use papers
The In-Use track at ISWC 2021 continues the tradition of
demonstrating and sharing the increasing adoption of
Semantic Web technologies by providing a forum for the
community to explore the benefits and challenges of
applying such technologies in concrete, practical use
cases, beyond the research communities from which they
originate, in contexts ranging from industry to
government and society. The In-Use track thus seeks
submissions describing applied and validated solutions
such as software tools, systems or architectures that
benefit from the use of Semantic Web technologies
(including, but not limited to, technologies based on
the Semantic Web standards).
Topics of interest and further details:
Track Chairs:
- Ying Ding (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Payam Barnaghi (Imperial College London, UK)
3. Call for Resource papers
The ISWC 2021 Resources Track aims to promote the
sharing of resources which support, enable or utilise
semantic web research. Resources include, but not
restricted to: datasets, ontologies/vocabularies,
ontology design patterns, evaluation benchmarks or
methods, software tools/services, APIs and software
frameworks, workflows, crowdsourcing task designs,
protocols, methodologies and metrics, that have
contributed or may contribute to the generation of novel
scientific work. In particular, we encourage the sharing
of such resources following best and well-established
practices within the Semantic Web community. As such,
this track calls for contributions that provide a
concise and clear description of a resource and its
Topics of interest and further details:
Track Chairs:
- Stefan Dietze (GESIS, Cologne &
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany)_
- Achille Fokoue (IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY,
4. Call for Doctoral Consortium papers
The ISWC 2021 Doctoral Consortium (DC)
will provide PhD students with an opportunity to:
● present and discuss their research ideas in a
supportive, formative and yet critical environment;
● receive feedback from mentors, typically senior
members of the Semantic Web research community, and
● explore career pathways available after
completing their PhD degree, and finally
● network and build collaborations with other
members of the community.
The event is intended for students who are midway
through their PhD, therefore at a stage where they
have articulated a reasonably detailed research
proposal, preferably supported by some preliminary
results. The aim is to support the students in
refining their proposal and suggest possible ways to
improve their research plan and achieve results with
prospective greater impact. While doctoral degrees can
vary in format and conduct, we aim this Call for
Papers to PhD candidates in their second, or early in
their third year and who will have already partially
investigated some specific problems. Students will be
required to submit a paper to the doctoral consortium,
structured like a research proposal. All proposals
submitted to the Doctoral Consortium will undergo a
rigorous review process by the International Programme
Committee, who will provide detailed and constructive
feedback and select those submissions to be presented
at the Doctoral Consortium. If accepted, students will
have to register and attend the event, which will
include a range of interactive activities.
DC Chairs:
- Miriam Fernandez (Open University, UK)
- Valentina Tamma (University of Liverpool, UK)
***** Important Dates (DC track) *****
- Papers due: 3 May, 2021
- Notification to proposers: 31 May 2021
- DC Day: 25 October, 2021