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Subject: [AISWorld] CCC 2020 - 1st CFP
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 08:25:59 +0200
From: Kyriakos Kritikos <kritikos@ics.forth.gr>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


CCC: Cross-Cloud Computing

along with

BUSTECH 2020, The Tenth International Conference on Business Intelligence
and Technology
April 26, 2020 - April 30, 2020 - France

****** SCOPE ******
Multi-cloud computing promises to deliver various benefits, which include
the avoidance of vendor lock-in, better proximity to customers and improved
application performance. To this end, we currently see a trend towards
developing and managing multi-cloud applications which is also evident from
the advent of proprietary, multi-cloud platforms like Anthos from Google.
However, such platforms are still not mature enough to cover the whole
lifecycle of multi-cloud applications. Further, cross-cloud computing
represents another promising opportunity enabling applications to be
managed across different clouds which comes with the extra benefits of
application performance optimisation, extended security level establishment
and enhanced flexibility for application adaptation. Unfortunately, with
the exceptions of some prototype research platforms, cross-cloud
applications are not facilitated at all during their development and
provisioning. Last but not least, we also observe additional obstacles,
which include the inability to deal with multiple levels of abstraction as
well as the negligence of high-level business requirements during the whole
application management. These obstacles need to be overcome to realise the
vision of optimal cross-cloud applications which can change cloud services
on demand to better sustain the service levels that have been promised.

In this respect, there is currently a research gap towards designing,
realising and managing cross-cloud applications. CCC special track of
BUSTECH foresees the submission of both theoretical and technical
contributions which attempt to close this gap as well as promote new ideas
to further boost the adoption of multi- & cross-cloud computing and to even
evolve it in a more promising form.

****** TOPICS OF INTEREST ******
Topics include, but not limited to:

• Cross-cloud application design
• Cross-cloud application deployment
• Cross-cloud application monitoring
• Cross-cloud application adaptation
• Cross-cloud application modelling
• Cross-cloud service orchestration
• Cross-cloud business processes
• Cross-cloud application management platforms
• Cloud application optimisation
• Cloud-driven business process implementation
• Cross-level business process and application management

Submission: March 3, 2020
Notification: March 23, 2020
Registration: April 2, 2020
Camera ready: April 2, 2020

- Regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Posters: slide only [slide-deck posted on www.iaria.org]
- Presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted on www.iaria.org]
- Demos: two pages [posted on www.iaria.org]

****** PAPER FORMAT ******
- See: http://www.iaria.org/format.html
- Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules:

****** PUBLICATIONS ******
- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
- Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
- Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:

****** PAPER SUBMISSION ******

Please select Track Preference as CCC

****** REGISTRATION ******
- Each accepted paper needs at least one full registration, before the
camera-ready manuscript can be included in the proceedings.
- Registration fees are available at http://www.iaria.org/registration.html

******* CHAIR AND COORDINATOR ********
Dr. Kyriakos Kritikos, ICS-FORTH, Greece

****** CONTACT ******
Special track: kritikos@ics.forth.gr
Logistics: steve@iaria.org
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