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1Call for Papers - JAIS Theory Development Workshop
JAIS-sponsored Theory Development Workshop in Association with
ICIS 2020
Since December 2002, the Journal of the Association for
Information Systems (JAIS) has organized a number of successful
Theory Development Workshops. This year we will hold the 18th JAIS
Theory Development Workshop in conjunction with ICIS 2020 in a
virtual venue. This workshop is scheduled to take place from 9:00
am - 12:00 pm on Sunday, December 13, 2020 (date/time to be
confirmed). Because the workshop is virtual this year, there will
be no associated fees.
Workshop Information
The workshop is focused on theory building and conceptual
foundations in the information systems field. In particular, this
workshop is interested in new theory development from an analysis
of literature, as opposed to grounded theory development from
empirical data. Workshop participants will discuss their work with
JAIS board members and other workshop participants. To be
considered, authors must demonstrate significant theory
development in their submission. While the breakout sessions are
limited to those with accepted abstracts, the speaker sessions are
open to all registrants, whether your submission is accepted or
* Workshop Dates: December 13, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm via Zoom video
* Agenda
* Introduction - 10 min
* Speaker 1 - 30 min
* Speaker 2 - 30 min
* 10 minute break
* Breakout sessions and paper discussions - 90 min
* Closing remarks and announcements -10 min
Abstract Submission
* The due date for abstract submissions is October 15, 2020
(midnight US Central Time).
* Authors will submit an extended abstract (not a full paper).
* Submissions should not exceed 3000 words including references,
figures, and tables. Authors should not include any appendices.
* Submissions should be single-spaced, and in 12-point Times New
Roman font.
* Include author names and title on the first page.
* Submissions should be uploaded in PDF format to
* The upload site will ask for all author names and emails
(contact author listed first), paper title, keywords, and a PDF
file upload.
* Author and mentor identities will be open, e.g., the review of
the abstracts will not be blind.
* Submit in PDF format. Documents are limited to 10 MB maximum.
* Authors are limited to one submission.
* You may change/edit your uploaded file until the due date.
Review Process
* Abstracts will be assessed by JAIS editor/mentors.
* Abstracts deemed to have the most promise for the development of
a full paper will be accepted to the workshop.
* Selection for the JAIS Theory Development Workshop is
competitive and will be limited to the top 9 to 12 submissions.
* Notification of acceptance to the workshop will be made by
November 15.
* Acceptance and Workshop
* At least one author from an accepted abstract must register for
this workshop. All selected authors are welcome to attend the
Other Information
Following the workshop, authors of the papers deemed most
promising will be invited to submit their papers as JAIS Promise
Please direct any questions to
jaistdw@gmail.com<mailto:jaistdw@gmail.com>, Jordana George,
JAIS Managing Editor for Workshops
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