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20th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2020)
Helsinki, Finland | June 9-12, 2020
* Workshop proposal submission: January 19, 2020 (23h59 Hawaii
* Research Track - Abstract submission: January 19, 2020 (23h59
Hawaii Time)
* Research Track - Paper submission: January 26, 2020 (23h59
Hawaii Time)
* Research Track - Notification: February 28, (23h59 Hawaii Time)
* Camera-ready: March 19, 2020 (23h59 Hawaii Time)
The International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) is the
premier annual conference on Web Engineering and associated
technologies, ICWE aims to bring together researchers and
practitioners from various disciplines in academia and industry to
tackle the emerging challenges in the engineering of Web
applications and in the problems of its associated technologies,
as well as the impact of those technologies on society and
culture. The 20th edition of ICWE will accept contributions on a
wide spectrum of topics related to Web Engineering, such as, among
* Web application modeling and engineering
* Web mining, big data analytics and knowledge extraction
* Semantic Web and Linked Open Data
* Web crowdsourcing, social and human computation
* Mobile Web application engineering
* Web Personalization
* Web of Things
* Web composition and mashups
* Web programming languages, tools and frameworks
- Web Assembly
* Microservice and Web API engineering
* Web user interface design
* Redecentralization of the Web
* Web-based learning
* Quality aspects of Web applications:
- Accessibility and Usability
- Security and Privacy
- Reusability and Composition
- Mobility and Distribution
- Performance and Scalability
- Testability and Quality Assurance
- Maintainability and Sustainability
In addition to the research track, ICWE 2020 also seeks
contributions of demos and posters, student papers to the PhD
Symposium, and tutorials.
The conference will be held at Helsinki, Finland. Helsinki is the
capital of Finland, hub of transportation, and hosts many private
and public research institutes. Further information can be found
General Chair:
Tommi Mikkonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Program Co-Chairs:
Maria Bielikova, Slovak University of Technology
Cesare Pautasso, USI, Lugano, Switzerland
This call addresses research contributions in one of the following
* Full papers: mature, original research contribution. Reported
results should be supported by some type of validation, and also
include a justification about the choice/suitability of the
validation method. In addition, evidence of use in practice and/or
demonstration of scalability is regarded as a plus. (16 pages)
* Short papers: short papers presenting a discussion ? analysis,
criticism, proposal, etc. ? about relevant aspects of Web
engineering topics. These papers are intended to generate
discussions that promise potential for research that will impact
Web engineering in the coming years. (8 pages)
Papers must be formatted according to the information for Springer
LNCS authors at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html and
submitted in PDF. Papers submitted to ICWE 2020 must not be under
review elsewhere while under consideration for ICWE 2020, nor may
have been already previously published elsewhere. Submissions that
are not in compliance with the required submission format or that
are out of the scope of the conference will be desk rejected
without reviewing.
Accepted contributions will be included into the ICWE 2020
Springer LNCS proceedings. The best papers will be selected to be
proposed, in extended form, as part of a special issue of the
Journal of Web Engineering.
Authors should consult Springer?s authors? guidelines
for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors
to include their ORCIDs (
https://goo.gl/hbsa4D) in their papers.
In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on
behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign
a Consent-to-Publish form, through which the copyright for their
paper is transferred to Springer.
Submissions and reviewing are supported by the EasyChair system at
Details for formatting and submitting the papers can be found from
ICWE’20 website:
Workshop proposals must follow the instructions given on the
ICWE’20 website:
Workshop proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file to
workshopchairs.icwe2020@webengineering.org. All submitted workshop
proposals must be formatted in accordance to the information for
Springer LNCS authors at
and submitted in PDF. Proposals should not exceed 10 pages
overall, including all the required sections.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
icwe2020@easychair.org. Further information can be found at
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