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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit your papers to the track
“Digital Inclusion in Education, Work, and Society” at ECIS 2020.
***** Description *****
Recent developments in digital technology have been reshaping
almost all aspects of our lives, including work, education, and
social life. Despite the many opportunities digital technologies
bring about, they come with challenges that the academic community
cannot ignore.
This track covers an evolving idea that is highly relevant to the
Information Systems field: Digital Inclusion. The goal of this
track is to raise awareness and generate scholarly debates about
the opportunities and barriers for digital inclusion in our ever
increasingly interconnected world. While the role digital
technology plays in society has received attention in the last few
years, research in this area is still fragmented. The need to
produce a coherent body of literature that theorizes on the
consequences of digital technology on individuals and social
groups is still a pending task.
In line with the conference theme, Liberty, Equality, and
Fraternity in a Digitizing World, this track responds to the
aspiration for a more just society, in which digital technologies
are an integral part. In this track, we welcome submissions -
either as full research or research in progress - that analyze the
role digital technologies play in different dimensions of
contemporary life.
***** Topics *****
• Digital inclusion and economic development
• Digital inclusion of marginalized groups
• Digital technology and individuals with impairments
• Digital transformation and the future of work
• Social Inclusion in the digital era
• Online learning as platform for digital inclusion
• Political freedoms in the digital space
• Social networking sites and the digital inclusion
• The ethics of digital inclusion
• The inclusion/exclusion dichotomy of social media
• Using ICT to achieve digital integration at work, education, and
***** Submission *****
In this track, we welcome submissions - either as full research or
research in progress.
Submission instructions and templates are to be found under the
link (
***** Publication *****
High quality papers from this track will be considered for
publishing in leading journals. These include:
· Fast-tracking to the Information Technology for Development
Journal (
https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/titd20). We have started
to discuss the opportunity to channel papers into a special issue
with editor in chief of the Information Technology for Development
· Fast-tracked development towards Internet Research
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/intr). Internet Research (IntR)
is an international and refereed journal that is indexed and
abstracted in major databases (e.g., SSCI, SCI, ABI/INFORM
Global). The topics published in IntR are broad and
interdisciplinary in nature. The impact factor (2018) of the
journal is 4.109.
***** Important Dates *****
• Paper submission deadline: November 29, 2019
• Acceptance notification: End of February, 2020
• ECIS conference: June 15–17, 2020
Looking forward to your submission to our track at ECIS 2020.
Thank you and best regards, Track Co-Chairs:
Safa’a AbuJarour, University of Potsdam-Germany Antonio Diaz
Andrade, Auckland University of Technology- New Zealand
Wafa Elgarah, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane- Morocco
Safa’a AbuJarour
Teaching & Research Associate | PhD Candidate
Chair of Business Informatics, esp. Social Media and Data Science
Universität Potsdam, Germany
Digital Integration Research Group
Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin, Germany
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