-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Call for Papers: ECIS 2014, Tel Aviv - "Digital Work, Digital Life"
Datum: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 17:49:49 +0100
Von: Jan Marco Leimeister Prof. Dr. <leimeister@uni-kassel.de>
An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

das Konferenzsystem für die ECIS 2014 ist zwischenzeitlich geöffnet. Zum Konferenzthema "Digital Work, Digital Life" würden wir uns über zahlreiche Einreichungen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum sehr freuen. Außerdem möchte ich Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf neue Einreichungsformate lenken (bspw. Prototypes), die insb. für gestaltungsorientierte Forschungsarbeiten neue Möglichkeiten bieten sollen.

Beste Grüße,

Jan Marco Leimeister


First CALL FOR PAPERS for ECIS 2014: Digital Work, Digital Life
22nd European Conference on Information Systems
9-11 June 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel
Venue: David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv

Dear colleagues,

The submission of papers for  ECIS 2014 Digital Work Digital Life is now open:  http://ecis2014.eu/call-for-papers-new/

The submission deadline is 8 December 2013.
This year we invite the following types of submissions:

·         Complete research papers, which should have completed analyses and documentation of results.

·          Research-in-Progress papers, which  typically describe work that is as yet incomplete, but promising. Accepted RIP papers will be presented in an interactive format, either as posters or round-table discussions during ECIS 2014. The papers will appear in the ECIS 2014 Proceedings.

·          Teaching cases, which should provide useful to the field pedagogical materials. Such cases should be current and topical, deal with interesting technologies and organizational situations, and contain a “teachable moment.” Teaching cases must include a teaching note when originally submitted, as both case and the teaching note will be reviewed. Teaching notes will not be included in the ECIS Proceedings, but rather should be made available by the authors upon request from instructors interested in adopting the case.

·          Prototypes, which should be technical solutions (e.g., a piece of software and/or a hardware device) developed in response to a specific practical problem. Please note that  this is a new type of submission at ECIS. Prototype papers need to provide reviewers with insight into (1) the problem that the system solution addresses, including prototype’s design objectives, (2) why this is a problem that requires the development of a new prototype, i.e., why prior theory and practice is not sufficient, (3) what the prototype solution looks like (e.g., images, screenshots), (4) what contribution to extant theory and/or practice this prototype makes (i.e., beyond the prototype itself), and (5) how the authors plan to present the prototype (e.g., what technological infrastructure would be needed). Prototype presentations will take the form of system demonstrations. These demonstrations can take the form of (a) a live demonstration of the technology, (b) videos showing the prototype in use, (c) posters illustrating and explaining the prototype, or (d) any combination of these three modalities

For detailed information for each type of submission and review criteria, please see http://ecis2014.eu/call-for-papers/

Conference Theme: Digital Work, Digital Life
Our physical reality is increasingly entangled with digital representations. We are continuously connecting to distant others via email, text and social media on our mobile devices. We rely on big data analytics to help us take action in our increasingly complex world and inanimate objects are beginning to communicate with one another in “the Internet of things.” At ECIS 2014 we want to make the exploration of the opportunities and challenges associated with increasing digitality in both our work and everyday lives a key theme. Not only will ECIS 2014 feature conference tracks that focus on digital innovation but it will also introduce new forms of conferencing and interacting. ECIS 2014 will leverage digital technology for participants to meet and interact in new ways. It will also offer a variety of presentation modalities including paper presentations, interactive posters and demos, and developmental roundtable discussions. ECIS 2014 will also include an industry track where experts in such fields as cyber security, mobile technology and digital innovation will share their insights.

Conference Dates:
6-7 June 2014: Doctoral Consortium
8 June 2014: Pre-ECIS Workshops
9-11 June 2014: ECIS Academic Program
12-13 June 2014: Satellite Conferences

All papers need to be submitted to one – and only one — of the 24 tracks that constitute the ECIS 2014 program:
Digital Work, Digital Life (conference theme)
Advancing Theories and Theorizing in IS Research
Alternative Genres
Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management
Business Model and Entrepreneurship Research in IS
Business Process Management
Designing Collaboration
Decision Support and Big Data
Digital Health Initiatives
Economics and Value of IS
General IS Topics and Breakthrough Ideas
Human-Computer Interaction
IT Project Management
IS Security and Privacy
IT Strategy and Governance
Mobile Life and Mobile Technologies
Openness and IT
IS Teaching Cases
Research Methods and Philosophy
 Service Innovation, Engineering, and Management
Social Media Research and Analytics within and between Organizations
Sustainably Digital
The Digital Public Sector

Please have a closer look at http://ecis2014.eu/call-for-papers/ to see the detailed requirements for each submission type, paper templates, etc.

Important Dates:
Paper Submission begins: 1 November, 2013
Call for Papers Submission Deadline Date:
 8 December, 2013 (strict deadline)
Notification of acceptance:
 3 March, 2014
Panel submission deadline:
 5 March, 2014
Final version of accepted papers due:
 30 March, 2014
Early Bird Registration closes:
 16 April, 2014

Conference Chairs:
Dov Te’eni, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Chrisanthi Avgerou, London School of Economics, UK

Program Chairs:
Michel Avital, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jan Marco Leimeister, Kassel University & University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Ulrike Schultze, Southern Methodist University & Lund University, USA

Industry Chairs:
Helmut Krcmar, TU München Technical University of Munich, Germany
Yesha Sivan, Tel-Aviv Yaffo School of Management and Economics, Israel

Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Frantz Rowe, University of Nantes, France
Workshop Chairs:
Andrea Carugati, Aarhus University, Denmark
Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel
Ohad Barzilay, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Marketing Chair:
Yoram Kalman, Open University, Israel

Local Arrangement Chairs:
Gal Oestreicher – Zinger, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Inbal Yahav, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Ronit Purian Lukach, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Ohad Barzilay, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Technology Chair:
David Bodoff, University of Haifa, Israel
Scholarships Chair:
Gad Ariav, Tel Aviv University, Israel

We are looking forward to see you in Tel Aviv next June!


Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
University of St. Gallen
Institute of Information Management (IWI HSG)
Mueller-Friedberg-Strasse 8
CH - 9000 St. Gallen
Phone  +41 71 224 33 30
Fax       +41 71 224 27 77


Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
Universität Kassel
Lehrstuhlinhaber  | Full Professor and Chair Person
Wirtschaftsinformatik | Information Systems
Forschungszentrum IT-Gestaltung (ITeG) | Research Center for IS Design (ITeG)
http://www.inf.wirtschaft.uni-kassel.de | http://www.iteg.uni-kassel.de
Pfannkuchstr. 1 | 34121 Kassel | Germany
tel: +49- 5 61-8 04 60 64 | fax: +49-5 61-8 04 60 67
Jahresbericht 2012 – Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Einblicke in unsere Forschung, Lehre und das Lehrstuhlleben unter
Leimeister, J. M (2012).: Dienstleistungsengineering und -management.
Weitere Informationen unter:
Das Buch bei Springer: