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Subject: Mobile Business 2002 Call for Papers Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 14:42:48 +0200 From: Mylonopoulos Nikos nmylonop@ALBA.EDU.GR To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Announcement and Call for Papers / Submission M-BUSINESS 2002: The First International Conference on Mobile Business 8-9 July 2002, Athens, Greece http://www.MobiForum.org/mBusiness-2002
The 1st International Conference on Mobile Business, organized by the Athens University of Economics and Business in collaboration with the Mobicom project and with the support of the European Commission, will create an inter-disciplinary forum for academics, managers, policy makers and technologists to debate emerging developments in the commercialisation of new business models exploiting wireless and mobile networks. Whilst technological developments and standardization processes proceed at a rapid pace, many business challenges pertaining to the deployment of value added services remain unresolved. The objective is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the pursuit of innovative research avenues in the identification and study of m-business research challenges and innovative business models. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Value added services and applications - Innovative business models - Technology and infrastructure advances - New market dynamics - Competition and collaboration - Strategic partnerships and alliances - Revenue sharing - New market intermediaries - Social and geo-economic impacts - Models of ubiquitous computing - Best Practices in m-Commerce - Regulatory and policy issues
M-BUSINESS 2002 invites contributions for the four conference tracks. In particular:
RESEARCH TRACK: Authors are invited to submit theoretical and empirical papers making a significant research contribution on m-Commerce. The program committee will review all papers and those accepted will be published in the conference proceedings.
WORKSHOPS: Small-group workshops will debate intensively specific issues through structured facilitated processes. Workshop proposals should include a description and rationale of the topic, the objectives and expected outcomes of the workshop, the profile of intended participants and an outline of the facilitation process.
PANELS & FUTURES PAPERS: This track intends to enhance the debate on short-term and long-term developments. Panels examining innovative issues of interest on mobile business are solicited. Panel proposals should include the objectives, indicative discussion questions and biographical sketches of the panelists. Futures Papers (maximum 8 pages) introduce visionary concepts looking deeper into the future of the mobile society and providing stimulating ideas that extend our current frames of thinking. Futures Papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee and will be published in the conference proceedings.
DEMOS & TUTORIALS: In order to offer conference participants hands-on experience of the latest developments and in order to accelerate the diffusion of innovations, researchers and business developers are invited to present their latest services, applications, business methods or other innovations. Demonstration proposals should include a description of the demo, the presenter and affiliated organization and equipment to be used. Potential instructors are invited to submit tutorial proposals of at most 5 pages, including a biographical sketch. Evaluation of proposals will be based on the expertise and experience of the instructors, and on the relevance of the subject matter.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Authors should prepare a Word or Portable Document Format (PDF) version of their full paper or proposal. Submissions should include title, authors and a 150-word abstract as a separate document. The author responsible for correspondence should be identified. The core paper should include the title and abstract only and no info about the authors. Research papers should be no longer than 5000 words and must not be currently under review for any other publication. Papers of particular merit will be proposed for publication in leading journals. One of the authors of each paper must register and present the paper at the conference. Submission instructions and author guidelines are available on the conference website: www.MobiForum.org/mBusiness-2002
IMPORTANT DATES: Full Papers Submission due: April 30, 2002 Notification of acceptance: May 25, 2002 Camera-ready version due: June 15, 2002 Authors Registration: June 15, 2002
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Send email to mBusiness-2002@aueb.gr or Visit www.MobiForum.org/mBusiness-2002
GENERAL CHAIR Georgios I. Doukidis (gjd@aueb.gr), Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece
ORGANIZING CHAIR Ioanna D. Constantiou (ioanna@aueb.gr), MobiCom Project Manager, AUEB
PROGRAMME CHAIR Nikolaos A. Mylonopoulos (nmylonop@alba.edu.gr), ALBA and Mobicom Scientific Coordinator
WORKSHOPS & PANELS CHAIR Jukka Heikkila, University of Jyvaskyla (FIN)
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Jorn Altmann, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (UK) Ion Badekas, Stet Hellas (GR) Stuart Barnes, University of Bath (UK) Frank P. Coyle, Southern Methodist University (USA) Chris Dellarocas, MIT Sloan School of Management (USA) Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University (TR) Ali Farhoomand, University of Hong Kong (HK) George Giaglis, Aegean University (GR) Thanos Giamas, Lambrakis Research Foundation (GR) Ravi Kalakota, E-Business Strategies (USA) Hans-Georg Kemper, Universitat Stuutgart (D) Hans Lehmann, University of Auckland (NZ) Franz Lehner, University of Regensburg (D) Stephanie Manning, Vodafone Group Services (UK) Brian Mennecke, Iowa State University (USA) Leif B. Methlie, Norwegian School of Econ. & Bus. (NO) Peter Soby Nielsen, Ericsson Sweden (S) Louis-Francois Pau, Rotterdam School of Management (NL) Andreas Pitsilides, University of Cyprus (CY) George Polyzos, Athens University of Econ. and Business (GR) Hans Schaffers, Telematics Institute (NL) Beat Schmid, University of St. Gallen (CH) Dietrich Seibt, University of Cologne (D) Vasileios Serafeimidis, KPMG Consulting (UK) Burkhard Stiller, Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology (CH) Volker Tschammer, GMD Focus (D) George Tsekouras, University of Brighton (UK) Lorenzo Valeri, RAND Europe (UK) Upkar Varshney, Georgia State University (USA) Hannes Werthner, EC3 Electronic Commerce Center (A)
Local Organizers: ELTRUN - The eBusiness Center Department of Management Science and Technology Athens University of Economics and Business
Conference Secretariat: Filidou Sofia Tsaousoglou Maria
-----Original Message----- From: Nicholas Romano, Jr. [mailto:nicholas-romano@dev21.tcom.okstate.edu] Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 4:05 PM To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE Subject: AMCIS 2002 Dallas Call for Papers
Call for Papers
2002 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Dallas, Texas August 9-11, 2002
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, March 15, 2002
Web site: http://hsb.baylor.edu/AMCIS2002 and click on "Call for Papers"
Reveiwer Chair Nicholas C. Romano, Jr., along with Program Co-Chairs, Reagan Ramsower and John Windsor, Conference Chairs G.W. Willis and Jack Becker, the Conference Committee members and AIS invite scholars and practitioners worldwide to participate in the program for the 2002 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2002). The conference covers important issues in Information Systems and serves the research and teaching interests of the IS community.
ALL paper submissions, reviews, and final decisions for AMCIS 2002 will be done via the Temple Peer Review System (TPRM at http://tprm.temple.edu/amcis2002/) One author for each paper must register on TPRM and then upload the paper into the correct minitrack.
Call for papers: ===========
Papers (Completed research and Research-in-progress) are solicited. AMCIS recognizes the value of papers on technical, organizational, learning, curriculum and professional development topics, as well as papers taking conceptual, theoretical, empirical, or practical approaches. The deadline for submitting papers is March 15th, 2002.
Mini-tracks are the predominant method for organizing topics at AMCIS conferences. Mini-tracks are an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to focus on sub-topics of specific interest, and to foster cohesive and interactive sessions. Because of the large number of mini-tracks, related mini-tracks have been grouped into categories.
The AMCIS conference program uses a centralized electronic submission system to distribute papers to the appropriate mini-track chair(s) for review. Mini-track chair(s) handle the reviewing process and are responsible for the acceptance of papers with minimal oversight from the program co-chairs. Mini-tracks may have slightly difference submission requirements so authors should locate the appropriate mini-track for their paper below and carefully examine the call for papers to that mini-track. Authors are encouraged to contact the mini-track chair for help with submission and to answer questions.
The Mini-tracks categories for AMCIS 2002 are:
Organizational & Behavioral Research *Organizational Change *Customer Collaboration & Virtual Communities *Skills Portfolios for Information Technologies-Acquisition, Development & Management *Trust in an Organizational & e-Business Contest *Dysfunction in Computer-Mediated Communication *Strategic Telework: Present and Future Directions *Managing the Corporate IS Organization in the 21st Century
Information Systems Development *Information Systems Evaluation *Integration Patterns in Legacy-System Migration *Information Systems Strategy & Implementation *Component-Based Software Development and Software Reuse *Information Technology Project Management
E-Commerce Systems and Issues *Assessment of E-Commerce Systems: Theories, Instruments, Applications, and Methodologies *E-Systems Development: Architectures, Models, Methods, and Methodologies *Electronic Commerce Customer Relationship Management *Customer Service Systems *Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce *E-Government Strategies and Projects *In Search of IT Components in EC *Strategic Planning for E-Commerce Systems (SPECS) *Business Models for the Digital Economy
Supply Chain Systems and Issues *Supply Chain Management in the Digital Economy *IT Infrastructure for Supply Chains
M-Commerce Systems and Issues *Mobile Commerce and Location-Based Services *Wireless Information Systems: M-Commerce and Beyond
Data Management Systems and Issues *Databases and Data Management *Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Networking Systems and Issues *Network and Internet Security
Enterprise/Strategic Systems and Issues *Strategic Information Systems in the Digital Economy *Enterprise Systems Stream Proposal
Decision Support Systems and Issues *Decision Support Systems
Accounting Systems and Issues *Accounting Information Systems
Intelligent Agent Systems and Issues *Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems in Business
Outsourcing Systems and Issues *Application Service Providers
Human Computer Interface *Visualization, Media Technology, and Multimedia *Human-Computer Interaction Studies in MIS
IS Foundations and Research Methodologies *Philosophical Foundations of Information Systems *Social Theory in Information Systems Research-Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Challenges *Critical Information Systems Research- Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Challenges *Building Relationships between Information Systems and Other Academic Disciplines
International Issues in IT *Information Technology and its Impact in Latin America
Educational and Learning Technologies *Emerging Learning Technologies, Pedagogies and Marketplace Issues
Individual calls for papers for each of the mini-tracks may be found at http://hsb.baylor.edu/AMCIS2002/miniprograms.htm
All papers will be submitted electronically. Details for submission of your paper may be found at http://hsb.baylor.edu/AMCIS2002/subpapers.htm
Call for Tutorials ============
Tutorials, which are one and a half hours long, should cover timely topics of interest. In particular, tutorials on such topics as:
1. The conference theme - the wireless world 2. Media technology 3. CRM 4. Security 5. IS role in business continuity 6. Distance education 7. Organizational learning 8. Overview of non-quantitative methods of data analysis 9. Overview of quantitative methods of data analysis 10. New Technologies 11. The economics of computing
will be welcomed.
The format for a tutorial proposal is as follows:
Tutorial title, a 200-word abstract, and a brief outline
Information on the speaker should include the name, affiliation address (postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail), and qualifications for giving the proposed tutorial
Special requirements such as Internet access and access to computers or software, and etc.
E-mail your tutorial proposal to Paul Gray at Paul.Gray@cgu.edu
Call for Panels ===========
Proposals for panels should cover timely topics of interest to the conference theme. Each panel will last 1.5 hours with 3 to 4 speakers. The format for a panel proposal is as follows:
*Panel title, a 200-word abstract, and a brief outline *Information on the panel leader should include the name, affiliation address (postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail) and envisioned activities during the panel *Proposed other panel members
Proposals should be e-mailed to Les Ball at l.ball@neu.edu
Call for Workshops ==============
Proposals for workshops for full day or one half day, should cover timely topics of interest to the conference theme. Workshops will be conducted the day before the conference (August 8). The format for a workshop proposal is as follows:
*Workshop title, a 200-word abstract, whether it is a whole day or half day, and a brief outline *Information on the workshop leader and/or speaker should include the name, affiliation address (postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail) and envisioned activities during the workshop *Special requirements such as Internet access, access to computers, and limit to the number of enrollees, etc.
Proposals should be e-mailed to Les Ball at l.ball@neu.edu
AMCIS 2002 Conference Co-Chairs:
Jack Becker University of North Texas Business Computer Information Systems Dept. Becker@unt.edu
G. W. Willis Baylor University Information Systems Dept. GW_Willis@baylor.edu
AMCIS 2002 Program Co-Chairs:
Reagan Ramsower Baylor University Information Systems Department Reagan_Ramsower@Baylor.edu
John Windsor University of North Texas Business Computer Information Sys windsor@unt.edu
AMCIS 2002 Reviewer Chair:
Nicholas C. Romano, Jr. Oklahoma State University Department of Management Science and Information Systems Nicholas-Romano@MSTM.OKState.EDU
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