Subject: Call for Papers: 10th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic
Markets (RSEEM
2003), Deadline: May 23, 2003
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Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 14:17:44 +0200
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Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to the call for papers
for RSEEM 2003.
I would be good to see you in Bremen.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert
Research Director E-Business
University of Applied Sciences Basel (FHBB)
Institute for Business Economics (IAB)
Peter Merian-Str. 86
P.O. Box, 4002 Basel
Tel. +41 61 279 1774
Fax. +41 61 279 1798
------------------------------------------------ snip
The Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets
(RSEEM) is an annual event destined to provide a forum for researchers to
present and discuss their current and ongoing work. In order to stimulate
a lively discussion the number of participants will be limited to approx.
30 people. In the past, RSEEM has always attracted a small community of
junior and senior researchers.
We call for papers for the theme of RSEEM
A Research Agenda for Emerging Electronic Markets
and the focus topic of RSEEM 2003
E-Marketplaces Between Market and Cooperation
RSEEM is a forum to discuss current or ongoing research on electronic markets. We call in particular for research papers that give an outlook on the future of E-Markets and E-Societies and that contribute to a research agenda on electronic markets (future projects, visions, ideas, prospects). One idea of the symposium is to coordinate the emerging research of the participants on electronic markets.
The focus theme of RSEEM 2003 is "E-Marketplaces between Market and Cooperation". E-markets stimulate competition through, e.g., auctions and low transaction costs. They also enable novel models of information sharing and the re-organization of value chains through new cooperation models. Electronic markets stipulate new designs for the "game" of creating economic value. E.g., in e-procurement, a new relation buyer-seller is defined as the electronic product catalogs move from the sell-side to the buy-side. More challenges in e-markets are the integration of product catalogs and existing IT-infrastructures as, e.g., ERP systems as well as standards, standardization and design models and methods.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Cooperation models (Value webs, virtual communities &.)
- Market mechanisms (Auctions, portals, ...)
- Business models in e-markets (Cases, solution providers, ...)
- System integration (ERP, buy-side integration
- Formats and standards (XML, BizTalk, ...)
Program committee:
- Bob O`Keefe, University of Surrey, UK
- Stefan Klein, University College Dublin, IE (Chair)
- Ulrike Lechner, University of Bremen, D (Local Organizer, CoChair)
- Ron Lee, Florida International University, USA
- Uwe Leimstoll, University of Applied Sciences Basel, CH
- Beat F. Schmid, University of St. Gallen, CH
- Mareike Schoop, University of Münster, D
- Petra Schubert, University of Applied Sciences Basel, CH
- Rita Walczuch, University of Maastricht, NL
- Important Dates
- Submission of paper proposals (< 1000 words) May 23, 2003
- Notification of acceptance June 15, 2003
- Submission of full or work-in-progress papers August 15, 2003
- Research symposium September 13-15, 2003
- Submission instructions
- All paper submissions to RSEEM 2003 must be in English, and should represent the original work of the authors.
- The first submission (paper proposal, deadline May 23) should not exceed 1000 words (excluding references). Contact information of the corresponding authors has to be included. Acceptance will be based on relevance, originality, and suitability for discussion. Based on the decision of the program committee, submissions of full papers (based on the RSEEM style sheet) are required before August 15. Papers accepted for presentation will be included in the proceedings.
- There are no rigid guidelines regarding paper length for the final research papers. We suggest the final papers to have between 5 and 15 pages.
- Contact
- All submissions and questions should be addressed to
- Ulrike Lechner (
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lechner
- University of Bremen, Fachbereich 03 für Mathematik und Informatik
- PO 33 04 40
- 28334 Bremen
- Germany