-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Dear All,
We are pleased to announce that, due to numerous requests for extensions and a great deal of interest, we have extended the date for submission for our special issue on ICT4D to January 30.
Any queries, please contact the editors of the special issue, Sundeep Sahay (sundeep.sahay@yahoo.com<mailto:sundeep.sahay@yahoo.com>), Maung Sein (maung.k.sein@uia.no<mailto:maung.k.sein@uia.no>) and Cathy Urquhart (c.urquhart@mmu.ac.uk<mailto:c.urquhart@mmu.ac.uk>)
Best wishes,
Cathy, Sundeep and Maung
Professor Cathy Urquhart PhD Tas
Chair of Digital and Sustainable Enterprise
Department of Marketing, Operations and Digital Business
Room 6.22,
Business School Building
Manchester Metropolitan University
All Saints Campus, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6BX
Email: c.urquhart@mmu.ac.uk<mailto:c.urquhart@mmu.ac.uk>
Tel: 0161 247 3798 Fax: 0161 247 6350
Staff profile: http://www.business.mmu.ac.uk/staff/staffdetails.php?uref=430
Author of Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide,
[Book cover thumbnail]
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