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Subject: [wkwi] CfP pre-ICIS workshop: "Intelligent Agents and their Interplay within Service Ecosystems"
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2023 08:41:21 +0000
From: Peters, Christoph <christoph.peters@unisg.ch>
Reply-To: Peters, Christoph <christoph.peters@unisg.ch>
To: wkwi@listserv.dfn.de <wkwi@listserv.dfn.de>

---Bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfachzustellungen---


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren


Wir möchten Sie gerne auf den Call for Participation für unseren pre-ICIS Workshop "Intelligent Agents and their Interplay within Service Ecosystems" in Hyderabad aufmerksam machen.

Über entsprechende Weiterleitung in Ihren Netzwerken und Teams sowie natürlich über spannende Impulse und Diskussionen in Hyderabad freuen wir uns.




Intelligent Agents and their Interplay within Service Ecosystems

Workshop Organizers

Christoph Peters, University Of Kassel, Germany & University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; christoph.peters@unisg.ch
Christian Bartelheimer, Paderborn University, Germany; Christian.bartelheimer@uni-paderborn.de
Daniel Heinz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; daniel.heinz@kit.edu

Theme of the Workshop

With the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, and especially Generative AI, incorporating hybrid intelligence into value co-creation processes is becoming widespread in various application domains. Employing intelligent agents in service ecosystems is assumed to result in superior outcomes, benefiting all involved actors. At the same time, however, these systems become much more complex. In this workshop, we want to explore the prospects and constraints of integrating intelligent agents of any type in service ecosystems. Inspired by this year’s conference theme, this workshop intends to question how we, as Information Systems (IS) researchers, can design, implement, manage, and maintain AI-based service ecosystems that benefit diverse human needs. In doing so, we aim to bring IS researchers from diverse backgrounds together to discuss intelligent agents from multiple perspectives.

Purpose of the Workshop

This workshop intends to facilitate the discourse amongst IS researchers interested in service science. We invite those interested in discussing how service research can conceptualize and investigate diverse facets of where and how intelligent agents can be successfully integrated in service ecosystems. We want to exchange different perspectives and ideas on this year’s workshop topic on the interplay of intelligent agents within service ecosystems. Based on participants’ various inputs, we aim to develop a framework about how service researchers in IS can contribute to advancing our knowledge on this topic and discuss and plan the next steps on how we can proceed in future work, for example, by publishing a panel report.

Format of the Workshop: Integrating loosely-coupled strands of research

The workshop will be conducted on Sunday, December 10th, as a half-day event, including two major sessions. We will start with a welcome coffee and networking before the SIG Services leadership team opens the workshop session. In the first session of the workshop, we will have thought-provoking impulses on intelligent agents in service ecosystems, from distinguished scholars as well as from practitioners who share insights about their view on the prospects and constraints on leveraging AI agents in different domains and scenarios. The coffee break also serves as a starting point for an interactive pitch and poster session that will enable us to discuss current hot topics on AI agents in depth before we conclude the workshop with a brief wrap-up and the annual SIG Services assembly (including elections and awards).




Sun, Dec 11th


14:00 – 14:15

Welcome and networking

14:15 – 15:45

Thought-provoking impulses on intelligent agents in service ecosystems

15:45 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 16:45

Interactive pitch and poster session

16:45 – 17:00

Wrap-up & Annual SIG Services assembly

Target Audience

The primary target audience includes the current members of the AIS SIG Services and all other IS researchers and practitioners interested in the conceptualization, design, and analysis of artificial agents in service ecosystems. In particular, we encourage those scholars who want to be involved in integrating the currently siloed view on the role of artificial agents in digital services and service ecosystems. The participation of the ‘next generation of service researchers’ and those who can bring in specific cultural or methodological viewpoints as well as personal experience is highly appreciated.

Important dates / Submissions of research input pitches

Accepted papers (in form of extended abstracts) will be presented as posters in the second session of the workshop. Please hand in your extended abstracts (max. 5 pages) via email to the workshop organizers until November 10th, 2023. To be accepted,  papers must outline how their ideas relate to the role of intelligent agents in digital services or service ecosystems and should also present clearly how the paper contributes to theory and practice.

The timeline for submissions is as follows:

Please note that we plan to organize and invite all workshop participants to our traditional pre-workshop dinner on Saturday night, December 9th, in Hyderabad. You might want to plan your ICIS trip accordingly.


Best regards, also on behalf of my co-organizers,

Christoph (Peters)


PD Dr. Christoph Peters

Universität Kassel | University of Kassel

Vertretungsprofessor | Deputy Professor

Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Systementwicklung | Professorship Information Systems and Systems Engineering

Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für IT-Gestaltung (ITeG) I Research Center for IS Design (ITeG)


Pfannkuchstr.1 | 34121 Kassel | Germany
tel: +49-561-804 6155 | fax: +49-561-804 6067






Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters

Assistenzprofessor | Assistant Professor


Institute of Information Management | University of St.Gallen
Universität St.Gallen (HSG) | Müller-Friedberg-Str. 
8 | CH-9000 St.Gallen
Tel. +41 71 224 37 17 | Fax. +41 71 224 27 77

christoph.peters@unisg.ch | www.iwi.unisg.ch