CALL FOR PAPERS SPIRE 2002 - String Processing and Information Retrieval September 11-13, 2002 Lisbon, Portugal What is SPIRE 2002 ================== SPIRE 2002 is the ninth edition of the International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval. It has its origins in the South American Workshop on String Processing which was first held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 1993. Starting in 1998, the focus of the symposium was broadened to include the area of information retrieval} due to its increasing relevance and its inter-relationship with the area of string processing. The scope of the symposium includes not only fundamental algorithms in string processing but also contributions in different application areas like biocomputing, DNA sequencing, WWW based IR systems and IR related languages like SGML and XML. Given its inter-disciplinarity, it offers a singular opportunity for researchers interested in working in these areas. The proceedings of SPIRE 2002 will be published by Springer as a volume in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Selected papers will be invited for publication (in extended version, subject to refereeing) in a special issue of the Journal of Discrete Algorithms. Symposium Venue =============== The symposium will take place at Instituto Superior Tecnico, located in the center of Lisbon. Lisbon is a city of attractive contrasts, its past and present combining to make a capital city with a unique character. Lisbon is one of Europe's most exciting and beautiful cities, with breathtaking architecture, good museums, a lively cultural scene and terrific restaurants. Important Dates =============== Paper submission: April 12th, 2002 Authors notification: May 24th, 2002 Camera ready copies due: June 21st, 2002 Topics ====== SPIRE 2002 covers research in all aspects of string processing, information retrieval, computational biology, pattern matching, DNA computing, and related applications. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to): - String Processing: dictionary algorithms, text searching, pattern matching, text compression, text mining, voice or natural language processing, and automata based string processing. - Information Retrieval (IR): IR modeling, indexing, ranking and filtering, interface design, visualization, cross-lingual IR systems, multimedia IR, digital libraries, collaborative retrieval, and Web applications. - Interaction of biology and computation: DNA sequencing and applications in molecular biology, information encoding for DNA computing, evolution and phylogenetics, recognition of genes and regulatory elements, protein structure prediction. - Information Retrieval languages and applications: XML, SGML, information retrieval from semi-strutured data, text mining and generation of structured data from text. Organization ============ Conference Chair: Arlindo Oliveira (INESC/IST, Portugal) Program Committee Chair: Alberto Laender (UFMG, Brazil) Publicity Chair: Edgar Chavez (Universidad Michoacana, Mexico) Webmaster: Cuauhtemoc Rivera (Universidad Michoacana, Mexico) Local Arrangements: Ana Cachopo (IST, Portugal) Program Committee ================= Alberto Apostolico (Purdue University, USA) Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Universidad de Chile, Chile) Michael Benedikt (Bell Labs, USA) Elisa Bertino (University of Milan, Italy) Nieves Brisaboa (Universidad de A Coruna, Spain) Edgar Chavez (Universidad Michoacana, Mexico) Roger Chiang (University of Cincinnati, USA) Fabio Crestani (University of Strathclyde, UK) Maxime Crochemore (Un. Marne-la-Vallee, France) Bruce Croft (University of Massachusetts, USA) David W. Embley (Brigham Young University, USA) Daniela Florescu (XQRL Inc., USA) Juliana Freire (Bell Labs, USA) Edward Fox (Virginia Tech, USA) Pablo de la Fuente (Universidad de Validolid, Spain) Carlos Alberto Heuser (UFRGS, Brazil) Costas S. Iliopoulos (King's College London, UK) Alberto Laender (UFMG, Brazil) - Chair Vicente Lopez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain) Joao Meidanis (UNICAMP. Brazil) Ruy Milidiu (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Alistair Moffat (University of Melbourne, Australia) Mario Nascimento (University of Alberta, Canada) Gonzalo Navarro (Universidad de Chile, Chile) Arlindo Oliveira (INESC/IST, Portugal) Ee-Peng Lim (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Berthier Ribeiro-Neto (UFMG, Brazil) Marie-France Sagot (INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France) Fabrizio Sebastiani (CNR, Italy) Joao Carlos Setubal (UNICAMP. Brazil) Ayumi Shinohara (Kyushu Univeristy, Japan) Veda C. Storey (Georgia State University, USA) Jorma Tarhio (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland) Nivio Ziviani (UFMG, Brazil) Justin Zobel (RMIT, Australia) Submission Instructions ======================= Authors are invited to submit research and application papers, not exceeding 5000 words or 12 pages (Springer LNCS format), representing original, previously unpublished work. Papers that substantially exceed this limit will be rejected without being reviewed. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Papers should be submitted electronically, using the links available at the Symposium Web page. Paper submissions in the Springer LNCS format ( are highly appreciated. For the purpose of blind reviewing, submissions must be anonymous, i.e., no page in the submitted papers, including the first one, should identify the authors or their affiliations. Particularly, authors should avoid including in the submission version aknowledgements and self citations that might reveal their identity (e.g., "In our previous work [reference]"). At least one author of each accepted paper will be required to register for attending and presenting the paper at SPIRE 2002. For further inquires, please contact the Program Committee Chair: Alberto Laender Computer Science Department Federal University of Minas Gerais 31270-901 - Belo Horizonte - MG Brazil emaill: