Organizations build and maintain many information systems
to mange large volume of content
published and consumed by knowledge-intensive workers.
These systems are interconnected both
internally, within an organization, and with systems
external to the organization, for example news feed
on the Web . Such environments involve many peers, which
share information within a large network
that is often distributed across various departments or
sometimes even geographically. Such
distributed environment brings new challenges related to
efficient synchronization and delivery of
information between interested peers (e.g. employees).
However, the contemporary organizational landscape
follows a distributed model in which various
peers can both publish and consume information. This
shift requires new approaches for delivery of
timely and relevant information in a close-to-real-time
manner across such peer-to-peer (P2P)
networks. Many initiatives focus on building P2P wikis
that combine the beneï¬ts of mass collaboration
with the intrinsic qualities of peer-to-peer networks,
such as scalability or fault-tollerance. The main
challenge in building such collaborative tools is to
ensure the consistency of content replicated on
different peers. Although knowledge workers utilize many
collaboration tools (e.g blogs, wikis), crucial
information is often not managed effectively what affects
efficiency and generates additional spending.
To address this concern, organizations attempt to sustain
information exchange through utilization of
social networking tools both internally and externally.
Once the social network is woven and social connections
are established, it is important to gather and
reuse information available in this network. Thus, a
distributed social network requires efficient data
synchronization tools to allow for timely updates and
retrieval of relevant content.
In our session we shall present and discuss results of
hands-on applications and practices followed
and recent case studies from the health, the finance, the
electronics and the publishing / media
industries, looking critically into their commonalities
and asking for challenges related to a wide gamut
of technical- and human-related aspects such as:
Transition from enterprise data silos to semantically
linked enterprise networks
Valorisation of corporate semantic data
Spinning the social semantic web
Sociology theories for semantic social networks
Session Organizers
Dr Maciej Dabrowski, Digital Enterprise Research
Institute (DERI), National University of Ireland,
Prof. Eleni Kaldoudi, School of Medicine, Democritus
University of Thrace (DUTH), Greece, E-mail:
Submission procedure
Special sessions are included in the main Conference and
follow the same reviewing process.
Full papers submission: April, 26th, 2013
Acceptance Notice: May, 12th, 2013
Camera Ready Submission: May, 31th, 2013
Acceptance of papers is based on the full paper (up to 8
pages). Each paper will be evaluated by three
members of the International Program Committee. When
submitting on the web site, you have to
indicate the name of the special session.
Submission on: with copy
by email to the chairs of the special session.