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Subject: [AISWorld] LAST CALL FOR PAPERS: NEAIS Annual Conference, May 31st, 2019 Bentley University
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 22:54:24 +0000
From: Motiwalla, Luvai <Luvai_Motiwalla@uml.edu>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

2019 New England Association for Information Systems (NEAIS) Annual Conference
May 31st, 2019 Bentley University


NEAIS 2019 seeks to expand the information frontiers of IS. We invite submissions reflecting a plurality of perspectives on the discipline, particularly those relevant to the conference theme "Data-Driven Innovation". The New England Association for Information Systems (AIS) chapter serves members of AIS in the Northeastern United States. We welcome submissions from all IS scholars and especially encourage submissions from those in the Northeastern region.

The conference will include several presentation sessions, invited keynote speakers, and panel sessions. We invite submissions from academia and industry from across the Northeast region and beyond. Students are also encouraged to submit their papers in conjunction with their advisors and present them at the conference. For more about the chapter, see our website.

Submissions may be in the form of one or more of the following: research-in-progress papers, case studies, or proposals for panel discussions.

Research-in-Progress: Research-in-progress papers can describe initial work or results of preliminary analysis and should be 500-1000 words.

Panel Submissions: Individuals interested in conducting a panel dealing with technological, managerial, professional, teaching, societal, national or international issues of information technology management are invited to submit a 500-1000-word proposal covering the objectives, issues to be covered, and the names and email addresses of the panelists.

Potential Topics: Research-in-progress and panel proposals are invited in the following areas (but not limited to them):

* Algorithms
* Artificial intelligence
* Business intelligence
* Business process design and management
* Cyber-security and Privacy
* Data Analytics
* Design Science Research
* Digital Government
* Digital Learning and IS Education
* Ethical issues in IS
* Economics of IS/IT
* Future of Work
* Global IS/IT/outsourcing
* Human Computer Interaction
* Healthcare and IS
* Human Behavior and IS
* Information policy
* Innovation and Entrepreneurship
* IT service management
* Knowledge management
* Organizational Behavior
* Project management
* Research methods in IS/IT
* Smart Cities
* Social Media and Social Technologies
* Strategic IS/IT management
* Sustainability and Societal Impact of IS
* Systems development
* Technology adoption and diffusion
* Ubiquitous Computing, IoT, Mobile
* Virtual communities and collaboration

Reviewer feedback will be provided. Submissions should be in MS Word or PDF format and submitted via email to NEAIS@bentley.edu<mailto:NEAIS@bentley.edu> no later than April 2nd. The submission template is available here<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fdrive.google.com-252Fopen-253Fid-253D1CLSiH7MNlFon1vK0y5mO5WMkMQ7tgXMm-26data-3D02-257C01-257C-257C00d836d3f1074a35d1f008d6b1fd6431-257C9030beae3cfc4788a9e2130204ff1f10-257C0-257C0-257C636892099210378113-26sdata-3DELFWxewvJUkmAiRo-252BlA9rK5uwBHSCe3R1HCOVqql5RY-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMGaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=Sta1vCSZOXIWliC3FCZ3xlCDba-2jzbJ7x02eZXYi5Y&m=iLCSFZujRLJZBxuHsoOLVP02wf7vmmA0-1wQEvQCIWE&s=a9-wFGlDRqoQ4rg-l4OXyph2sQB0l1sZpXDKMAv8Vn4&e=>.


Important dates
Submission deadline: April 2, 2019
Decision to Authors: April 30, 2019
Camera Ready Copy Due: May 10, 2019

The Annual New England Association for Information Systems Conference (NEAIS 2019) will be hosted at Bentley University. Bentley is one of the nation's leading business schools, blending the breadth and technological strengths of a large university with the values and student focus of a small college. Bentley offers 14 business and 11 arts & sciences undergraduate majors, the Bentley MBA, eight specialized master's programs and two doctoral programs.

UML: https://www.uml.edu/MSB/faculty/motiwalla-luvai.aspx
NEAIS website.