-------- Original Message --------
Vance Wilson and Diane Strong, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Patient-Centered E-Health (PCEH) is an emerging discipline that would
benefit from receiving much more research attention. As a starting
point, we use Wilson’s (2009) definition of PCEH as the combination of
three themes:
- Patient-focus: PCEH applications are developed primarily based on
needs and perspectives of patients.
- Patient-activity: PCEH application designs assume that patients can
participate meaningfully in providing and consuming information about,
and of interest to, them.
- Patient-empowerment: PCEH applications assume that patients want to,
and are able to, control far-ranging aspects of their health care via
a PCEH application.
Although e-health applications have become common, most applications
focus on the needs of healthcare providers and organizations, rather
than the e-health services that patients actually desire. This is not
surprising because most Health IT and health and medical informatics
research has necessarily started with the development and integration
of electronic records and related systems, rather than delivering
e-health to patients.
Our objectives in creating this special section are to explore,
clarify, and expand the emerging PCEH field. We are soliciting papers
from all research perspectives and disciplines and from all parts of
the world.
Conventional research articles are welcome, as are submissions that
support research and researchers, a key mission of the CAIS
Information Systems and Healthcare Department (Wilson, 2004). We
specifically invite submissions in the following areas.
Submissions of PCEH Research
- Conceptual articles, including those that build on, critique, or
replace the working definition of PCEH presented by Wilson (2009)
- Review articles assessing the status or trajectory of PCEH research
- Application of theories, methods, design principles, and/or
practices of user-centered design and other relevant disciplines to
the PCEH context
- Qualitative and quantitative empirical studies of PCEH
- Design research
- Case studies
- Teaching cases
Submissions Supporting PCEH Research and Researchers
- Instrument development and adaptation of instruments to the PCEH context
- Literature reviews and annotated bibliographies
- Tutorials related to PCEH
- Panel discussions related to PCEH
- Submit abstract for comment by June 30, 2012 (recommended but not required)
- Submit paper by October 1, 2012
- Reviews returned to authors by November 10, 2012
- Revise and resubmit by January 7, 2013*
- Final decisions by February 11, 2013*
- Special section papers published during March 2013*
*Papers that are not revised and returned by January 7, 2013 or are
not accepted for publication by February 11, 2013 will be invited to
continue in the review process for publication within the Information
Systems and Healthcare Department of CAIS.
Papers will have two rounds of peer review by scholars with knowledge
of, and interest in, e-health. The first round will provide
developmental guidance for improving those papers that show potential
to be accepted for the special section. Final selections for the
Special Section will be made from the second-round submissions.
Submissions to the special section will be handled outside the CAIS
ScholarOne review system. All submissions should be delivered in
MSWord format, following APA guidelines. Submit as an email attachment
to vancewilson@gmail.com.
Wilson, E. V. (2004). Editorial statement: Information systems and
healthcare department. Communications of the Association for
Information Systems, 13(27), 456-458
Wilson, E. V. (2009). Patient-Centered E-Health. Hershey, PA, IGI Publications
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