X-Sender: ariadne@leaohp1.epfl.ch (Unverified) Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:49:07 +0200 To: ariadne@ariadne-eu.org From: ARIADNE Foundation ariadne@ariadne-eu.org Subject: ARIADNE Annual Conference - Call for Parers X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4281 charon 5057bcda316c4be28be6cb71c3a4239d
Dear Colleagues,
Now that ARIADNE is entering its 9th year of research, development, and practical work on "share and reuse" of learning objects, we are proud to announce the
3rd Annual Ariadne Conference 20-21 November 2003 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Topics relevant to this conference include:
- Analysis of empirical usage of learning technologies
- Design, implementation and rollout of novel learning tools
- Novel pedagogical approaches facilitated by learning technologies
- Learning Object Metadata
- Social recommending for learning
- Information Visualization for learning
- Design for reuse
- Aggregation and decomposition of learning objects
- Interoperability of learning infrastructures
- Sustainable organization of learning support
Submissions should be between 5 and 7 pages long. Accepted formats include Adobe PDF, HTML and Microsoft Word. Submissions should be sent to mailto:ariadne@cs.kuleuven.ac.beariadne@cs.kuleuven.ac.be, preferrably with [ARIADNE-CONFERENCE] in the subject field. All submissions will be reviewed by 3 reviewers. Accepted contributions will be published in the official proceedings and will be made publicly available on the web.
Just like last year, "This call for contribution is open to any teacher, researcher or professional, whether or not member of the Ariadne Foundation, whether or not a user of the Ariadne platform".
Submissions are accepted in French or English.
Important dates:
- Submissions due: 8 September 2003
- Notification: 1 October 2003
- final paper: 1 November 2003
- conference: 20-21 November 2003
Erik Duval