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Subject: [AISWorld] NITIM 2019 Summer School/ Doctoral consortium, June 13th – 15th, 2019, Nice, France
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 14:22:58 +0000
From: Klein, Stefan <Stefan.Klein@wi.uni-muenster.de>
To: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org>

The NITIM 2019 Summer School/ Doctoral consortium will take place June 13th
– 15th, 2019 in Nice, France, just before the
<http://www.ice-conference.org/> ICE/IEEE conference. We invite PhD
candidates to submit proposals for evaluation. For those who have just
started their PhD program, we look forward to receiving a research proposal.
For those in their late stage of their Ph.D., you are encouraged to submit a
relevant piece for your research (a paper, an overview, or a chapter of your
PhD thesis).

The admission to the school will be based on the review of an extended
abstracts (download template) which should be sent by email to
nitim.contact@gmail.com <mailto:nitim.contact@gmail.com> . The deadline for
submission of the Extended Abstract is March 20th (midnight CET).
Notification of acceptance of the school will be sent by April 3rd in order
to facilitate the early booking of flights and accommodation. The full
proposal (or paper), which will form the basis of the discussion and
feedback at the Summer School, is due by May 8th.

The NITIM Schools facilitate the development of doctoral research in the
interdisciplinary field of Networks, Information, Technology and Innovation
Management, bringing together PhD candidates and faculty members in a
focused, in-depth, and constructive discussion of the candidates’ research
work. This summer school is affiliated to the ICE/IEEE conference, which
this year takes place right after our Summer School.

The participation fee for the Summer School will be around 325 EUR Early
Bird price and 375 EUR regular price (including consortium, lunches and
dinners). As usual, we will try to offer a special combo-price for people
joining both the ICE and NITIM, which will be announced soon on our homepage
( <http://www.ice-conference.org/Registration.aspx>

NITIM Summer School 2019 - Important deadlines

* Extended Abstract submission March
20th, 2019
* Notification of Acceptance
April 3rd, 2019
* Full Proposal Submission May
8th, 2019
* Full Proposal Feedback May
29th, 2019
* 2019 Summer School in Nice June
13th - 15th, 2019

Local chairs

Brunelle Marche, Laurent Dupont & Mauricio Camargo (Université de Lorraine,

Program committee

Roland Ortt (TU Delft, NL)

Stefan Klein (Universität Münster, DE)

Guido Baltes (HTWG Konstanz, DE)

Hanna Bahemia (Newcastle University, GB)

David Romero (Tecnológico de Monterrey, MX)

Francesc Miralles (La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, ES)

School Chair

Ferney Osorio (Université de Lorraine, FR).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
nitim.contact@gmail.com <mailto:nitim.contact@gmail.com>

For further information, please follow:

Dr. Stefan Klein

Professor for Interorganizational Systems

School of Business and Economics

University of Muenster, Germany