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Architectural Knowledge for Self-Adaptive Systems at ECSA 2018:
The 1st International Workshop on Architectural Knowledge for
Self-Adaptive Systems Held in conjunction with the 12th European
Conference on Software Architectures
September 25, 2018, Madrid, Spain
- Aim and scope
Self-adaptation is nowadays widely considered as a viable approach
for dealing with run-time uncertainty and achieving requirements
in the ever-changing environment. Several processes, methods,
practices and tools for building self-adaptive systems have been
proposed from both academia and industry to address many different
problems. However, even though these solutions are effective, they
are often system-specific and hardly reusable. During the
architecting process, several design/architectural decisions about
the managed and managing systems are primarily taken by relying on
previous personal experience, rather than on a systematic
approach. These decisions and the rationale behind them represent
an important body of knowledge, which should be made open to
practitioners and reused in other contexts. However, experience is
usually unstructured and not properly reported to support its
systematic reuse, then preventing practitioners to leverage on it.
To this end, AKSAS aims at turning Experience into Knowledge by
collecting and organising experiences and practices from
practitioners in both industry and academia. Specifically, the
goal is creating a forum to (i) propose, discuss, evaluate, share,
and classify design/architectural artefacts and (ii) distil a
shared Architectural Knowledge packaged as a toolkit for
designers/architects facing self-adaptive systems.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
+ Comparison and evaluation of reference architectures for
self-adaptive systems
+ Modelling languages to represent self-adaptive systems
+ Architecture Description Languages for self-adaptive systems
+ Architectural artefacts for self-adaptive systems
+ Knowledge on architectural patterns for building self-adaptive
+ Modelling of adaptation strategies, tactics, or policies
+ Structuring knowledge and fostering reuse of adaptation
strategies and tactics
+ Knowledge models of self-adaptive systems for reutilization in
different domains
+ Architectural decision making when building self-adaptive
+ Knowledge evaluation and reuse on monitoring and data
+ Knowledge evaluation and reuse on deliberation, planning and
decision of architectural changes
+ Knowledge on actuation on the system
+ Knowledge on the communication between architectural elements,
and between managing and managed systems
+ Knowledge on measuring and evaluating self-adaptive systems
- Paper submission instructions
Papers should be submitted to EasyChair (
https://easychair.org) as
a single PDF file. The maximum length for papers is 6 pages in ACM
style (see formatting instructions at
http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template/ ).
Submissions will be selected based on their relevance, quality,
soundness and potential to develop discussion during the workshop.
The ECSA 2018 workshop proceedings will be published by ACM.
- Important dates
June 11, 2018: Submission of papers
July 3, 2018: Notification of papers
July 12, 2018: Camera ready
September 25, 2018: Workshop
- Organizing committee:
Jesper Andersson, Linnaeus University,
Mauro Caporuscio, Linnaeus University,
Diego Perez-Palacin, Linnaeus University,
- Publicity chair:
Mirko D'Angelo, Linnaeus University,
- Program Committee:
Paolo Arcaini, Charles University (CZ)
Radu Calinescu, University of York (UK)
Antonio Filieri, Imperial College (UK)
David Garlan, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Pooyan Jamshidi, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Patricia Lago, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Rogerio de Lemos, University of Kent (UK)
Martina Maggio, University of Lund (Sweden)
Sam Malek, University of California Irvine (USA)
José Merseguer, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila (Italy)
Patrizio Pelliccione, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Bradley Schmerl, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Romina Spalazzese, Malmö University (Sweden)
Catia Trubiani, Gran Sasso Science Institute (Italy)
Danny Weyns, KU Leuven (Belgium)
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