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ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction
We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 9, Issue 4,
October 2020.
October 2020
Destruction, Catharsis, and Emotional Release in Human-Robot
Michal Luria, Ophir Sheriff, Marian Boo, Jodi Forlizzi, Amit Zoran
Abstract: The intersection between social, technical, and economic
factors biases new product development to focus on utilitarian
value. However, objects that serve alternative goals, behaviors
and emotions have accompanied humankind for millennia. This
article ...
Where Do You Think You're Going?: Characterizing Spatial Mental
Models from Planned Routes
Brandon S. Perelman, Arthur W. Evans III, Kristin E. Schaefer
Abstract: Route planning is a critical behavior for
human-intelligent agent (H-IA) team mobility. The scientific
community has made major advances in improving route planner
optimality and speed. However, human factors, such as the ability
to predict and ...
Measuring the Perceived Social Intelligence of Robots
Kimberly A. Barchard, Leiszle Lapping-Carr, R. Shane Westfall,
Andrea Fink-Armold, Santosh Balajee Banisetty, David Feil-Seifer
Abstract: Robotic social intelligence is increasingly important.
However, measures of human social intelligence omit basic skills,
and robot-specific scales do not focus on social intelligence. We
combined human robot interaction concepts of beliefs, desires, and
Towards Effective Interface Designs for Collaborative HRI in
Manufacturing: Metrics and Measures
Jeremy A. Marvel, Shelly Bagchi, Megan Zimmerman, Brian Antonishek
Abstract: We present a comprehensive framework and test
methodology for the evaluation of human-machine interfaces (HMI)
and human-robot interactions (HRI) in collaborative manufacturing
applications. An overview of the challenges that face current- and
Human Perception of Social Robot’s Emotional States via Facial and
Thermal Expressions
Denis Peña, Fumihide Tanaka
Abstract: Facial and thermal expressions can be used by humans to
interpret emotions. While facial expressions can be a voluntary
reaction, the change of temperature in the body is often not.
Thus, a facial expression may not always be consistent with the
The Influence of Robot Number on Robot Group Perception—A Call for
Ricarda Wullenkord, Friederike Eyssel
Abstract: Research on robot groups has often applied psychological
principles underlying group processes between humans to
interactions with and between robots. However, such research has
failed to test empirically whether these principles indeed apply
to the ...
Embodiment, Presence, and Their Intersections: Teleoperation and
Nicolas Nostadt, David A. Abbink, Oliver Christ, Philipp Beckerle
Abstract: Subjective experience of human control over remote,
artificial, or virtual limbs has traditionally been investigated
from two separate angles: presence research originates from
teleoperation, aiming to capture to what extent the user feels
like actually ...
ACM THRI welcomes contributions from across HRI and Robotics. For
details on the journal, information for authors, and upcoming
Special Issues, please visit the ACM THRI website:
Odest Chadwicke Jenkins
Selma Sabanovic
ACM THRI Editors-in-Chief
James Young, University of Manitoba
ACM THRI Managing Editor
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