Forwarded message from [ (Agents 2000 Publicity)] sent originally on Fri, 15 Oct 1999 10:21:48 +0200 (MET DST): : ********************************************************************* : This Call for Papers has been sent to several distribution lists. We : apologize if you receive multiple copies of it. : ********************************************************************* : : CALL FOR PAPERS *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** CALL FOR PAPERS : : The Fourth International Conference on : AUTONOMOUS AGENTS (Agents 2000) : : Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain : : Saturday June 3 - Wednesday June 7, 2000 : : (PDF version of this Call for papers at: : : : Autonomous agents are software and robotic entities that are capable : of independent action in open, unpredictable environments. Agents : are also one of the most important and exciting areas of research : and development in computer science today. Agents are currently : being applied in domains as diverse as computer games and : interactive cinema, information retrieval and filtering, user : interface design, electronic commerce, autonomous vehicles and : spacecraft, and industrial process control. The aim of the Agents : 2000 conference is to bring together researchers and developers from : industry and academia to report on the latest scientific and : technical advances, discuss and debate the major issues, and : showcase the latest systems. Agents 2000 will build on the enormous : success of its three predecessors, Agents'97 in Marina del Rey : (, Agents'98 in Minneapolis : (, and Agents'99 in Seattle : ( This will be the : first of the Autonomous Agent conferences to be held outside the : United States. : : The conference welcomes submissions of original, high quality papers : concerning autonomous agents in a variety of embodiments and playing : a variety of roles in their environments. The Agents 2000 : conference, like its predecessors, will focus primarily on systems : that have been or are being implemented; theory papers are welcome : provided that they clearly relate to such systems, for example by : helping us to predict their behavior, explain, or understand them. : The submission of pure theory papers is not encouraged: there are : other, more appropriate forums for such work. Papers that address : isolated agent capabilities (such as planning or learning) are : similarly discouraged, unless they are placed in the overall context : of autonomous agents. Evaluation of agents or multi-agent systems : will be considered a necessary component of each submission. : : In addition to technical presentations of papers, the conference : will include internationally known invited speakers, software and : robotic agent demonstrations, and an exhibits session. More : generally, the conference will strive towards an informal atmosphere : with plenty of time for presentations, questions, and discussions. : Accepted papers and posters will be formally published in Conference : Proceedings. A limited number of student scholarships will be : available. The conference will also include workshops and tutorials : that will take place June 3-4, 2000. : : CONFERENCE THEMES : : Technical issues to be addressed include, but are not restricted to: : : * action selection and planning : * adaptation and learning : * agent architectures : * agent-based software engineering : * agent communication languages : * artificial market systems and electronic commerce : * autonomous robots : * believability : * communication, collaboration, and interaction of humans and agents : * coordinating perception, thought, and action : * designing agent systems : * expert assistants : * evolution of agents : * human-like qualities of synthetic agents : * information agents : * instructability : * integration and coordination of multiple activities : * knowledge acquisition and management : * lessons learned from deployed agents : * lifelike qualities : * meta-modeling and meta-reasoning : * middle-agents (e.g., matchmakers, brokers, routers) : * mobile agents : * modeling the behavior of other agents : * models of emotion, motivation, or personality : * multi-agent teams : * multi-agent communication, coordination, and collaboration : * multi-agent simulation, verification, and validation : * network agents : * organization of agent societies : * privacy and agents : * real-time performance : * standards for agents : * synthetic agents : * system support for the implementation of agents : * user modeling : : PAPER SUBMISSION INFORMATION : : Paper submission is a 2 part process: : : 1. You must send in an electronic title page and abstract. This must : be done via the following WWW page: : : : : Full instructions are provided on this page. Title pages must be : submitted no later than 24 October, 1999. If you are genuinely unable : to complete the online form (e.g., you do not have WWW access), then : please contact the conference program chairs as soon as possible. : : IMPORTANT NOTE: The electronic title page site is likely to be very : busy on 24 October. You are strongly urged to submit this title page : as far in advance of 24 October as possible. : : 2. You must submit hardcopies of your papers -- electronic submission : is NOT acceptable. Paper submissions must arrive no later than 25 : October 1999. Submissions received after this date will be returned : unopened. Authors should submit six (6) copies of papers. All papers : will be reviewed by the program committee, and authors will be : notified of acceptance by 7 January 2000. Submitted papers must be : printed on 8 1/2" x 11" or A4 paper, and should be created using the : style files that will be made available on the Agents 2000 Web site. : Submitted papers must be no longer than 8 pages, using the style files : provided; consult the Web pages for complete formatting instructions. : Submitting videos to support papers is encouraged, but there is no : separate submission of a video, unless attached to a full paper. : Over-length papers will either be rejected or penalized in the review : process. Authors should specify (e.g., in a footnote) if the primary : author of the paper is a student, so that the paper can be considered : for the best student paper award. : : Paper submissions should be sent to: : : AAAI (AGENTS 2000) : 445 Burgess Drive : Menlo Park CA 94035-3442 : USA : : Double Submission Policy: : : Please note that Agents 2000 and AAAI 2000 will enforce a policy not : to allow double submissions. I.e., a paper that has been accepted for : full presentation at Agents 2000 must not be submitted to AAAI 2000. : This policy does not apply to submissions accepted as posters at : Agents 2000. : : TUTORIALS AT AGENTS 2000 : : The program committee invites proposals for the tutorial program, to : be held June 3-4, 2000. Tutorials will be offered on a variety of : aspects of agent-related research related to the main conference : themes. The above list is by no means exclusive; other agent-related : topics will be considered, but in correspondence with the general : direction of the conference, we especially encourage proposals for : tutorials that emphasize the view of agents as complete autonomous : systems. : : Anyone interested in presenting a tutorial should submit a proposal to : the Agents'2000 Tutorial Chair, Wiebe van der Hoek. A tutorial : proposal should contain the following information: : : * A brief description of the tutorial, suitable for inclusion in the : conference registration brochure. : : * A detailed outline of the tutorial. : : * A clear statement of the necessary background and the potential : target audience for the tutorial. : : * A description of why the tutorial topic is of interest to a : substantial part of the Agents '99 audience. : : * A brief resume of the presenter(s), which should include : - name : - postal address : - phone and fax numbers : - email address : - background in the tutorial area (e.g., teaching experience, : brief cv). : : It is suggested that potential tutorial proposers contact the Tutorial : Chair in advance if they have any questions or queries. Those : submitting a proposal should keep in mind that tutorials are intended : to provide an overview of the field; they should present : state-of-the-art information in a balanced way. Tutorials should not : be used to advocate a single avenue of research, nor should they : promote a specific product. : : Proposals must be received no later than by December 6, 1999. They : should be submitted by post or electronically (in ascii, postscript or : rtf). Decisions about topics and speakers will be made by January 10, : 2000. Tutors will be sent a set of guidelines for the preparation of : course materials. Completed course materials must be received for : duplication by March 17, 2000. Please note that Agents'2000 will : normally only duplicate up to 200 pages per participant. : : NOTE: The tutorial participants, as well as the tutors, are required : to register for the Agents'2000 main conference. For the tutors, : modest honoraria are available. Tutorial registration will be handled : by the Agents'2000 Committee along with the main conference : registration. : : Please send proposals and any questions to: : : Wiebe van der Hoek : Department of Computer Science : Utrecht University : P.O. Box 80089 : 3508 TB Utrecht : The Netherlands : Tel +31-30-2533599 : Fax +31-30-513791 : Email : URL : : IMPORTANT DATES FOR TUTORIAL ORGANIZERS: : : Submission Deadline for Tutorial Proposals December 6th 1999 : Notification of acceptance of Tutorial Proposals January 10th 2000 : Submission of Tutorial materials March 17th 2000 : Turorial dates June 3-4th 2000 : : WORKSHOPS AT AGENTS 2000 : : The Program Committee invites proposals for workshops to be held at : Agents 2000. Workshops are intended to provide opportunities for : in-depth meetings and informal discussions about particular aspects of : agents. The topics listed above provide an indication of the types of : issues that might be addressed by workshops, though other : agent-related topics are welcome. : : Potential Workshop organizers should e-mail the following information : to the workshops chair, Keith Decker (, no later : than December 6th, 1999: : : * Title of the proposed workshop : : * Description of the workshop, including a strategy for recruiting : participants and selecting papers : : * List of workshop organizers : : * The name, address, e-mail address, phone number, and fax number of : the person to contact : : * Estimated number of participants, and if possible, a list of : tentatively confirmed attendees : : * A list of previously-organized related workshops organized by any : of the organizers. This is to help the workshop chair put the : workshop in context (previous experience with similar workshops is : not required!) : : * Length (half-day/full-day) and suggested format. : : Workshops will be held on June 3 and 4, 2000. All workshops will be : either half-day or full-day. : : The workshop organizers will be responsible for: : : * Producing a call-for-participation and distributing it. : : * Selecting workshop participants. A list of participants should be : submitted to the Agents 2000 Workshop Chair by April 14, 2000. : : * Producing the workshop notes. If camera ready copy of the notes is : submitted to the Agents 2000 Workshop Chair by April 14, 2000, the : Agents 2000 Committee will produce copies of the workshop notes for : workshop participants. : : The Agents 2000 Committee will provide meeting places for the : workshops including nominal refreshments. : : NOTE: The workshop participants are required to register for the : Agents 2000 main conference. Workshop registration will be handled by : the Agents 2000 Committee along with the main conference registration. : : Please send proposals and any questions to the Workshops Chair: : : Keith Decker : Department of Computer and Information Sciences : 103 Smith Hall : University of Delaware : Newark, DE 19716-2586 : USA : Phone +1 302-831-1959 : Fax +1 302-831-4091 : Email : URL : : IMPORTANT DATES FOR WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS: : : Submission Deadline for Workshop Proposals December 6th 1999 : Notification of acceptance of Workshop Proposals January 10th 2000 : Submission of papers to Workshop Organizers March 17th 2000 : Submission of camera-ready Workshop Notes April 14th 2000 : Workshop dates June 3-4th 2000 : : ROBOTS : : The organizers of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous : Agents invite teams from universities and other research laboratories : to participate in the conference and showcase their achievements in : autonomous robotics research in the Robot Demonstrations event. : : The goal for the Robot Demonstrations is to create a stimulating and : supporting supplement to the conference. We welcome all kind of robot : demonstrations, robot-oriented autonomous agent software, Internet : robot demonstrations, robot soccer entries, and videos. Robot demos : will be scheduled as special sessions during the conference. Space : will be available for creating environmental settings as needed by the : teams. Additionally, teams may demonstrate their robots during social : events and coffee breaks of the conference. Small travel grants for : students might be available. : : Demo submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation, : relevance, scientific contribution, and potential logistic : constraints. Commercial products are eligible, but sales and : marketing activities are not appropriate. : : Submissions will consist of a cover letter indicating the primary : author's name, affiliation, address, phone number, and email address : and the following (hardcopy submissions should include two copies): : : 1. A two-page summary of the technical content of the demo. This : summary will be handed out at the conference. : 2. A short video tape that shows the highlights of the demo. : 3. A detailed description of resource requirements, such as space, : site set ups, power supplies, monitors, keyboards, or other : necessary hardware or software. The final conference support : for these requirement will be negotiated before the conference. : 4. An estimation of financial support for robot travelling and setup. : : Submissions should be sent to : : Michael Beetz : Department of Computer Science : University of Bonn : Roemerstr. 164 : D-53117 Bonn, Germany : Phone +49 228 73-4514 : Fax +49 228 73-4382 : Email : URL : : by March 3. : : SOFTWARE DEMOS AT AGENTS 2000 : : The organizers of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous : Agents invite teams from universities and other research laboratories : to participate in the conference and showcase their achievements in : the latest agent software products and research projects in the : Software Demonstrations event. : : Demo submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation, : relevance, scientific contribution, and potential logistic : constraints. Commercial products are eligible, but sales and : marketing activities are not appropriate. : : Authors of accepted Agents'99 papers will be invited to demonstrate : their systems at the conference, assuming appropriate equipment can be : arranged. : : Submissions will consist of a cover letter indicating the primary : author's name, affiliation, address, phone number, an email address : and the following: : : 1. A two-page summary of the technical content of the demo. : This summary will be handed out at the conference. : 2. A short video tape or storyboard that shows the highlights of : the demo. : 3. A detailed description of hardware and software requirements. : : Software demo proposals should be submitted to : : Josep Puyol-Gruart : Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) : Campus UAB : 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), SPAIN : Phone +34 93 580 9570 : Fax +34 93 580 9661 : Email : URL : : by March 3. : : FURTHER INFORMATION : : Check out the Agents 2000 web page for details and to get more : information about the conference, venue and Barcelona: : : : : IMPORTANT DATES : : October 24, 1999 Electronic title pages deadline : October 25, 1999 Paper submission deadline : December 6, 1999 Workshop and Tutorial proposals due : January 7, 2000 Paper notifications mailed : January 10, 2000 Notification of acceptance of Workshop and : tutorial Proposals : March 3, 2000 Software and robotics demo submission deadline : March 17, 2000 Camera-ready copies of accepted papers due : March 17, 2000 Tutorial material and Workshop papers due : June 3-4, 2000 Workshops and tutorials : June 5-7, 2000 Conference technical sessions : : CONFERENCE OFFICIALS : : * General Chair: Carles Sierra, IIIA-CSIC, Spain, : : * Technical Program Co-Chairs: Maria Gini, University of Minnesota, : USA, Jeff Rosenschein, Hebrew University, : : : * Workshops Chair: Keith Decker, University of Delaware, USA, : : : * Tutorials Chair: Wiebe van der Hoek (Utrecht University, The : netherlands, : : * Software Demos Chair: Josep Puyol-Gruart, IIIA-CSIC, Spain, : : : * Robotics Demos co-Chairs: Michael Beetz, University of Bonn, : Germany, Gerhard Kraetzschmar, : University of Ulm, Germany, : : * Treasurer: Pere Garcia, IIIA-CSIC, Spain, : : * Sponsors Chair: Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China, : jiming@Comp.HKBU.Edu.HK. : : * Exhibits Chair: Hyacinth Nwana, BT Laboratories, UK, : : : SENIOR PROGRAM COMMITTEE : : Jeffrey M. Bradshaw The Boeing Company, USA : Marco Dorigo Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium : Nick Jennings Queen Mary & Westfield College, UK : Lewis Johnson University of Southern California, USA : Hiroaki Kitano Sony, Japan : Ramon López de Màntaras IIIA-CSIC, Spain : Jörg Müller Siemens, Germany : Pablo Noriega INEGI, Mexico : Steve Smith Carnegie Mellon University, USA : Katia Sycara Carnegie Mellon University, USA : Manuela Veloso Carnegie Mellon University, USA : Mike Wooldridge Queen Mary & Westfield College, UK
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