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********** SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS **********
Minitrack ‘Managing platforms and ecosystems’
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-52)
Conference Date: January 8-11, 2019, Grand Wailea, Maui
Track: Organizational Systems and Technology
********** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JUNE 15, 2018 **********
We are very happy to invite papers and participation to our
HICSS-52 minitrack of ‘Managing platforms and ecosystems’. The
minitrack follows our previous exploration on this topic at
HICSS-49, HICSS-50, and HICSS-51.
The minitrack seeks contributions that draw from diverse
theoretical backgrounds such as engineering, computer science,
decision science, system science, organizational design, and
behavioral economics to continue the scholarly exploration of
concepts, theories, models, and tools for managing platforms and
ecosystems. We are open to a wide set of methodological approaches
including empirical research, case-based research, field studies,
and behavioral decision making experiments. We encourage
collaboration between academia and industry and welcome diverse
submissions by both industry and geography.
‘You cannot do it alone’ and ‘you do not have to do it alone’
describe realities of the global interconnected economy.
Contemporary organizations are struggling with managing the
associated complexities. To support understanding and acting in
these interconnected, even hyper-connected economies, the
following views are increasingly used:
Ecosystems are complex socio, economic, and technical systems that
generate productive output on a sustainable basis. Entities in
ecosystems (e.g., firms, people, technological artifacts, etc.)
form diverse, multiplex, and symbiotic relationships to create and
deliver value.
Platforms, conceptual or technological constructs to structure the
relationships, provide a context for connections and value
creation in an ecosystem. In practice, digital platforms amplify
the volume of opportunity in scaling toward success, allowing for
emergence of multisided markets.
Conceptually, the mindsets, organizational constructs, and the
technological systems of multi-sided markets, platforms, and
ecosystems require a reframed perspective on strategic management
that goes beyond extant literature on strategic and industrial
innovation. While principles and tactics for managing platforms
and ecosystems are emerging, more cross-disciplinary research,
thought leadership and experience sharing are needed.
For the minitrack call, we encourage topics of interest to
include, but not be limited to:
* Theories, models, and empirical studies of platforms and
* Genesis, dynamics, and evolution of platforms and ecosystems,
including the role of boundary resources
* Platforms and ecosystems for firm innovation
* Platform and ecosystem business models
* Technological and competitive disruption in ecosystems
* Analytics, visualization, and decision support for platform and
* Best practices in platform and ecosystem management
* Orchestration strategies for platforms and ecosystem
* Case studies of successes, failures, and unintended consequences
of platforms and ecosystems
Selected high-quality HICSS-52 papers from this minitrack will be
provided with fast track opportunities at Journal of Enterprise
For more information about the minitrack, please refer to
********** Minitrack co-chairs **********
Prof. Rahul C. Basole, Georgia Institute of Technology,
basole@gatech.edu (primary contact)
Dr. Kaisa Still, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd,
Dr. Jukka Huhtamäki, Tampere University of Technology,
********** Advisory committee **********
Brandon Barnett · Intel Corporation, USA
Carmelo Cennamo · Bocconi University, Italy
Raul Chao · University of Virginia, USA
Michael Cusumano · Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Eng Chew · University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Chuck Eesley · Stanford University, USA
Peter Evans · KPMG LLC, USA
Annabelle Gawer · University of Surrey, UK
Ola Henfridsson · University of Warwick, UK
Bala Iyer · Babson College, USA
Yuya Kajikawa · Tokyo Institute of Technology, USA
Jianxi Luo · Singapore University of Technology and Design,
Jungsuk Ok · Seoul National University, South Korea
Hyunwoo Park · Ohio State University, USA
Geoff Parker · Dartmouth College, USA
Mark de Reuver · Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Hannes Rothe · Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Neil Rubens · Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia
Martha Russell · Stanford University, USA
Marko Seppänen · Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Carsten Sørensen · London School of Economics, UK
Jim Spohrer · IBM Corporation, USA
Karl Täuscher · University of Bayreuth, Germany
Amrit Tiwana · University of Georgia, USA
Jukka Huhtamäki
Postdoc Researcher, DSc (Tech)
Tampere University of Technology & University of Tampere
+358405854771 // @jnkka
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