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Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: Standardisation and Innovation in IT
Datum: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 08:15:52 +0100
Von: Kai Jakobs <kai.jakobs@comsys.rwth-aachen.de>
Organisation: RWTH Aachen University
An: AISWorld <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

****My apologies for cross-posting.****


The 9th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (IEEE-SIIT 2015)

6 - 8 October 2015, Sunnyvale, CA

Hosted by: Synopsis

Patrons: Charles River Associates, San Jose State University

Conference Theme: Interoperability, Intellectual Property and Standards 

Interoperability has never been more important than it is today. It can be achieved by design, following the market or through standardization. How does intellectual property impact interoperability? How do these factors interact with standardization? IEEE-SIIT 2015 will explore these, and other, important questions.

IEEE-SIIT conferences aim at bringing together academia, government and industry participants engaged in standardization to foster the exchange of insights and views on all issues surrounding standards, standardization, interoperability and innovation. Contributing academic disciplines include, but are not limited to: Business Studies, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, History, Information Systems, Law, Management Studies and Sociology.


All types of papers (e.g., theoretical, empirical, case studies) are welcome that foster our understanding of interoperability, innovation and standards. Topics include, but are not limited to: 

* Standardization and innovation 
* Standards, intellectual property rights and antitrust law
* Open standards, open source, open innovation
* Standardization policies and regulation
* Standards in support of technology convergence
* Alternative interoperability strategies 
* Adoption, implementation and diffusion of standards
* Standardization management and strategies
* Standards setting processes and organizations 
* Economics of standards
* Impact of standards (e.g., on innovation, competition, or other aspects)
* Standards legitimacy
* Standards education
* History of standardization
* Standardization for developing countries
* Different regional and international standards regimes

A focus on intellectual property rights and standardization

IEEE-SIIT's strengths include addressing cross-discipline standards and standardization issues. IEEE-SIIT 2015 will focus on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and their impact on standards and standardization as a cross-disciplinary issue.  This is an opportunity to discuss not only the legal issues IPR creates, but the social (public good vs. private gain), technical (negotiation of IPR controlled features), Standards Development Organizations? (SDO) policies (Would a common SDO IPR policy help?), economic aspects (What is the cost of controlled IPR in a standard?), and government policy (Should patent examiners consider the impact of patents on standards?).  

Paper Submissions

IEEE-SIIT 2015 accepts submissions which must be original (unpublished) and follow IEEE formatting guidelines. Authors? names and affiliations should appear on a separate cover page only, which should also identify the type of the submission:

* Industry/Academic papers should not exceed 10 pages (including figures, references, etc.). 

* Poster papers should not exceed 2 pages.

* Presentation papers, i.e. intended for presentation only. These will not be published in the conference proceedings or Xplore, in order to allow their publication elsewhere (relevant to certain fields of science). These should not exceed 10 pages (including figures, references, etc.).

To submit a paper, please use the EDAS submission server https://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=19023. 

All papers will undergo a double blind peer-review process. Authors may submit more than one paper, but each author will be allowed to present only one paper during the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register with the conference and present the paper. The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g. removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

Industry/Academic papers that will be included in the conference proceedings, will be made available through IEEE Xplore. Their authors must comply with the IEEE policy on plagiarism including self-plagiarism; authors of papers accepted for publication will be asked to sign an IEEE Copyright Form. Outstanding papers will be considered for inclusion in the International Journal on IT Standards and Standardisation Research (IJITSR).

Important Dates

Submissions due:	             3 April 2015
Notification of acceptance:  26 June 2015
Final paper due:	            31 July 2015

All information about the conference will be announced at http://www.IEEE-SIIT.org.

Travel Grants

We expect to be able to offer travel grants for students and for attendees from developing countries. Please contact Kai Jakobs <Kai.Jakobs@comsys.rwth-aachen.de>.

Patronage Opportunities

Different patronage packages are available to companies and organizations that would like to be visible at this event. Please contact Ken Krechmer <krechmer@isology.com>.

Previous SIIT Conferences

1999	RWTH Aachen Univ., DE		
2001	University of Colorado, Boulder, US
2003	Delft University of Technology, NL	
2005	ITU, Geneva, CH	
2007	University of Calgary, CA
2009	Kogakuin University, Tokyo, JP
2011	TU Berlin, Berlin, DE 
2013 	ETSI, Sophia-Antipolis, FR

Further Information

Please contact Ken Krechmer <krechmer@isology.com>

IEEE-SIIT Steering Committee
Ken Krechmer, US, Chair
Kai Jakobs, RWTH Aachen U., DE, Vice-Chair
Nitin Aggarwal, SJSU, US
Tineke Egyedi, DIRoS, NL 
Alexander Gelman, IEEE, US
Anne Layne-Farrar, Charles River Associates, US
Timothy Schoechle, CU, US
Mostafa Hashem Sherif, AT&T, US
Yatin Trivedi, Synopsys, US

Technical Program Committee 
Tineke Egyedi, DIRoS, NL, Co-Chair
Mostafa Hashem Sherif, AT&T, US, Co-Chair
Martin Adolph, ITU, CH
Nitin Aggarwal, SJSU, US
Rudi Bekkers, TU Eindhoven, NL
Paolo Bellavista, U. Bologna, IT
Karl Best, PMI, US
Knut Blind, TU Berlin & FhG FOKUS, DE; Erasmus U., NL
Nils Brunsson, Uppsala U., SE
Raluca Bunduchi, U. of Edinburgh, UK
Simao Campos, ITU, CH
Donggeun Choi, KSA, KR
Erwin Folmer, TNO, NL
Vladislav Fomin, Vytautas Magnus U., LT
Andrea Fried, U. of LinkÜping, SE
Mehmet Gencer, Istanbuk Bilgi U., TR
Martina Gerst, Tsinghua U., CN
Daniele Gerundino, ISO, CH
Ian Graham U. of Edinburgh, UK
Linda Garcia, Georgetown U., US
Stephan Gauch, HU Berlin, DE 
Richard Hawkins, U. of Calgary, CA
Stefan Henningsson, Copenhagen Business School, DK 
Eric Iversen, NIFU, NO
Kai Jakobs, RWTH Aachen U., DE
Geerten van de Kaa, TU Delft, NL 
Thomas Kalling, U. of Lund, SE
Ken Krechmer, US
Dirk Kuhlmann, HP, UK
Heejin Lee, Yonsei U., KR
Aija Leiponen, Imperial College, UK
Bjorn Lundell, U. of SkÜvde, SE
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve U., US 
Axel Mangelsdorf, BAM, DE 
Arturas Medeisis, ITU, CH 
Anne Mione, U. of Montpellier, FR
Tim Pohlmann, IPlytics, DE 
Roy Rada, UMBC, US
Cesare Riillo, STATEC, LU 
Andrew Russell, Stevens Institute of Technology, US 
Tim Schoechle, US
DongBack Seo, Chungbuk National U., KR
Xiaobai Shen U. of Edinburgh, UK
Jan Smits, TU Eindhoven, NL
Michael Spring, U. of Pittsburgh, US
Kees Stuurman, van Doorne NV, NL
Yatin Trivedi, Synopsys, US 
Klaus Turowski, U. of Magdeburg, DE
Taavi Valdlo, RISO, EE 
Jack Verhoosel, TNO, NL
Willem Wakker, ACE, NL 
Marc van Wegberg, U. of Maastricht, NL 
Robert van Wessel, ABN AMRO, NL
Reinhard Weissinger, ISO, CH
Robin Williams, U. of Edinburgh, UK
Simone Wurster, TU Berlin, DE

Advisory Board 
Carl Cargill, Adobe, US
Jochen Friedrich, IBM, DE
Alexander Gelman, IEEE, US
Anne Layne-Farrar, Charles River Associates, US 
Stephane Tronchon, Qualcomm, US
Andrew Updegrove, Gesmer & Updegrove, US

Local Organizing Committee 
Nitin Aggarwal, SJSU, US
Yatin Trivedi, Synopsys, US


Kai Jakobs

RWTH Aachen University
Computer Science Department
Informatik 4 (Communication and Distributed Systems)
Ahornstr. 55, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49-241-80-21405
Fax:  +49-241-80-22222

EURAS - The European Academy for Standardization. 

The International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research. 

The 'Advances in Information Technology Standards and Standardization Research' book series.

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