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Peter Serdyukov
National University (California)TED, Faculty Member

Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning - Journal leaflet.docx

JRIT&amp;L is a bi-annual refereed research journal published by Emerald Group Publishing in collaboration with National University, La Jolla, CA USA. JRIT&amp;L invites high-quality submissions based on a variety of research topics focusing on transformative innovations and emerging trends in education. The first issue will be published this March. Submissions for the 2nd issue to be published in September of 2017 are accepted until April 15, 2017 via our website at http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/services/publishing/jrit/index.htm. Look for the news on special issues.

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Daniel Keeran MSW Daniel Keeran MSW
College of Mental Health CounselingPresident, Faculty Member

Counselling Skills Resources and Downloads from the College of Mental Health Counselling

Extensive hyperlink listing on one sheet.

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Daniel Keeran MSW Daniel Keeran MSW
College of Mental Health CounselingPresident, Faculty Member

Decision-Making Steps (short form)

structure is the key

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József Böröcz József Böröcz
Rutgers, The State University of New JerseyDepartment of Sociology, Faculty Member

Reaction As Progress: Economists As Intellectuals

The purpose of this chapter is to investigate, largely in abstracto, the epistemic stance of the group of knowledge producers commonly—if imprecisely—known as the Hungarian reform economists. These thinkers won international acclaim during the state socialist period for the remarkably high scholarly standards they achieved in spite of the difficult circumstances in which they had to work.

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Katharina Niemeyer Katharina Niemeyer
Université Paris II - Panthéon-AssasCentre for Interdisciplinary Research and Analysis of the Media (CARISM), Faculty Member

Désigner l’âge d’or : médias et nostalgies d’un espace et d’un temps (a)dorés Le Temps des médias n° 27, Automne-Hiver 2016-2017, p. 16-30./ Designating the Golden Age: media and nostalgias of (g)old times and spaces

Designating the Golden Age: media and nostalgias of (g)old times and spaces After a short reflection on the problematic archival indexation of the Golden Age, this article discusses its recurrent characteristics. The Golden Age is close to the notion of vintage, which means the convergence of a technology, a practice and an innovative thinking that disposes of special narrative, aesthetic or technological qualities and likewise economic success. Settled in a precise time and space, mostly in the past, the Golden Age is often associated to nostalgic feelings. Those can also reveal the dark...

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Open Access Publishing
                                          Group Open Access Publishing Group
The Open UniversityDepartment of Education, Department Member


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a first grade student’s writing at home, school, and university program on her written expression skills. In the research, all the student’s writing was on subjects that she was interested in or ones she chose to write about from her lived experiences or familiar events. A case study method was used to analyze the pictures and literacy experiences. The study showed that the student's literacy skills had developed at an advanced level. Besides the process-based teaching program used at the school, the parents' habit of reading books to...

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Dalson Figueiredo Dalson Figueiredo
Universidade Federal de PernambucoCiência Política, Faculty Member

The victory of the defeated: analyzing the IDEB of the high school in Pernambuco

Este artigo analisa a consistência dos resultados do IDEB 2015 de Pernambuco. Metodologicamente, o desenho de pesquisa combina estatística descritiva, multivariada e entrevistas não estruturadas. As conclusões indicam que: 1) a amostra utilizada para mensurar o teste de avaliação de desempenho não é aleatória, o que inviabiliza a generalização dos resultados; 2) a alta taxa de aprovação infla artificialmente a magnitude do IDEB; 3) não existe correspondência entre a posição de Pernambuco no IDEB e no ENEM; 4) não existe correlação entre o desempenho do IDEB nos diferentes níveis de ensino...

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Gazi Islam Gazi Islam
Grenoble Ecole de ManagementPeople, Organisation & Society, Faculty Member

Appropriating the Abject: An Anthropophagic Approach to Organizational Diversity

This paper discusses the concept of organizational anthropophagy, a metaphor describing a unique relationship between identity and otherness. To show how this perspective contributes to understandings of diversity and difference, I read anthropophagy against psychoanalytic discussions of abjection, a process where individuals are simultaneously fascinated by, drawn towards, and horrified by their relationships to outside “others”. Stemming from the global periphery, anthropophagy provides a way to combine psychoanalytic with sociological views of otherness. I stress the implications of...

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Katharina Niemeyer Katharina Niemeyer
Université Paris II - Panthéon-AssasCentre for Interdisciplinary Research and Analysis of the Media (CARISM), Faculty Member

Lambert, Frédéric; Niemeyer Katharina, Introduction. L’actualité en performances : art & médias, Communication & langages / Volume 2016 / Numéro 190 / December 2016, pp 25-40.

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Ignacio González
                                          Bozzolasco Ignacio González Bozzolasco
Universidad Católica de AsunciónCiencias Sociales, Faculty Member

Haciendo investigación en ciencias sociales en Paraguay

El trabajo analiza la dinámica de producción, circulación y uso de la investigación en el área de ciencias sociales en el Paraguay.

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