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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP_The 17th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business - TrustBus2020
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:10:59 +0100
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana@jku.at>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP


The 17th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in
Digital Business - TrustBus2020

September 14 - 17, 2020
Bratislava, Slovakia

email: trustbus2020@easychair.org
Papers submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=trustbus2020

Paper submission: March 16, 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2020
Camera-ready copies due: June 19, 2020
All accepted conference papers will be published in a volume of "Lecture
Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) by Springer. All published papers will
be indexed appropriately in all major indexes. Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published, after
revision and extension, in special issues of international journals.
*** SCOPE ***
New computing paradigms, such as cloud computing, big data and the
Internet of Things open new horizons to businesses by making possible
the provision of high quality services all over the world. All these
developments ultimately aim at improving our quality of life, at making
it easier to generate wealth, and at ensuring that businesses remain
competitive in the global marketplace. These developments have been made possible in a remarkably short time
span, by virtue of the fact that information and communication
technologies move fast; sometimes they move too fast for society and for
governments. This explains why such rapid technological evolutions
cannot be problem-free. In the domain of digital businesses, concerns
are raised regarding the lack of trust in electronic procedures and the
extent to which information security and user privacy can be ensured. In answer to these concerns, the 17th International Conference on Trust,
Privacy and Security in Digital Business (TrustBus’20) will provide an
international forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange
information regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice
of trust and privacy in digital business. TrustBus’20 will bring together researchers from different disciplines,
developers, and users all interested in the critical success factors of
digital business systems. We are interested in papers, work-in-progress
reports, and industrial experiences describing advances in all areas of
digital business applications related to trust and privacy, including,
but not limited to:
- Anonymity and pseudonymity - Common practices, legal and regulatory issues in digital business - Delivery technologies and scheduling protocols - Economics of information systems security and privacy - Enterprise management and consumer protection - Intellectual property and digital rights management - Languages for description of services and contracts - Models for access control and authentication - Cryptographic building-blocks for e-business applications - Business architectures and underlying infrastructures - Design of business models with security requirements - Electronic cash, wallets and pay-per-view systems - Security, privacy and trust in e-services - Cloud computing security and privacy - Identity management, identity theft and trust management - Information audit and trust - Trust and reputation in digital business environments - Security and privacy in cyber physical systems - Methodologies for privacy by design and by default - Methodologies for privacy impact assessment - Privacy and Security Patterns - Security and privacy governance and management - Intrusion detection and information filtering - Online transaction processing - PKI & PMI - Security of - Security, privacy and trust in real-time Internet e-Services - Reliability and security of content and data - Reputation in services provision - Secure process integration and management - Reliable auction, e-procurement and negotiation technology - Transactional Models - Security, privacy and trust in mobile commerce environments - Usability of security and privacy technologies and services - Security and privacy models for pervasive information systems - Shopping, trading, and contract management tools - Security and privacy policies - Multi-factor authentication schemes - Accountability, Transparency and Interven-ability - Security and privacy in big data processing - Security and privacy of mobile applications *** SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ***
Authors are invited to electronically submit original papers not
previously published nor submitted in parallel for publication to any
other conference, workshop or journal. Papers should be limited to 15
pages including title page, figures and bibliography.
Formatting guidelines: http://www.dexa.org/formatting_guidelines
Online Papers Submission:
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated by the respective program
chairs based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and
clarity of exposition.
*** Conference Chairs ***
General Chair:
Sokratis K. Katsikas, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Norway & Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Committee co-Chairs:
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Edgar R. Weippl, SBA Research, Austria

Program Committee Members: http://www.dexa.org/trustbus2020

For further inquires please contact PC Chair/co-Chairs

Hesti Sudjana Departement of Telecooperation Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria

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