CABS 2014: Full paper deadline extension until
Thursday 13 March
Upon multiple request the CABS'14 full paper
deadline will be extended to Thursday 13 March.
5th ACM International Conference on Collaboration
Across Boundaries (CABS):
Kyoto, Japan
Collaboration across Boundaries: Culture, Distance,
& Technology 2014 (CABS
2014) is an international and interdisciplinary
conference focused on
exploring the nature and ways to facilitate
intercultural collaboration,
including improvements enabled by technology. CABS
2014 is the 5th
international conference in the series formerly held
as International
Conference on Intercultural Collaboration (ICIC).
CABS aims to be a multidisciplinary forum that
integrates the socio-cultural
and technical perspectives, with the objective of
exchanging the latest
results of studying and supporting intercultural
March 13, 2014:
Submission Deadline for Full Papers, Panels, and
April 30, 2014:
Notification of Acceptance for Full Papers, Panels, and
June 4, 2014:
Notification of Acceptance for Late-Breaking Papers.
June 25, 2014:
Final camera-ready papers due (Full Papers, Late-Breaking
Papers, Panels, Workshops).
Full Papers
Full papers must present original work with
contributions to research and
practice of intercultural collaboration. All full
papers will be evaluated
using a double-blind review process. Accepted
authors have the option of
having their paper included or NOT to be included in
the ACM digital library
included, only the abstract of the paper will be
included in the ACM Digital
Library. Those unpublished papers can be
re-submitted and published at other
conference proceedings (including ACM conferences)
or journals.
Full papers can be up to 10 pages long. Submission
for a full paper should
be thoroughly anonymized and formatted according to
Publications Format using the SIGCHI Papers
Template. Papers should be
submitted through the Precision Conference System
information and the downloadable templates.
To facilitate the interdisciplinary reviewing
process, authors of full
papers are asked to categorize their papers by theme
(one of three themes)
to help us direct papers to the most appropriate
reviewers. The three themes
are: Communication & Management,
Computer-Mediated Collaboration, and
Cross-linguistic Collaboration. Although some papers
will fit within
multiple themes and others may not be an ideal fit
for any of them, we ask
the authors to choose the closest theme. We will
strive to recruit the most
appropriate reviewers for all papers.
Below are examples of types of contributions a paper
in any of the three
themes can make to CABS:
- DESCRIPTIONS of intercultural and multilingual
experiences: Dynamics of
global teams, social networks and communities of
practice, globally
distributed work in virtual context, language use in
multicultural and
global teams.
- METHODOLOGIES and frameworks for studying global
Developing instruments for measuring culture
including surveys, experimental
paradigms, computational frameworks, etc..
- THEORIES and models for understanding cultures
such as modeling culture,
intercultural collaboration, and language varieties.
collaboration: Field studies of
intercultural collaboration in global organizations
and/or in local
communities, ethnographic studies on different
infrastructure and media use
across nations, laboratory studies on the use of
technologies, etc..
- TRANSLATION and transition of language and
practice: Use of language on
the Internet, translating different norms and
shaping new practices in
global teams, issues of translating language and
practices, effects of
e-learning on culture diversity.
across boundaries:
Education/learning, global enterprise, information
and knowledge
- INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES for collaboration across
boundaries: HCI
technologies, robots, conversational agents,
language and speech
technologies to overcome culture and language
Late-Breaking Papers (Work in Progress)
Authors are encouraged to submit their late-breaking
papers to present as
posters during the conference. Late-breaking papers
will be published in the
ACM Digital Library, if the authors wish to do so
(see above). Late-breaking
papers should be no longer than 4 two-column pages
in length, formatted
according to the ACM SIGCHI template. Please see the
SIGCHI author
information and downloadable templates.
Late-Breaking Papers should be
submitted through the Precision Conference System
reviewed. Authors should include their complete
names and contact
information at the top of their submitted PDF file.
Submitted late-breaking
papers will not be divided into three subcommittees.
They will be reviewed
by a panel of distinguished researchers in the area
of intercultural
General Co-Chairs
Vanessa Evers (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Naomi Yamashita (NTT Communication Science
Laboratories, Japan)
Program Co-Chairs
ã»Computer Mediated Collaboration: Susan Fussell
(Cornell University, USA)
ã»Cross-linguistic Communication: Carolyn Rose
(Carnegie Mellon University,
ã»Management and Communication: Mary Beth
Watson-Manheim (University of
Illinois at Chicago (UIC), USA)
Program Committee
ã» Computer Supported Collaboration
Pernille Bjorn (IT University of Copenhagen,
Hideaki Kuzuoka (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Gloria Mark (University of California, Irvine, USA)
John Thomas (IBM, USA)
Hao-Chuan Wang (National Tsing Hua University,
ã» Cross-linguistic Communication
Seza Dogruoz (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
Rohit Kumar (BBN Technologies, USA)
Kristine Lund (University of Lyon, France)
Stephan Vogel (Qatar Computing Research Institute,
Janyce Wiebe (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
ã» Management and Communication
Wai Fong Boh (Nanyang Technological University,
Miriam Erez (Technion - Israel Institute of
Technology, Israel)
Paul Leonardi (Northwestern University, USA)
Michael O'Leary (Georgetown University, USA)
Sundeep Sahay (University of Oslo, Norway)