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Betreff: [WI] 2nd CfP: Crowd Dynamics: Conflicts, Contradictions, and Cooperation Issues in Crowdsourcing (Int. Journal on CSCW)
Datum: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 07:59:31 +0000
Von: Ludwig, Thomas <thomas.ludwig@uni-siegen.de>
Antwort an: Ludwig, Thomas <thomas.ludwig@uni-siegen.de>
An: wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>

[Apologies for cross-postings]

2nd Call for Papers

Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices (JCSCW)
Special Issue on Crowd Dynamics: Conflicts, Contradictions, and Cooperation Issues in Crowdsourcing

Organizing Special Issue Editors
Thomas Ludwig (University of Siegen), Karin Hansson (Stockholm University), Tanja Aitamurto (Stanford University), Neha Gupta (University of Nottingham)

Deadline for Submissions
March, 31 2017

Through this special issue we aim to make contributions towards the emerging and intriguing subject of crowdsourcing and enrich academia’s understanding of individual and collaborative aspects of crowdsourcing.


Scope of the Special Issue

Unfair reputation systems, slow payments, lack of transparency, discrimination, misunderstandings and misinterpretations, lack of access to decision-making or socio-spatial inequalities are only some of the many reasons for conflicts in crowdsourcing. The divisive logic of the system, its related tools and practices as well as the sharing processes in the peer-community creates interesting dynamics and new foci on old conflicts.

The development of new types of working relationships has previously been problematized for several reasons. For example, Irani and Silberman (2014) have questioned crowd-worker dynamics from a labor rights perspective, leading to calls for collective action by crowd workers (Salehi et al., 2015). Martin et al’s (2014, 2016) analysis of the online discussion in the community of workers at the Mechanical Turk, shows the tensions between the dividing logic of the system and the information-sharing practices in the community. Gupta et al’s (2014) study of Indian workers shows how lack of control over the work environment affect participants work practices. Other common conflicts are due to rejected work, slow or unfair payments, lack of transparency, or technical problems (Six et al., 2010).

In the area of digital democracy, digital differentiation and inequalities within the crowd becomes problematic (Hansson, 2014). Studies of Amazon Mechanical Turk (Fort et al., 2011), Wikipedia (Menking & Erikson, 2015; Ortega et al., 2008), Twitter (Duggan et al., 2015) and crowdsourced policymaking (Aitamurto and Landemore, 2016) indicate a lack of representativeness in terms of age, gender and education. Cultural geographers have also pointed out the hegemonic discourses and socio-spatial relations in the geographic web (Crampton et al., 2013; Soden & Palen, 2014; Shelton, 2014). But crowdsourcing, nowadays, also has an impact on physical “offline” activities, such as conducting voluntary work in crisis management (Ludwig et al., 2015) or making use of the large part of population to contribute to scientific challenges via crowdsourcing, defined as Citizen Science (Irwin, 1995). The physical circumstances and potential conflicts, such as endangering voluntary crowd workers or citizen “scientists” also needs to be considered.

However, there is a need of studies of actual work practices in crowd-work settings and a more empirical research on the conflicts and dynamics within the more fluid work and interactive relations in crowd work. There is also a lack of a more structured overview of typologies of participation indicating levels of power and agency in the context of crowd work and crowdsourcing at large. This special issue therefore focuses on research exploring actual reasons, practices, power relations, and dynamics of conflicts within crowdsourcing and crowd work.

Sample Topics

We invite participants from a diversity of disciplines and perspectives to contribute with insights about types of crowdsourcing in practice, to deepen our understanding of actual work practices and relations in contexts such as crowd work, peer-production and citizen science. Furthermore, we also aim to gather typologies of participation examining and explaining power relations of crowd work. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):


Manuscripts are submitted via the online manuscript system at:
Submission type: SI: Crowd Dynamics

Further information, including JCSCW submission procedures and advice on formatting and preparing manuscripts, can be found at:

To discuss a possible contribution please contact the special issue editors at

With best regards,
Thomas Ludwig.


Dr. Thomas Ludwig (Dipl.-Wirt.Inf.)

Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik
Universität Siegen, Fakultät III
Kohlbettstraße 15
57072 Siegen

Raum: US-D 104 (Campus Unteres Schloss)
Tel.: +49 271 740-4070
Mobil: +49 176 62656570
E-Mail: thomas.ludwig@uni-siegen.de


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